Korean War Legacy Project

Harry C. Graham Jr.


Harry C. Graham, Jr., was born on December 26, 1929 in West Willow, Pennsylvania. He attended Manheim Township High School before dropping out to enlist in the United States Army in July of 1948. He attended basic training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, followed by Communications School at Fort Dix, New Jersey. In October of 1948, he was deployed to Japan, and was attached to the 1st Cavalry Division, 12th Cavalry Regiment, B Company as a Radio Operator. He participated in the Battle of Inchon Landing and the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, where he was wounded. Upon returning to the United States in 1950, he was awarded a Purple Heart.

Video Clips

Frostbitten and Wounded

Harry C. Graham talks about his experience during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. He describes suffering frostbite and being shot through the shoulder while performing his duties as a Radio Operator. He was evacuated on a truck convoy, narrowly escaping the heavy fighting against the Chinese.

Tags: 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 11/27-12/13,Chinese,Cold winters,Fear,Front lines,Physical destruction,Weapons

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Escape from the Battle of Chosin Reservoir

Harry C. Graham talks about his escape from the Battle of Chosin Reservoir. He describes having to wait until dark to traverse a mountain by foot because of being stranded in trucks on the mountainside. He recounts how after hours of walking, he and seven fellow soldiers found themselves in a minefield before being rescued by United States Marines.

Tags: 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 11/27-12/13,Chinese,Cold winters,Fear,Front lines,Weapons

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Training and the Inchon Landing

Harry C. Graham describes his arrival in Korea. He details the circumstances of training Republic of Korea (ROK) soldiers at Mt. Fuji, in Japan, before moving on to take part at the Inchon Landing in September of 1950. He describes his first impressions of Korea.

Tags: 1950 Incheon Landing, 9/15-9/19,Incheon,Fear,Front lines,Impressions of Korea,Prior knowledge of Korea,South Koreans,Weapons

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Video Transcript


[Beginning of Recorded Material]

H:        Harry C. Graham, Jr.  Graham.  G R A H A M.

I:          And your first name is Harry.

H:        Harry.

I:          Yeah.  What is your birthday?

H:        Harry C.

I:          Yeah.  What is your birthday?

H:        Oh, I’m sorry.  Uh, December 26, 1929.

I:          You born in year of Great Depression.

H:        And day after Christmas, too.

I:          Day after Christmas.  Yeah.  Where were you born?

H:        I was born in


Willow Street.

I:          Where?

H:        West Willow.

I:          West.

H:        Willow.

I:          Willar?

H:        West Willow.

I:          Uh, W I

H:        L L

I:          Um hm.

H:        There’s Will Street, and there’s West Will.  I was born in West Willow.

I:          Lancaster, here.

H:        Yes.  Yes.

I:          Right.

H:        That, that’s right down the street from here.

I:          Huh.

H:        Okay.

I:          You never been out of this, uh, State except for the Korean War.

H:        Yeah.  Yep, yeah.

I:          So tell me about


your family when you were growing up, your parents and your siblings.

H:        Uh, my dad was, uh, oldest one of 13 children and, uh, so my sister and I are the oldest one of the, the, of the, grandchildren.

I:          Hm.

H:        that’s living, yeah.  And, uh, like I said, I was born in Willow, West Willow, I’ll get that right.  West Willow.


And I went to, make, live up, to Neffsville, uh, went to Manheim Township High School.

I:          What?

H:        Manheim Township High School.

I:          Could you spell it, Manheim, right?

H:        Yep.   Manheim.

I:          M A N H E I M.

H:        Right.

I:          Manheim High School?

H:        Yeah, Township.

I:          When did you graduate?

H:        I quit the last year and joined the Army.

I:          Um hm.  When was that?


When did you quit?

H:        When’d I quit?

I:          Yeah.

H:        That would have been, been 19, uh, 48.

I:          And you enlisted?

H:        Right.  July of 1948 I enlisted in the service.  Three hours from Lancaster the same time.

I:          And where did you get the basic military training?

H:        I took basic training in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. That’s 82ndAirborne Division.


I:          Oh.

H:        Yep.

I:          And so you, you received the training for Airborne?

H:        Received what?

I:          Training for Airborne.

H:        No.

I:          No.

