Korean War Legacy Project

Robert Terol


Robert Terol was born on February 2, 1933 in Morocco. His parents’ nationality was French, and he moved there to join the French army in 1951 when he was barely eighteen years old. The Korean War had begun just the year prior. After completing his training at an NCO (non-commissioned officer) school in Strasbourg, he was given the choice of serving with forces in Indochina or Korea. He chose Korea because he believed the South Koreans had been unjustly invaded, and he wanted to do his part to right the wrong. He endured heavy battles while there, followed by battles at home where the Korean War was not well received among the younger soldiers. The war caused him to meet his future wife for which he is grateful. He is joined in this interview by several members of his family, including some who have traveled to Korea as part of the Peace Camp offered to descendants of Korean War veterans.

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A Blessing From the Korean War

Robert Terol is joined by his daughter, and they reminisce of how the war ultimately became the origin of their family. They discuss the difficulties he faced upon returning from the Korean War due to its unpopularity among younger soldiers and how that led to numerous regiment changes. They recall how those regiment changes led to a new friendship which led to him meeting his future wife.

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Waiting for the Attack

Robert Terol recounts one of the hardest moments he faced while serving in the Korean War. He recalls being on the front lines and hearing news that a Chinese attack was impending. He remembers expecting the attack on the right or left flank but was surprised when the enemy tried to attack the entire line.

Tags: Chinese,Fear,Front lines,Weapons

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Video Transcript

00:00:00            [Beginning of Recorded Material]

Interviewer (hereafter ‘I’):           여기는 프랑스의 수도인 파리에서 남동쪽으로 한 4시간 가량 떨어진 아주 아름다운 도시, 그 도시의 이름이 Villeneuve-de-Berg 라는 곳입니다. 유창한 불어로 다시 한번 얘기해 주시죠. 오늘 통역은 김선미 선생님께서 계속 맡아서 해주시고 계십니다. 감사합니다.

(This interview is held in Villeneuve-de-Berg, a beautiful French city within four hours’ driving distance southeast of Paris. Would you repeat the city name by a good pronunciation, Mrs KIM? Mrs KIM takes charge again of interpreting during this interview. Thank you.)

Interpreter (hereafter ‘Int.’):          Nous sommes ici aujourd’hui à Villeneuve-de-Berg à peu près 4 heures de Paris

(We are today in Villeneuve-de-Berg, a beautiful city within four hours’ distance southeast of Paris.)


au Sud-est.

I:         저희들이 이 인터뷰를 하는 목적은 무엇보다도 이런 22개국 참전국의 첨잔용사들의 직접적인 전쟁경험을 역사적으로 영원히 보존하기 위해서입니다.

(The purpose of this interview is above all to permanently preserve the direct experiences of the Korean War veterans from twenty-two countries.)

Int.:       Pourquoi on fait aujourd’hui cette rencontre, cette interview, parce que c’est pour sauvegarder la mémoire vivante des vétérans

(The purpose of this interview is above all to permanently preserve the voice of each veteran of the Korean War speaking of their then experiences from twenty-two countries.)


des vétérans de la Guerre de Corée de 22 pays.

V :        Bien, c’est bien.

(That’s great.)

I:         그것도 중요하지만 저희들이 생각하기에 더 중요한 의의는 잊혀진 전쟁으로 알려진 한국 전쟁을 자라나는 청소년들에게 교육시키기 위해서 이 인터뷰를 교육자료로 만들어서 여러 선생님들이 사용하게끔 하는 것입니다.

(And also, one of our principal objects is to serve these interviews as a curricular material for teachers in order to better educate the younger generation about the Korean War, often called a forgotten.)

Int.:       En plus ce qui important pour nous, c’est avec ce matériel, avec ce document

(In addition, what is also important to us is that this audiovisual documents containing each veteran’s experience during the war)


audiovisuel c’est pour permettre aux jeunes, à la jeune génération d’apprendre la mémoire, le passé, en fait, vos expériences parce que sur la Guerre de Corée on dit souvent la guerre oubliée.

(shall allow teachers to instruct the younger generation the real aspects of the Korean War, often called a forgotten.)

Veteran (hereafter ‘V’):    Oui oui il y a un bouquin là, je vous en donnerai un d’ailleurs, parce que je l’ai en double.

(Yes, I have a book pointing out the same mistake. I’ll give you one because I have a duplicate.)

Int.:    잊혀진 전쟁 관련 여기 책도 한 권 있으니 드리겠습니다.

(I have a book which points out this war to have been forgotten.)

V:         Surtour en France,


on a tout oublié. On n’a pas voulu… ça fait pas longtemps qu’on aborde en France, le gouvernement, pour les morts et tout ça.

(Particularly in France, we forgot everything about it. We didn’t want to talk about it. It’s not long since the government comes into contact with the persons regarding with this war: the war deads, the remains, and the veterans themselves.)

Int.:    특히 프랑스에서 한국전은 잊혀진 전쟁이라고 할 수 있습니다.

(Particularly in France, the Korean War is a forgotten war.)

