Lee A. Smith
Lee A. Smith was born on September 4, 1929, in Wildwood, Florida. He completed his high school education when he obtained his GED. He was drafted into the US Army in December of 1950 and was sent to Korea in 1952. He uniquely served as a fire fighter with the 525 Fire Fighting Detachment in Incheon and was tasked with protecting the fuel supplies that were stored there. Aside from attending to the military needs, the unit was also tasked with helping the local community in the event of fires. Just as his time to return home was approaching, the armistice was signed. The point system for going home was replaced with tours, and his service was extended for an additional year. He never revisited Korea, but it remains a strong desire. He served with pride and was glad to help a country which could not help itself alone.
Video Clips
Raining Fire
Lee Smith describes his experience with raining fire. He shares how while serving as a fire fighter in the Army at the port of Incheon, one of his main jobs was to protect the petroleum storage area. He explains the danger of fifty-five gallon drums of fuel being hit by mortar fire and how the fuel would rain down as fire.
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Service as a Firefighter
Lee Smith describes his service in the US Army as a firefighter. He speaks about how his duties not only pertained to the military instillation but to the community as well. He shares how their role was to help battle fires within the community by sending tankers and manpower when available. He recalls there being many such fires to assist with.
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