H:        No.  They begged us, they

I:          Just regular.

H:        Yeah, regular trained, yeah.  They wanted us to join them, but I said no, I.

I:          You don’t want it.

H:        No, no. You know, I want to stay on the ground. We don’t want to drop from high.

I:          You want to be on the ground.

H:        Don’t want to drop from the sky down, no, yeah.

I:          So after that, where did you go?


H:        From there, uh, oh boy, went to, uh, Fort Dix, New Jersey, uh, for about two weeks down there and, uh, they, uh, interviewed us there, and then we got on a train and went to, uh, Seattle, Washington.

I:          Seattle?

H:        Yeah, Fort Lawton in Seattle, Washington, Seattle, and we got on a boat and went to Japan.

I:          When was it?


H:        That was in, uh, October, November, October, I’m sorry, October.

I:          Oh.  19?

H:        1948.

I:          ’48.

H:        Yeah.

I:          Wow.  From Lawton?

H:        Yeah.

I:          Yeah.  So what was your unit then?

H:        Ah, it was, then we were gonna be the 1st Cav, the 12thCav Regiment.


I:          I’m sorry?

H:        First Cav.

I:          First Cavalry?

H:        Yes.

I:          Oh.

H:        12thCav Regiment.  We went to Camp McGill outside of Tokyo.

I:          First Cavalry and what?

H:        First Cav Division.

I:          First Cavalry Division.

H:        Yes.

I:          Yeah.

H:        First Cav Division, 12thCav Regiment.

I:          Twelfth

H:        Cav Re, Regiment.

I:          Uh huh.

H:        Yeah.

I:          So in Japan, why, why were you dispatched to Japan?


H:        I have no idea.

I:          Uh huh.

H:        I have no idea.

I:          No special mission, but you just pick up.

H:        Yeah, yeah.  That was in 1948.  They just moved us all around then.

I:          And so what did you do in Japan?

H:        Well, we took train, training and, and all and, uh, we were down there, oh, I’d say a couple years, and then we went from there to Hachinohe, North of Sendai and, uh,


we took man, maneuvers up there, and, and that was in 1950 when they said this thing’s getting hot over in Korea.  North Korea invaded South Korea, and, uh, you already had, um, a couple of divisions over, excuse me, over there then at the time.  So then we end up being deployed out of there the base of, uh, Japan that, um, I can’t think what the name of that


I:          Sasebo?

H:        No, not Sasebo.

I:          Yokosuka?

H:        Uh, I’m trying to think of the mountain there.

I:          Oh.  Fuji.

H:        Yeah, Mt., Mt., Mt. Fuji.  We took maneuvers there on the base in Mt. Fuji.

I:          Um hm.

H:        And, uh, we had got some Korean recruiters from Korea over, and we hadda a show them how to fire a rifle and all at that time, and then we got deployed out of there,


in September, we, we got on a ship and went to Inchon.

I:          Um.

H:        Inchon. Marines landed there, and we come in and, behind Marines, and Marines went through to Seoul, and we went on the outskirts to catch the, uh, North Koreans coming out of Seoul.

I:          So when you landed in Inchon, already


the Marines already landed there, right?

H:        They already there, right, yeah.

I:          So do you remember when you landed in

H:        September 15th.

I:          15th?  You did, too?

H:        Yep.

I:          So you were in the Inchon Landing.

H:        September 15th, yeah, right, yeah.

I:          Tell me about that Inchon Landing.  How was it?

H:        Well, MacArthur was, was pretty smart because, uh, he waited till the water and, um, the water’d come in, you know, so we could get in because it was really


shallow, shallow in there.  He had to wait till the water come in.  And, uh, so we got off our ship, went down the side of the, the boat, went in on, on, uh, PT, what do you call them, bomb, I forget that stuff.  I’m 88 years old.  I forget some of that stuff.  Uh, and, uh, like I said, we went in and, uh, we went on the outskirts.  It was nice going in.  There wasn’t not, not, no combat because the Marines


already was in ahead of us.  And, uh,

I:          But, I want you to tell me when you joined that Inchon Landing, how was it?  In the ship, were you afraid, was it dark or were you able to see any enemies, things

H:        All, all we

I:          like that, real experience of your own.