I:         맞습니다. 그래서 저희가 이걸 하려고 하고요. 특별히 내년이 2020년이 한국전쟁 발발에 70주년이 되는 해라서, 대한민국 정부의 국가보훈처가 22개국의 참전용사들의 인터뷰를 모아서 특별한 웹사이트를 제작하게 되는데,

(That’s right. It is by this reason that we carry forward this project. In particular, in 2020, next year, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA) of the Republic of Korea will join together all the interviews of the Korean War veterans from twenty-two countries, and then create a special website dedicated to them.)


거기에 선생님께서 프랑스를 대표해서 3명 중의 한 명의 참전용사로 선생님의 인터뷰가 그 웹사이트에 들어가게 됩니다.

(Your interview will be listed on the website together with two other veterans’ representing France.)

Int.:       C’est pourquoi en fait… justement pour l’anniversaire, 70e anniversaire du déclenchement de la Guerre de Corée l’année prochaine. Avec l’aide de ministère MPVA, coréen, on a créé un site, dédié à

(That’s why we do this job. In particular, we will next year celebrate the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. With the support of the MPVA, we will create a website dedicated to these testimonies.)


ces témoignages. Donc M. Terol vous faites partie de 3 vétérans français qui… votre image sera en lien sur ce site.

(So, Mr Terol, you would be one of the three French veterans whose voices will be listed on that site.)

V :        Oui d’accord.


I:         그래서, 오늘 초대해 주셔서 감사하고요. 선생님의 성함을 말씀해주시고, 스펠링을 말씀해주십시오.

(So, thank you for complying with our request. To begin with, may I ask your name and how to spell it?)

Int.:       Donc, on vous remercie de votre accueil aujourd’hui de vous interviewer.

(So, thank you for your welcoming today to interview you.)

V:         C’est normal.

(You’re welcome.)

Int.:       Tout d’abord est-ce que vous pouvez dire votre nom

(To begin with, may I ask your name)


et prénom, et épeler votre nom et prénom?

(and how to spell it?)

V:         TEROL. Robert. Épeler mon nom ?

(T E R O L. Robert. Spell my name?)

Int.:       Oui.


V:         TEROL. Ça va ? Sinon…

(T E R O L. It’s okay? If not…)

I:         생년월일은 어떻게 되세요?

(What is your birthday?)

Int.:       Quelle est votre date de naissance?

(What is your birthday?)

V:         Deux deux trente-trois. 1933. Deux février.

(Two two thirty-three. I was born on February 2, 1933.)

Int.:    1933년 2월 2일 입니다.

(He was born on February 2, 1933.)

I:         오. 그럼 지금,

(Oh. If so…)


굉장히 젊으시네요.

(You are so young.)

Int.:       Donc vous êtes jeune.

(If so, you are so young.)

V:         Comment?

(Excuse me?)

Int.:       Vous êtes jeune.

(You are relatively young.)

V:         Je suis jeune? Entre épaules…[SOURIRE] Physque, le physique, je ne suis pas.

(Am I? Between shoulders, it’s okay. [SMILE] But physically I am not.)

I:         지금 올해 여든 여섯 살이죠?

(Are you eighty-six years old this year?)

Int.:            On peut dire que vous avez 86 ans.

(You are eighty-six years old now, right?)

V:              Voilà.


Int.:            Cette année.

(This year.)

V:              86 ans.

(Eighty-six years old.)

I:               그럼, 올해가 86세이신데, 제가 계산을 잠깐 해봐도

(Well, if you are eighty-six years old this year, then, according to my brief counting,)


선생님이 한국전쟁에 참전하실 때 18세가 안되신 걸로 아는데 맞습니까?

(you might had not been eighteen at the moment you participated in the Korean War. Is that right?)

Int.:            Donc, vous avez 86 ans cette année. Mais si on calcule bien vous n’aviez même pas 18 ans au moment de la Guerre de Corée.

(So, you are eighty-six this year. But if I get it right, you were not yet eighteen years old at the time of the Korean War.)

V:              Oh si j’avais… au moment de la Guerre de Corée, non. Mais moi… Je… J’ai commencé un an après. Je…quand j’étais en Corée, c’était en 52. Parce que quand je me suis engagé dans l’armée française,

(At the very moment the Korean War broke out, I hadn’t been eighteen as yet. I joined the army the year after, 1951. It’s the year of 1952 in turn that I got to Korea. But I was already eighteen when I joined the army.)


j’avais 18 ans. 18 ans le 2 février. Donc, les années de, en 50 quoi…. Eh non qu’est-ce que je dis…Oui. Je suis né en 33. 3 et ça fait 10 et 13. Non, j’avais pas encore 18 ans. Je me suis engagé en 1951, j’avais 18 ans.

(Then I was already past the 2nd of February, my 18th anniversary. Therefore, although I wasn’t eignteen years old as yet at the moment the Korean War broke out, I was eignteen just now when I joined the army in 1951.)

Int.:          ’51년에 군에 입대했는데

(He joined the army in ’51.)


그때 18세라고 기억하신다고 그러시거든요.

(He was then already eighteen years old.)

I:               51년에?

(In ’51?)

Int.:          계산을 잘못 하시는 건가요?

(Did he get it wrong?)

V:              J’ai été 9 mois de là.

(Nine months past eighteen.)

I:               맞네, 18세. 51년도에 조인(join)하신거죠?

(Yes, he’s right. He was eighteen years old then. Ah, did you join the army in ’51?)

