John Halliday
John Halliday enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1950 and traveled to the Korean peninsula in 1952. During his assignment with the tactical control group, he was part of a three-person team tasked with calling in airstrikes. Of particular note, his interest in mathematics was so strong that he completed calculus courses from the University of California while off duty on the frontline. Shortly after his service in Korea, he embarked on a career as an engineer with multiple companies designing missile guidance systems for the United States Navy.
Video Clips
Close to the Enemy
John Halliday describes working in a three-man team calling in airstrikes. In their forward observation positions, he notes their position was so close they could visually observe the enemy without the use of a telescope. He emphasizes how he was very lucky to have not been wounded during any of his missions.
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Calculus by Candlelight
John Halliday describes completing mathematics courses through the University of California at Berkeley while in Korea. While other soldiers were sleeping or participating in other activities during their downtime, he explains being driven to solve calculus by candlelight. He shares how he used benefits from the GI Bill and California to pursue his passion. He emphasizes he was interested in the knowledge and not necessarily the degree.
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A Lucky Man
John Halliday discusses some lucky moments in Korea. While in Seoul, he remembers an officer asking him to accompany him on a survey flight. As they prepared to leave, he recalls realizing he did not have his field jacket. By the time he arrived back with his jacket, he shares the pilot had taken off with another soldier. He remembers preparing to head back to the DMZ and finding out the plane crashed with no survivors. He reminisces about another experience in which he was chosen to guide in Marilyn Monroe's plane.
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