H:        Oh, all we, we could, uh, we could see, but we hadn’t, we couldn’t see no enemy or nothing, no, not at all.  No, we couldn’t see nothing at all.

I:          Hm.


And were there, so there was no resistance?

H:        No.  No. Marines had the first

I:          Right.

H:        Going in.

I:          Um hm.

H:        Yeah.  But we went on the outskirts, and we had, uh, resistance

I:          Um hm.

H:        from, uh, North Koreans then.

I:          So what was your first impression of the Inchon?

H:        Well, it was, the buil, the buildings and that was much smaller than what they are today, yeah.  I, uh,

I:          Have you been back to Korea?

H:        Huh?

I:          Have you been back to Korea?

H:        No.

I:          No.  How do you know that it’s a smaller than today?


H:        Well, I’d see, see some of the other small cities that I went through.

I:          Uh huh.

H:        And I figured they were, I figured they might have been a little larger than some of the smaller, uh, towns that we went through.

I:          Yeah.

H:        Yep.  We could see from the mountains down into Seoul

I:          Um hm.

H:        Yeah.

I:          How was the Seoul that you saw?

H:        Well, it looked like a bunch of shacks.


But the capitol looked, uh, a little larger than some of the, the buildings there.

I:          Um hm.

H:        Yeah.

I:          And you didn’t know anything about Korea before, right?

H:        No I didn’t, not a thing.

I:          The school didn’t teach about Korea?

H:        No, no.

I:          No.

H:        Maybe they do now.

I:          [LAUGHS] A little but not much.

H:        Yeah.

I:          So you didn’t know anything about Korea

H:        No, I didn’t.

I:          Just tell me what as your first impression of


Korea that you saw.

H:        Well, I thought it was a poor country, very poor country.

I:          Um hm.

H:        And, uh, I understand why we, uh, got involved [INAUDIBLE]  because North Korea invaded South Korea, so we, they were one of our allies because I think at the time, they had soldiers stationed


there down in Pusan, I think we’ve some there, yeah.  There were some stationed down there, right, for me and we had, yeah.

I:          Um.  So you, and what was your specialty at the time?

H:        I was a radio operator.  I carried that heavy radio on my back.  Today, they got much more technology, uh, than, than we had.

I:          Um.  And what was your, um, unit, First Cavalry Division, 12thCavalry Regiment.

H:        Right.


I:          And company or any lower unit?

H:        B Company.

I:          B Company.

H:        B Company.  Twelfth Cav Regiment

I:         Okay. So up from Inchon to Seoul, there was not much resistance.

H:        No, no.

I:          Outskirts of the Seoul, did you engage in a battle?

H:        Yeah.  Yes.

I:          Tell me about it.  Detail please because this, you not, it’s not for me.  it’s for


our young children.

H:        Yes.  I understand.

I:          So please describe detail.

H:        We were on the outskirts of the mountains, like I say. Wa, watching the, catching, uh, the North Koreans coming out of Seoul to escape from the Marines, and we were in the mountains, and we were picking them off.  But there was a little shack down in a hollow.  We seen a guy going in there.  He had a uniform on.


When he came out, he didn’t have a uniform on.  He had civilian clothes on and, uh, they went down, and they picked him.  They picked him up as, as a prisoner of war then. And from there, we, uh, far away to, uh, Kimpo Air, Air Force base and, uh, we were put, uh, meet up with another, I don’t know the outfit it was anymore.


They came in the other side of Kimpo, met up with them and, uh, we fought there for a while, and then he sighed, and he said we’re gonna go, uh, South that, at the time, 19, uh, 50, he, uh, said that, uh, things were getting bad over in Germany, and the Division in Korea


was gonna go to Germany.

I:          Hm.

H:        So they end up putting us on, uh, six bys and, uh, sent us down to, uh, Pusan on that dirty road down there.  It wasn’t blacktop at the time, uh.  And, uh, I’m getting ahead of my story here a little. Uh, 1949, uh, 7thDivision


moved out of Korea and, uh, we were the 12thFirst Cav, 12thCav Regiment. We became the 7thDivision of, of the 32ndand the 31stand the 17thRegiment of the 7thDivision, and that 1stCav outfit that we were all in, the coloreds went to the States,


and we became the 7thDivision of the 32ndand 31st, and it, and from there we moved to Hachinohe.