Int.:            Vous êtes engagé dans l’armée en ’51.

(Did you join the army in ’51?)

V:              En mars ’51.

(Yes, in March of ’51)

Int.:            Vous avez participé à la guerre en 52. A la Guerre de Corée en 52.

(And you entered the Korean War in ’52, right?)


V:              Voilà. Je m’étais engagé dans une école de sous-officier. Je suis sorti que caporal parce que j’étais un petit peu rebelle quoi. [RIRE] Et à ce moment-là, il y avait la guerre d’Indochine. J’avais le choix. Soit l’Indochine, soit la Corée. Moi, j’ai préféré la Corée parce que c’est l’Indochine que je connaissais pas. La Corée…

(That’s right. I joined the army by entering a school for NCO, non-commissioned officers. But I finished school only by corporal. [LAUGHS] At that time, we had the choice to engage either to the Indochina War or to the Korean War. I prefer Korea to Indochina because I didn’t know Indochina.)


Int.:          그래서, 51년에 군에 입대해가지고, 부사관학교에 들어가셨다고 합니다. 그래가지고, 그때 인도차이나 전쟁 아니면 한국전쟁에 들어갈, 참전할 그런 기회가 있었는데 한국전을 선택하셨다고요.

(So, he joined the army in ’51 by entering a school for the NCO, non-commissioned officers. At that time, he had the choice to engage either to the Indochina War or to the Korean War. He chose the Korean War.)

I:               태어나신 곳은 어디세요?

(Where were you born?)

Int.:            Où est-ce que vous êtes né?

(Where were you born?)

V:              Je suis né au Maroc, installés des parents français.

(I was born in Morocco where my parents settled down.)

Int.:            Comment?

(Excuse me?)

V:              Mes parents étaient français. Je suis né à l’époque de protectorat français.

(My parents were French. I was born in Morocco when this country was under the French protectorate.)


Je suis né en 33 au Maroc.

(I was born in Morocco in ’33.)

Int.:          33년에 모로코에서 출생하셨습니다.

(He was born in Morocco in ’33.)

I:               아! 근데, 어떻게 모로코에서 출생하셨죠?

(Well, under what circumstances did you come to be born in Morocco?)

V:              Mes parents étaient d’origine espagnole eux-mêmes, mais de nationalité française.

(My parents were French by nationality, but of Spainish ancestry.)

Int.:          부모님은 이제 스페인 출신인데 모로코에서 사셨다고요. Mais pourquoi vos parents sont allés au Maroc?

(His parents were French by nationality, but of Spainish ancestry. They had lived in Morocco. [To veteran] But why did your parents move to Morocco?)

V:              Um. Ça c’est toute une histoire à l’époque. Um.

(Hmm. That talk takes time.)


Euh… si vous voulez, la France ce faisait pas longtemps qu’elle avait conquis, en fait qu’elle l’avait pris le protectorat du Maroc sous son aile. Et mes parents… sont nés en Algérie, eux-mêmes de parents français en fait d’origine espagnole si vous voulez. Eh. Pour le travail ils sont …

(Hmm, it wasn’t a long time since France had conquered Morocco and put this country under his protectorate. My parents, who were born in Algeria, had themselves the French parents of Spanish ancestry. In short, they moved to Morocco to get a job.)

Int.:          긴 이야기지만 부모님은 스페인 출신으로

(It needs a long story. To be short, his parents were the French citizens of Spainish origin,)


알제리에서 출생을 하셨답니다. 그런데 그때 프랑스가 북 아프리카에 식민지를 많이 개척하던 시기라, 일차원에서, 일을 찾기 위해서 모로코로 가셨답니다.

(and themselves were born in Algeria. At that time, France was in pursuit of colonizing a number of North African countrie. His parents went to Morocco to get a job.)

I:               그래서. 그러면 언제 프랑스로 이사 오셨나요?

(Well, when did you settle down in France?)

Int.:            Erh. Donc vous vous êtes né en France?

(So, you weren’t born in France.)

V:              Non je suis né au Maroc.

(No, I was born in Morocco.)

Int.:            Alors, quand est-ce que vous êtes venu en France?

(When did you come to France?)

V:              Quand est-ce que je suis venu en France? Quand je me suis engagé à 18 ans.

(When did I come to France? It’s when I joined the army at the age of eighteen.)


Int.:          아. 군에 입대했을 때 18세에 프랑스에 왔습니다.

(He came to France at the age of eighteen when he joined the army.)

V:              Après j’ai connu ma femme. Je me suis marié à une ville en Lorraine. Et après ben, parce que là j’ai connu ma femme j’ai connu en tant que militaire revenant de Corée. Mais… euh lorsque je l’ai connue, il me reste 3 mois à faire. J’ai fait 3 mois et je me suis fait démobiliser sur place.

(Then I got to know my wife, and we got married in a town in Lorraine region. [Note: Lorraine is one of the eastern regions of France] I got to know her as a soldier just having come back from Korea. But, I was then still in active; to be discharged from service, there remained about three months. I had let the three months go and got demobilized on the spot.)


Eh ? Là, c’est de là que c’est parti comme résident en France.

(Huh? Since then, I started my life as a resident in France.)

Int.:            Vous avez connu votre femme après la Guerre de Corée ?

