Edmund Ruos
Edmund Ruos was born in Bridgefield, Delaware on April 1, 1932. He spent his childhood on an apple farm helping with the family business. Upon graduating from high school, he attended college for a brief period before joining the United States Air Force in late 1951. His brother was in the Marine Corps and advised him to enlist rather than be drafted so that he could choose the branch he wanted. He was trained in communications and sent to Alaska. He never went to Korea despite there being an active war. He was able to use the GI Bill to complete his education once he returned home. He expressed gratitude for being recognized as a Korean War Era veteran.
Video Clips
Enlist and Choose Your Branch
Edmund Ruos recalls how he came to join the United States Air Force. He explains that he enlisted rather than be drafted after his older brother explained to him that he could choose the branch he wanted rather than have it chosen for him. He discusses his experience with his father's ham radio which led him to the field of communications with an assignment in Alaska.
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Service Duties
Edmund Ruos describes his experience and his duties as part of the communications crew during his time in the Air Force. He explains how the U.S. had radar sites along the West Coast during the war and that he was sent to Alaska to assist with the changing and cleanup of a new site. He notes that his parents did not know where he was and had to contact Washington D.C. to find out.
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Korean War Era Veteran
Edmund Ruos describes being a Korean War Era veteran. He reflects on the accomplishments of the country post war. He acknowledges the gratitude of the Korean people towards those who served during the war.
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