I:          Um hm.

H:        And, and, uh, fought and camped up there. That’s when, uh, uh, we got word that the Chinese were gonna, uh, not Chi, um, um North Koreans, um, uh, invaded South Korea.


But that’s when they, uh, we went, like I said, went to, we went to, uh, uh, count, Mt., Mt. Fuji.

I:          Um hm.

H:        I should have had that in there before.

I:          Yeah, yeah.

H:        And, um, so, uh, we got on a, on a ship down there. Well, we didn’t go to Germany.  We made a A1 landing and they said it was landing in Ewan, North Korea.


I:          Ewan?

H:        Ewan, yeah.

I:          Um hm.

H:        And, uh, we went, we had no resistance whatsoever when we landed there.  We got in we, and they would, they load us up when, uh, uh, railroad cars, and we went north. Things were pretty well.  The North Koreans were pretty well out of that sit, situation, and the Marines had landed below us there, a big,


but we landed in Wonsan.

I:          They landed in Wonsan.

H:        Yeah, Wonsan.

I:          You landed in Ewan.

H:        Uh, yeah.  Ewan, yeah.

I:          Yeah.

H:        And, uh, so then we fought our way up, up to the Reservoir, uh.  We got up there.  The Marines were already at the Reservoir.

I:          Um.

H:        So we were relieved the Marines at, uh, east of the Chosin Reservoir at the power plant up there.  Then we, uh,


we didn’t have no action around there much at all.  Uh, and then, uh, we end up, went across the, uh, body of water, power plant to a mountain on the other side and, uh, uh, I was a radio operator like I say. I was put out front to observe if anything’s coming or not.  And, uh, uh, I looked back.


I didn’t see any more of our guys back there.  I said I wonder what’s going on, where, where they at.  So I crawled back and got back wasn’t nobody around.  So I went down over the mountain.  So got down to the corner, and I hadda go cross, cross the ice at the, below the dam there.  And when I got going across, I, they were firing at me.


The ice would, bullets would hit the ice and pop up.  I got on the other side.  There were GIs standing, I knew the 57thField Artillery was over there.

I:          Um hm.

H:        That was part of our,

I:          Um hm.

H:        Part of our, uh, uh, outfit and, uh, when I got on the other side, like I said, a man was standing there.  I think he come up and approached me, a GI.  He said, uh, do you know John Dangrow?


I said yes.  I said we went to service to get out of Lancaster.  He said I’m his brother.  I said what are you doing here because they weren’t supposed to have two brothers in the same war, you know.

I:          Right.

H:        He said I volunteered.  He volunteered.  So we were there about five days or so at, um, the Reservoir.  East, East, Easter Reservoir.

I:          East Coast Reservoir.

H:        And, uh, when I was there,


they were saying, like I said I was a radio operator.  They said everybody available get down by the railroad tracks.  He said, they’re breaking through down there. We need help down there.  So I started down, and I got hit.

I:          You got hit?

H:        Yeah.  I got hit

I:          Where?

H:        Right through here.

I:          Oh.

H:        It came this way.  Naturally it knocked me down.  So I couldn’t go anymore.


So they, they got them stopped from coming through.  So then they were going out that were going all, wounded men were gonna load up on the 6 by trucks.  We’re gonna make a break out, and I was in the last truck, uh, wounded truck.  When I got in there, the bullets was coming through.


One come through the side of, the side there and went across. They got a side, and a GI was sitting over there.  It hit him in the stomach and he hollered something terrible. I said well, I made up my mind. I’m getting out of this and get down along the side of the truck.

I:          Um.

H:        Maybe it’d be safer there.  So I crawled out and got down the other side, and we started to move a little, and then all of a sudden they said they were breaking in on the right


side of our 6 by trucks, all these trucks.  There was, I’d say there were 15 or 20 trucks altogether that was, all had wounded guys in. And they asked for air support. They dropped Napalm gas in and bombs in there which is a jelly

I:          Um hm.

H:        fire.  And it dropping a little too close and caught a bunch of our guys, and when that stuff hits you,


it burns you to death.

I:          Were you able to walk with the?