(Did you get to know your wife after the Korean War?)

V:              Oui, au retour.

(Yes, after that.)

Int.:          어. 그래서 18세에.

(So, when he was eighteen…)

V:              Parce que… Lorsque… terminée la période que j’avais passée en Corée, on est arrivé en Saint-Germain-en-Laye à Paris. Là, on a attendu notre mutation. C’est là que j’ai été muté en Lorraine.

(Came back from Korea, we arrived in Saint-Germain-en-Laye in Paris. We were there waiting for transfer. I was transferred to Lorraine.)


Et de là que j’ai connu mon épouse.

(And I met my wife there.)

Int.:          그래서 18세에 입대를 해가지고, 한국전에 52년에 참전한 다음에, 한국전 후에 여기 프랑스에 다시 복귀해서 이제 결혼을 하셨다고 합니다.

(He enlisted in the army at the age of eighteen and participated in the Korean War in ’52. And then he returned to France in following year and got married shortly.)

I:               그런데, 그러면 1951에 프랑스에 오셨는데, 그때까지 교육을 전부 모로코에서

(You came to France only in 1951. Had all your education been held in Morocco?)


받으신거죠 ?


Int.:            Vous êtes venu en France en 1951. C’est-à-dire que vous avez fait vos études au Maroc.

(You first came to France in 1951. That means you got all your education in Morocco, that’s right?)

V:              Voilà.

(Yes, that’s right.)

Int.:          그렇습니다.

(Yes, that’s right.)

V:              Je me suis engagé au Maroc. Et je suis venu en France parce que j’avais choisi l’école de sous-officier militaire à Strasbourg.

(I joined the French army in Morocco and came to France in order to join the military school for NCO in Strasbourg.)

Int.:          프랑스에 온 이유는 스트라스부르그에 있는 부사관 학교가 있기 때문에 프랑스를 온 것이고요.

(The reason he had to come to France was to enter into the military school for NCO in Strasbourg.)


I:               그러면 그때 교육받으실 때 혹시라도 한국에 대해서 배운 적이 있습니까?

(Had you ever been taught about Korea at school?)

Int.:            Est-ce que vous avez déjà appris sur la Corée avant d’aller en Corée ?

(Had you ever been taught about Korea at school?)

V:              Non. Non. Non. J’ai vu, écouté les informations. Ça s’est passé plus ou moins bien. Eh…non.

(No. No. No. I heard and read some information about it. It was enough more or less.)

Int.:            Vous connaissiez pas la Corée.

(So, you didn’t know Korea.)

V:              Non. Je connaissais pas.

(No, I didn’t.)

Int.:          몰랐습니다. 한국에 대해서는 몰랐습니다.

(No, he didn’t. he didn’t know Korea.)

V : D’ailleurs à l’époque si vous voulez,

(In addition,)


il n’y avait pas de télévision, et je voulais voyager.

(there was no TV or the like. So I really wanted to travel abroad.)

Int.:          음. 당시에는 텔레비전도 없었고, 근데 굉장히, 여러 곳을, 세계 여러 곳을 돌아보고 싶은 마음이 있었습니다.

(Well, there was no TV at that time, so he really wanted to go out and look around many places in the world.)

V:              C’est la Corée qui m’a offert la possibilité quoi. Parce que dans le choix que j’avais, sinon j’aurais été à la guerre d’Indochine, mais ça m’intéressait pas parce que c’était pas la guerre française.

(Korea gave me such a chance. If I hadn’t choosen Korea, I would have been to Indochina. But I wasn’t interested in the Indochina War because I thought it wasn’t a war France had to draw in.)

Int.:          근데, 이제



인도차이나와 한국 전이 있었을 때, 인도차이나는 이미 아는 곳이라는 생각이 들었던 지 한국에 가고 싶은 마음이 들었습니다.

(between Indochina and Korea, he chose the latter because he thought that the former was a country he was already acquainted with a little bit. Therefore, he decided to go to Korea.)

I:         그러면, 한국이라는 말을 들어본 적도 없습니까? 그 전에, 그러니까 모로코에 사실 때, 교육 받을 때, 한국이라는 이름 조차도 들어본 적도 없습니까?

(Had you never heard of the name of Korea before then? Had you never heard of a country called Korea when you lived in Morocco at school?

Int.:            Quand vous étiez au Maroc, vous n’avez jamais entendu parler de la Corée ?

(Had you never heard of a country called Korea when you lived in Morocco?)

V:              Si. La Guerre de Corée, on a entendu parler à la radio, tout ça quoi. Même au cinéma quoi… aux actualités.

(Yes, of course. I heard people saying about the Korean War on the radio, even at the movie theater or in the newspapers.)


Int.:          라디오나 영화, 그 때는 이제…그…

(There was radio or movie, then now… that…)

V:              Mais c’était le début.

(But such was only at the very beginning of the war.)

Int.:          방송이 좀 있었으니까, 그때 한국전에 대해서 라디오에서는 좀 들은 바가 있습니다.

(There were broadcasts so that he heard about the Korean War on the radio.)

I:               아 그러니까, 한국전쟁이 나서야 이름을 들어보신거 아니에요? 그쵸?

(So, you heard the name of Korea for the first time in your life only after the Korea War bursted out, right?)

Int.:            Donc vous avez connu la Corée une fois la guerre a été déclenchée ?

(That means you heard the name of Korea for the first time in your life only after the Korea War bursted out?)

V:              Oui.


Int.:            Avant? Non?

(Before then, you didn’t.)

V:              Non.


Int.:          네, 그렇습니다.

(No, he didn’t.)

V:              Non. Non. Non, j’ai pas…

(No. No. No. I didn’t know Korea.)

I:               그런데, 아, 아까 말씀하셨는데, 좀 모험정신이 있어서 다른 델 가보고 싶으셨다고

(Um, you have said previously that your were adventurous and wanted to see other places than your homeland.


그러셨는데 그래서 군대를 입대하신겁니까 ? 왜 군대를 입대하셨어요 ?

(Is that the reaon you came to join the army?)

Int.:            Pourquoi vous êtes engagé dans l’armée ? Vous avez, vous aviez un esprit aventurier ?

(Why did you join the army? Was it only because you were adventurous?)

V:              Non eh…, d’une part, je voulais quitter Maroc. Je voulais pas rester au Maroc. Je suis né là-bas mais je voulais pas… J’avais qu’une envie, c’était de partir. Et puis, ma foi quand on est jeune on sait pas trop où on veut aller. Donc, j’aimais l’aventure.

(Well, no. On the one hand, I wanted to leave Morocco. I didn’t want to stay in Morocco any longer. I was born there but I wanted to leave. When you’re young you don’t really know where you want to go. So I was full of adventure.)


V:              Je pensais, oui pour l’aventure et après bon ça c’était, ça s’ést enchaîné si vous voulez, parce qu’à l’époque le communisme était très puissant en France. Et… j’étais anti-communiste. (I had been thinking of an adventure. Yes, it was because I was adventurous. On the other hand, it was because I was anti-communist. You know, at the time, the communism was so powerful in France.)

Int.:          그래서 두 가지 정도로 요약할 수 있는데, 일단 모로코를 떠나고 싶었습니다. 모로코에 충분히 살았다고 생각했기 때문에 떠나고 싶었고, 그 다음에 이제 모험정신이 물론 당연히 강했고. 또 당시

(On the one hand, he wanted to leave Morocco because he thought he had enough lived there. Of course, it was because he was fond of adventure. On the other hand,)


프랑스 내에서는 공산당, 코뮤니스트들의 영향력이 굉장히 컸는데 본인은 반공주의자였다고요.

(the communist Party exercised at the time its overwhelming influence over France, but he was anticommunist.)

I:               그래서, 파리에 오셔서 어떤 군사훈련을 어디서 어떻게 받으셨는가요?

(So, came to France, what kind of military training did you undergo? Where was it held?)

Int.:            Donc, vous êtes venu en France à Paris, je sais pas vous êtes passé directement ou bien à Strasbourg, quelle formation vous avez eu?

(I don’t know whether or not you went directly to Strasbourg. Anyway, came to France, what kind of training did you have?)

V:              Formation militaire? Militaire.. j’ai eu à l’école sous-officier là. Seulement.

(Military training? I underwent the military traning at the school of NCO. That’s all.)


V:              Je suis pas sorti sergent. [RIRE] D’abord parce que j’étais trop jeune je me sentais pas capable de… d’avoir de telle responsabilité si vous voulez.

(I wasn’t able to finish the school by sergeant. [LAUGHS] I was too young. I didn’t feel myself able to take such a high responsibility.)

Int.:          스트라스부르그에 있는 부사관 학교에 들어가서 거기서 이제 여러 가지 군사훈련을 받았다고 합니다. 그런데 본인은 그 당시 좋은 병사가 아니었데요. 그래서 워낙에는 하사로 이렇게 학교를 졸업해야 되는데 병으로 그냥 나오게 되었습니다.

(He entered the military school for NCO in Strasbourg where he has undergone various military trainings. But he wasn’t a good soldier at the time. In a normal case, he ought to finish the school by the grade of sergeant, but he finished only by corporal.)


V:              J’étais pas mature encore vous voyez. J’avais encore un esprit un peu gamin quoi.

(I wasn’t mature as yet. I still had in a sense a childish mind.)

Int.:          아직 정신이 정신연령이 어렸다고 생각합니다. 그 당시에는.

(He thinks he was immature then as yet.)

I:               훈련 기간이 얼마나 됐죠?

(How long did you take the training?)

Int.:            La durée de cette école, ça a duré combien de temps ?

(How long had you been there in school?)

V:              Je suis arrivé en avril, et ça s’est terminé en décembre.

(I entered the school in Avril and finished in December.)

Int.:          4월에서 12월까지였습니다.

(It was from April to December in 1951.)

I:               굉장히 긴 시간이었는데요.

(It’s a very long period.)

V:              De là, j’étais volontaire pour la Corée.

(It was during that time that I decided to volunteer for the Korean War.)


Int.:          그래서 이 기간 중에 이제 한국전에 자원병으로 지원한 것입니다.

(So, he volunteered for the Korean War during that period.)

I:               근데 아까 공산주의를 싫어하신다 그러셨는데, 왜 싫어하셨어요?

(You have said previously that you hated the communism, but why?)

Int.:            Vous aviez dit tout à l’heure que vous étiez anticommuniste, mais pourquoi ?