H:        Well, they were, our guys were, was fighting the

I:          No, no, no.  I’m, I’m talking about you.  Were you able to walk with the wounds?

H:        Yeah, yeah.  I was, yeah.  Yeah, I was able to walk, but my feet hurt me bad because they

I:          Yeah.

H:        I had them frostbitten bad.

I:          Yeah.

H:        Forty below zero.  So we didn’t have the right kind of shoe packs or nothing.

I:          Remember when


were you wounded?

H:        December.

I:          Um hm.

H:        The fifth.  December the second.

I:          Second.

H:        Yeah.  And we broke out December the fifth there to go South.  Eh.

I:          So you were surrounded by Chinese soldiers.

H:        Oh yeah.  Well we didn’t know they were Chinese at the time.

I:          Yeah.

H:        I mean until they, they captured a couple when they found out they weren’t Chinese cause that’s, we really had the war won until they enter, entered the, entered the, the j, uh, the, the world, war.


I:          How were they, the Chinese?  Were they good fighting or what?  What was

H:        Well, I wasn’t never had any of them close to me. So that ain’t one to, to pick me off. I’d rather pick them off than pick me off and, uh, but, uh, what happened, what they do at nighttime when it’s real night, dark, they, uh, blow bugles, whistles, like at,


That was their communication, and at nights when they would throw up flares and start moving, they run, come in you like a herd of buffalos.  They just

I:          Haha.

H:        Machine gun them down, and then they’d turn around, and they go back, run back over their wounded and dead. So anyhow, we made a breakout, tried to make the breakout.  They said breakout the best way


you can.  We cannot help you because Marines tried to help us, and they couldn’t get up cause they had road blocks all blocked them up. Then at the time, there were Chinese which we didn’t know and, uh, so we’d lay in the side of the road, all the trucks and, and, uh, they said we just gonna have to wait and see what we can do at nighttime.  And some guys couldn’t wait, and they started up over the, the


mountain, and they were picking them off like flies, and everybody hollered at them wait, stay, wait until it gets dark.  So we’re all sitting along the side of the bank, had all the wounded guys in these trucks. So when nighttime come

I:          And it was awfully cold.

H:        Well, boy I’d say it was, yep.  It was snowing terrible,


and we heard the whistles blowing a little.  A bunch of us was there.  We said let’s get out of here.  Let’s go. So started up over the, over the mountain.  We didn’t know what was up on the other side, not at all.  When we got up over, I got up on top there were, there were seven of us together and, uh, the one guy was a Lieutenant, and he said we’re gonna go down the other side of


the mountain. But all, stay behind one another. Don’t spread out.  Stay behind one another.  So we stayed behind one another.  We got down.  We saw the railroad tracks.  So he said we’re gonna take the railroad tracks down, but we know it was going South, tracks.  So we run, walked down the railroad tracks for miles and miles of cold, and then he said here’s a road.  We’re


gonna get over on the road, possibility of maybe somebody will come up through there and see it. But over in the road, so we walked down, and been there for, for quite a while and, uh, we come, the Lieutenant says there’s 55 gallon drums sitting on the dr, on the road down here.  We went a little farther, and somebody hollered halt, who goes there?  The, and the Lieutenant says


what’s the pass, or they hollered what’s the password?  We said we don’t know the password.  We’re a part of the 7thDivision from the Reservoir.  Oh, don’t none of you guys move.  Stay right where you’re at.  I tell you.  Don’t move. We’ll come out and escort you out. You’re standing in mine fields.

I:          Um.

H:        So they escorted us out and took, uh, there was, I think, there was three of us there that was wounded, and the Marines put us


in, in a first aid station there, and the ones that wound, was severe when they put us on three or four, uh, a C47 plane and flew us out of Korea there to Japan.

I:          Oh.

H:        To Japan.  And I went to Kyoto Army Hospital.  I was there a short while.  And then from there they sent me to



I:          Um hm.

H:        Army Hospital.  And, uh, I spent, uh, five months in a hospital there, and when I got there I had my bullet wound which I know I had.  I knew I had bad frostbit feet bad, but I didn’t know at the time I had yellow jaundice.  I caught yellow jaundice cause when I was on the plane coming over, they had give us chicken, and we ate chicken, and I, uh, uh, knew, uh, a foreigner news commentator


was laying on the floor to go back to Japan, and I got sick eating that chicken.  They said that, and I throwed up all over her, and, I don’t know.  She said something, I don’t know what she said, but my, I have an idea what she said, and a black guy was sitting next to me.  He grabbed that bag and put it over my, my mouth so if I have to puke any more. And then, uh, they said that’s what I had, yellow jaundice.  That’s what

I:          Um hm.

H:        Food smells good and all, but when you eat it


you can’t keep it down.  So I spent five months in Japan, and then I got rotated out of there, but I didn’t miss something I should have said before.  When, uh, I, when us seven guys got to the top of the mountain there, uh, then we knew there were Chinese that came in and, uh, they throwed grenades


and all the boat, the, all the, uh, trucks that was there and blowed up all the wounded guys and killed them, they, all right there, all of them they throwed.  I forgot to mention that, um.  And, uh, when we got, we got only down there further with, the Lieutenant said look back.  He said I see fire back there.  He said why? I said well, he said, that’s probably


trucks are burning up when they throwed them grenades, you know, on the, on the bodies there, and there’s where they find the, they found a lot of bodies, uh, bones, up there at that reservoir. When they excavated that, they found a lot of them there. See, I belong to the Army Chosin Few that survived that.

I:          So what do you think about the Chosin Few, the Chuncheon Battle, Chuncheon Reservoir Battle?  Do you think that the Americans could have won that battle, battle or not?


H:        Well, we didn’t know.  We thought we had the battle won because we didn’t know that there, they were Chinese that entered the,

I:          Um hm.

J:         the war.  And may have completely turned the war around completely.

I:          Um hm.  So how many people did you lose in your, uh, division?

H:        I had no idea, but, uh, we had the, like the Army, Chosin Few, uh.


We had 450 some altogether.  And that was, uh,

I:          Died there?

H:        Well, we don’t know how many.

I:          Right.

H:        How many came out.

I:          Um.

H:        I saw it in the VFW magazine.

I:          Um hm.

H:        Reunions, and I saw in there Chosin Few, November, December, 1950.


I said by golly, I’m one of them guys.

I:          Yeah.

H:        And I called the telephone number.  It was Robbie Robinson from Oklahoma.  He was President at the time.

I:          Um hm.

H:        And uh, I called him.  He said what outfit were you in?  And I told him.  He said you’re, you’re one of them.  Said he was the 31stRegiment, and I was the 30, 32nd, yeah.

I:          So what do


you think about your service as a Korean War veteran, knowing that South Korea now is one of the most wealthiest nation in the world?  Can you believe that?  Do you know that South Korea is 11thlargest economy in the world?

H:        You think, uh, how is that now again?  I can’t under

I:          South Korea is now 11thlargest economy in the world.


H:        Oh yeah, yeah.  I, yeah, I understand.

I:          You know that?

H:        Yes.  I knew that. Yeah.  I mean, they, that’s a lot of U.S.A. money over there.

I:          Yeah.

H:        Building the cities and that.

I:          Yes.

H:        Yes.

I:          Uh huh.

H:        I am.

I:          But at the same time, the U.S. has, uh, aided many other country, pouring U.S. dollars, but not one of them really came out like the Korea.

H:        Right.  You’re

I:          So Korea is very exceptional.

H:        You’ve got 100%



I:          Yeah.

H:        With that.  Uh, I don’t know if you know this gentleman or not.  I, I don’t know what his name is.  Our Army reunion, Chosin Few, we go different places, and I had it in Lancaster in, uh, 2003

I:          Um hm.

H:        And I had 263 there.  And I, now we’ve been having it in Springfield, Missouri. Nobody else wants to take over because we’re getting less and less

I:          Yes.


H:        Last year, I had 19.

I:          19.

H:        19 came to reunion.

I:          Oh.

H:        Year before, we had 12.  So this year we’re same place.  We don’t know.  I don’t know how many’s gonna, gonna be there this year.  And when we had our reunion in Bloomfield, Minnes, Minnes, Minnesota, we had a, the President of the Disabled Veterans of Korea,

I:          Um hm.