(You have said previously that you were anticommunist, but why were you?)

V:              Ben… Je sais pas. Je ne sais pas. Je peux pas vous expliquer pourquoi. Eh.. disons, dans mon entourage, il n’y avait qu’un communiste. C’est tout.

(Well, I don’t know. I don’t know. I can’t explain why. Around me there was only one communist. That’s all.)


Et puis on s’entendait pas avec quoi. C’était X. Mais sinon c’est très relatif. C’est… et puis à l’époque sur le plan politique je connaissais pas grand-chose.

(Indeed, we didn’t get along each other. It was Mr So-and-so. Otherwise it’s quite relative. At that time I didn’t know much about the political matter.)

Int.:          뭐 특별하게 어떤 이유 때문이라고는 말씀드릴 수가 없습니다. 주변에 공산주의자들이 그닥 많았던 것도 아닌데, 그리고 당신이 너무 어렸기 때문에 뭐 정치에 대해서는 잘 몰랐지만, 어쨌든 스스로는 그렇게 생각했습니다.

(He is not able to give the specific reason for that. There weren’t even many communists around him. He was too young to understand the political matters. But it just happened to him as such.)

I:               그리고 모험을 좋아하신다는 거는

(I understand you loved adventure, but,)


내가 이해를 하겠지만 그럼에도 불구하고 군대를 입대 하신 연도가 1951년이면, 한국에 전쟁이 일어난 다음인데, 목숨을 잃을 수도 있었는데, 한국을 가고 싶으셨습니까? 솔직하게 말씀해 보세요.

(already in 1951 when you joined the army, the Korean War had already broken out. You could have lost your life. Did you really want to go to Korea regardless of any concern? Be honest, please.)

V:              De l’école sortie caporal. [RIRE]

(From the school of NCO, a corporal came out.) [LAUGHS of self-mocking]

Int.:            Il vous demande en fait votre réponse franche. Vous aimiez l’aventure ça on comprend bien.

(He asks you for a straightforward answer to his question. Whereas we understand you liked adventure…)

V:              J’ai choisi la Guerre de Corée un peu parce que j’avais un esprit un peu humaniste aussi.

(I chose the Korean War because I beared in mind somewhat of humanitarianism as well.)


Eh… disons la Corée du Sud a été dans son élément attaquée par défaut, par défaut. Et…c’est difficile à expliquer j’étais jeune vous voyez. L’esprit humain qui se mélange avec

(Well, I thought that the South Korea was attacked by mistake. It’s hard to explain. I was young, you know. But I had a mind, half of a humanitarian, half of)


l’aventure, l’esprit aventurier. (an adventurer.)

Int.:          설명하긴 조금 어렵지만, 어쨌든 모험정신이 있었던 건 확실합니다. 그렇지만 그와 동시에 어떤 인도주의적 정신이랄까요. 좀 거창하긴 하지만, 한국 국민들이 어려움에 처해 있다는 사실에 좀 이렇게 감화되었던 것 같습니다.

(It’s difficult to explain, but it’s for sure that he was adventurous. In addition, he had a mind somewhat of humanitarian. He was much moved from the fact that the Korean people were placed in a trouble improperly.)

Int.:            Il a posé une question, mais vous n’aivez pas peur de la mort parce qu’en participant à la guerre…

(To return to the question, didn’t you have any fear of dying in the war in deciding to participate in a war?)

V:              Non non non… c’est l’inconscience

(No, I wasn’t conscioius of that)


quand on est jeune à l’époque. Même, en Corée même, j’ai vécu des moments bêtement inconscients.

(because I was too young. Even while I passed the moments in Korea, I had no awareness that the death is near.)

Int.:          전쟁에 참전하면서 죽을 거라는, 죽음에 대한 두려움은 없었습니다.  젊었기 때문에 그 부분에 대해서는 별로 어떤 의식이 없었던 것 같습니다.

(He had no fear of dying in the war since he was too young. He didn’t even have awareness of it.)

V:              Non. Parce que…quand on est jeune avant 20 ans tout ça, on refait le monde comme on dit. [RIRE]

(When we are so much young as fewer than twenty, we are apte to believe we can remake the world as we wish.)

Int.:          스무 살이 안 됐던 시절이었기 때문에, 세계를, 세상을 다시 만들 수 있을 것 같은 어떤 그런 생각을 가지고 있었습니다.

(He wasn’t yet twenty years old then. As is usual with the youth, he thought as if he could remake the world as he wish.)


I:               Voilà.


V:              Voilà.


I:               한국에 파병된다는 걸 아셨을 때 부모님이 반대 안 하셨습니까?

(Didn’t your parents oppose to you when they knew you would go to Korea?)

Int.:            Vos parents, ils étaient pas opposés à votre engagement, à la participation à la Guerre de Corée ?

(Didn’t your parents oppose to your volunteering to the Korean War?)