H:        came over,


and, uh, he had both legs amputated, and he presented us a beautiful ribbon to every, every one of us that was there because, uh, they knew he was coming.  I guess he wanted to know how many was coming, and he go the ribbons, and he presented us the ribbon, that beautiful ribbon.  And I have it in my plaque.

I:          Um hm.

H:        Yep.  Did, did you know his name?

I:          I don’t know.

H:        That was back when we, yeah.

I:          Um hm.


H:        I don’t know what year that was it was in Bloomington.

I:          So it was a very short time but was very intensive battle.  You were in the Inchon Landing, and then you were in the Chosin Few.

H:        Yeah.

I:          Yeah.

H:        I, from, uh, September to December.  That was all I was there.

I:          Yeah.

H:        Yeah.

I:          So you got awarded with the Silver Star?

H:        No, Purple Heart.

I:          Purple Heart?

H:        Yeah.

I:          Yes.

H:        Yeah, and no Silver Star.

I:          Um.  Purple Heart.


H:        Purple Heart, yeah.

I:          Yes.

H:        I should have wore it today [INAUDIBLE]

I:          Right. Um, any other story that you want to tell me about the battle that you engaged?

H:        Well, I’m not, not really.  I mean, um, when we had too many short battles.

I:          Too many, right?

H:        Yeah. Too many short battles that didn’t last long.

I:          Do you have any nightmare about it?

H:        No.


I:          No?

H:        No.

I:          Oh.  You’re lucky.


H:        No, not so ever.

I:          Um.  And you don’t have any pain in your chest?

H:        No.  No it’s through the socket joint.

I:          Uh.  Okay.

H:        Here, yeah.  Rotator cuff’s all tore up.  They can’t fix it.

I:          Oh.

H:        Yeah.

I:          So cannot, you cannot move?

H:        Yeah, I can move this all.  I can’t move it up any higher.

I:          And that’s it?

H:        Yeah, yeah.

I:          Oh.

H:        But my feet, oh, that, that terrible.  They


I:          Frostbite?

H:        Oh, yeah.  They hurt me day in and day, right now, they’re burning and stinging and aching. I gotta get up and walk a while, and they stop.  I sit down they start again.

I:          Oh.

H:        Yeah.

I:          That’s the frostbite.

H:        Yeah.  I’m taking medication for it, but I don’t think it’s helping any.

I:          Can you give us some kind of example how cold it was in Chosin Reservoir?

H:        I really, it was 40 below then I can’t realize how for, it be, be forty below zero here in Lancaster County, yeah.

I:          Right.  Any other story that you want to tell me?

H:        No, that’s about it.

I:          That’s about it?

H:        Yeah.

I:          Um.  Are you proud of your service?

H:        Yes.

I:          Why?

H:        Why?

I:          Yeah.

H:        Because there are so many out there that didn’t go in the service.  They were called Conscientious Objector we called, they called the men but now


I:          AWOL.

H:        Yeah.  They called them, uh, some other outfit and some other name now, uh.  They, they sent them to hospitals but not ar, around their area where they live, yeah.

I:          Um.  And are you proud of Korea?

H:        Beg pardon?

I:          Proud of Korea?

H:        Oh yeah.  I am.

I:          Do you want to go back to Korea?

H:        Um, I, uh, yes.  Yeah.

I:          You wanna go back?


H:        Oh, I don’t wanna go back, no.

I:          You don’t.

H:        No, I don’t wanna go back.

I:          [LAUGHS]

H:        No.  I, I got, I got, un, books

I:          Korea Reborn.

H:        Yes.

I:          Yeah.

H:        Yeah.

I:          That’s the book that I was talking to my phone,

H:        I heard you tell him.

I:          Yes.

H:        I heard you tell him, yeah.

I:          Yeah, yeah.

H:        Yeah.

I:          Harry, your fight at Chosin Reservoir and Chuncheon Reservoir and your own is the symbol of your honorable service and sacrifice,


and that’s why we were able to deter Communist expansion, and Korea now is 11thlargest economy in the world

H:        Yes.  Yes. Yeah.  This is one of them here.

I:          Yeah, right.  And so I want to thank you on behalf of Korean nation for your fight, right?

H:        Right.  Thank you. I enjoyed helping the country out, being in the, the United States Army, yeah.

I:          Thank you, sir.

H:        Right.

[End of Recorded Material]