V:              Ah on arrive à la question. [RIRE] Ma mère n’était pas d’accord. Ma mère n’était pas d’accord simplement au moment de l’engagement. Quand je me suis engagé dans l’armée, parce qu’à l’époque il y avait la guerre d’Indochine

(Ah, we arrived at the sensible matter. [LAUGHS] My mother didn’t agree. At the outset she opposed to my recruitment itself. At the time France was in the midst of the Indochina War. To join the army meant for her like all others)


et… automatiquement comme tous parents, ma mère… Moi, finalement, je l’ai trompée un petit peu. C’est pour ça que j’étais dans l’école militaire parce qu’il était prescrit que on n’allait pas en Indochine. Seulement vous savez dans la publicité, on voit les grosses lettres mais on oublie de lire les petites. C’était simplement au cas où on continuait les études pour devenir officier.

(automatically to go to the front. In the end, I had to tell her a lie. That’s why I got into the military school. According to the army’s prescription at that time, if we get into the military school, we don’t need to go to the front. But in publicity we only pay attention to big print while paying no attention to small one. It was stated in small print that the fact above holds good just in case one could pass all the exams to become an officer.)


Moi, de toute façon, l’Indochine, ça m’intéressait pas.

(Anyway I wasn’t interested in Indochina.)

Int.:          어머니는 당연히, 한국전 파병 이전에 군 입대 자체를 반대 하셨습니다. 그 당시 프랑스는 인도차이나 전쟁을 치르고 있는 중이었기 때문에 군입대를 반대 하셨는데, 그래서 어머니한테는 군사 학교를 간다고 속인 거지요. 그런데 군사학교를 간다는 그 편지는 사실은 전쟁에 참전한다는 그런 내용이었습니다.

(His mother opposed to his enlistment itself, let alone the Korean War. France was waging war in Indochina, so to join the army meant for the parents to let their sons put out to the front. So, he tricked her mother for just going into military school instead of enlisting in the army. But the recruitment publicity stated always in small print that entering to the military school doesn’t exempt one from going to the war unless one passes all the exams to become an officer.)

I:               누가 사인을 해 주셨나요?

(Who signed it?)

Int.:            C’est votre mère qui a signé sur cette lettre, sur ce document ?

(Was it your mother who signed the application?)

V:              Non. Elle n’a pas lu. Moi je l’avais parce qu’on faisait de la publicité à l’époque pour embaucher dans l’armée française. Elle toujours était en guerre il en fallait…

(No. She didn’t even read it. I kept it because the French army was actively advertising to recruite the personnel for the war in which France was engaged.)

Int.:            Il y avait pas de signature à faire, de vos parents?

(Was there no need to be signed by your parents?)

V:              Il y avait, si elle avait contesté… Mais moi avec, avec ça,


elle a cru que je n’irais pas en Indochine. Mais elle pensait pas la Corée. En tant que mère elle m’a signé, elle n’a pas fait obstruction à mon engagement.

(Yes, there was. My mother signed it, but still in believing that I wouldn’t go to Indochine. She had no idea about Korea. So, allowing me to go into the military school, she wasn’t any hindrance to my engagement.)

Int.:          어머니가 그때 사인을 하셨는데, 당연히 내용은 읽어보시지 않고 아드님이 얘기해 주신 것만 믿고, 사인을 하신 겁니다.

(His mother signed it at that time, but she didn’t read the document meticulously. She believed only what his son told her and signed it.)

[RIRE, ensemble]

I:               엄마를 속였네요?

(You tricked your mother.)

Int.:            Vous avez trompé en quelque sorte votre mère.

(You tricked your mother in some respect?)

V:              Oui. Pour ça, oui. Parce que moi,

(Yes, in some respct.)


je savais que une fois dans l’armée, elle n’a plus besoin de ça.  C’est pour ça quand j’étais dans l’armée j’ai choisi la Corée. Quand elle m’a vu en permission avant de partir en Corée, dans le bataillon français on portait les bérets, elle a été choquée quoi. Parce qu’à l’époque, c’était chez les miliaire français si on portait les bérets c’était des commando tout ça quoi.

(I knew that once I join the army, she wouldn’t prevent me from participating to the war. That’s why I was able to choose Korea. Before leaving for Korea, she came to see me in an assembly camp. She was really shocked to find me among the French battalion, who wore the beret altogether. At the time, those who were the beret were no one but commando in the French army.)

Int.:          그래서 어머니가 한국전쟁 참전하기 전에, 아드님인 테롤 씨를 보셨는데, 그때 이제 한국전 참전용사들은

(Before leaving for Korea, his mother came to see her son, Mr Terol. She was very surprised to see her son wearing the uniform of commando.)


이렇게 베레모 같은 걸 쓰고 있었나 봅니다. 그 유니폼을 입은 아들 모습을 보고 어머니가 굉장히 놀라셨다고 하네요.

(The soldiers for the Korean War were wearing berets altogether.)

I:               그래서 나중에 어머니가 아시고 난 다음에 얼마나 혼이 났습니까?

(Was your mother mad at you after she knew all of this?)

Int.:            Alors vous avez été grondé par votre mère?

(Were you scolded by your mother?)

V:              Oui. Mais…elle pouvait pas. Elle m’a grondé, oui oui. Mon père lui il avait fait la guerre 14 et tout. Lui il n’a pas eu de problème. Lui a dit tout le monde ne meut pas là dans une guerre.

(Yes. But she couldn’t help me doing that. Yes, she schooled me. On the contrary I had no problem with my father. He told me that not all soldiers die in the war; he himself participated in World War I.)

Int.:          뭐, 당연히 혼나긴 했지만은,

(Of course his mother scolded him.)


아버님도 1차 세계대전에 참여한 적이 있기 때문에 아버님이 뭐 전쟁에서 다 죽는 건 아니다라고 말씀하셨다고 합니다.

(On the contrary, his father said to him that not all soldiers die in the war; he himself participated in the World War I.)

I:               그래서 여기서, 어, 그때 떠나기 전에 혹시 프랑스나 모로코의 여자 친구가 있으셨나요?

(Had you left a girlfriend in Frence or in Morocco when you left for Korea?)

Int.:            Avant d’aller en Corée, vous aviez une petite amie que ce soit au Maroc ou bien en France ?

(Before going to Korea, did you have a girlfriend in France or in Morocco?)

V:              Non non. J’avais personne.

(No, I hadn’t.)

Int.:          없었습니다.

(No, he hadn’t.)


V:              Tout ça, j’étais plutôt timide. Ben, j’ai bien connu des filles. Sans plus que ça. Sais pas. Il n’y pas eu….

(For that side, I was so bashful. Well, though I had acquaintance with some girls, but that was all. I don’t know why, but I had none.)

I:               믿기 어려운 말인 거 같지만 넘어가겠습니다.

(It’s hard to believe, but I will not ask further.)

Int.:            On a du mal à croire, mais…

(It’s hard to believe, but we will not ask further.)

V:              Mais les jeunes actuellement, c’est plus la même.

(The young people today are not the same as we used to be.)

Int.:          오늘, 요즘의 젊은이들은 틀리지만 당시는 달랐습니다.

(We had quite different mentality from the young people today.)


I:               그래서, 언제 어디서 어떻게 한국으로 떠났습니까?

(When did you leave for Korea? Where and how did you leave for Korea?)

Int.:            Alors vous pouvez nous dire comment vous êtes allé en Corée ? Votre itinéraire?

(Could you explain how you got to Korea, in other words the itinerary?)

V:              L’itinéraire. Quand je suis sorti de cette école militaire, je suis parti en permission au Maroc, je ne me souviens plus combien de temps, un peu plus d’un mois, et ensuite lorsque je suis revenu on m’a envoyé à Auvours. C’était là-bas le camp de…, ceci est dans…

(The itinerary, yes. After I had come out of the military school, I spend a vacation in Morocco. I don’t remember exactly how long it was; it might be about a month. Then I came back to France and was sent to Auvours where our assembly place was located.)


c’est près de Paris, près de Chartres je crois où tous les volontaires étaient réunis. Et moi j’y suis resté quelques jours et ensuite on a pris le train puis le bateau à Marseille.

(At the camp Auvours, near Paris, near Chartres, I believe, all the volunteers were gathered. And we stayed there for a few days and then took a train for Marseille, and then in Marseille we went on board a ship for Korea.)

Int.:          그래서 한국전에 참전하기 이전에 모로코에서 한 1개월 정도 휴가를 갔고, 다시 프랑스로 돌아와 프랑스 오부르라는

(So, before leaving for Korea, he took a vacation in Morocco for about a month. Then returned to France, he stayed several days at the camp Auvours,)


파리 인접 도시에 있는 자원병 집결소에서 며칠간 머무르고 기차를 타고 마르세이유를 가서 마르세이유에서 한국으로 이제 출발했습니다.

(near to Paris. And then he took a train for Marseille and went on board a ship for Korea there.)

V:              Auvours, ça c’est dans le Nord, je sais pas où … son département. Pas loin de Paris. Enfin c’est près du, pas loin du Mens. Le Mens.

(Auvours is a northern city in France. I don’t know exactly where it is located. It’s not so far from Paris; it’s near to Le Mens.)

Int.:          오부르라는 곳은 파리에서 한 1시간, 1시간 반 정도 되는 서부에 있는 도시입니다.

(Auvours is a city within one or one and half an hour’s distance west from Paris.)

I:               그래서 마르세이유에서는 배를 타고 떠나셨나요?

(So did you ship from Marseille?)


Int.:            Donc à Marseille vous êtes monté sur un bateau, c’est ça?

(So did you ship from Marseille?)

V:         A Marseille, c’est sur un bateau de croisière, la Marseillaise depuis on roulait. Et monté là, le train nous a amené juste à côté du bateau.

(Yes, I did. It was a cruiseship, Marseillaise by name. We got on a train to get to near by the ship.)

Int.:          기차를 타고 마르세이유로 가서 마르세이유에서 승선했습니다.

(He took the train to Marseille and got on board there.)

I:               그 때가 언제였죠? 정확하게 기억하시나요?

(When was it? Do you remember the date?)

Int.:            Est-ce que vous vous rappelez de la date à peu près quand est-ce que vous êtes monté sur ce bateau?

(Do you remember exactly when you got on board the ship?)


V:              Mmm…C’est…c’était le début mars 52. La deuxième quinzaine de mars 52.

(Well, it was on March of ’52. It was the second half of the March of ’52.)

Int.:          52년 3월 중순 정도 된다고 합니다.

(It is around mid-March of ’52.)

I:               그래서 한국에 언제 어디에 도착하셨죠?

(So when and where did you arrive in Korea?)

Int.:            Donc, quand est-ce que vous êtes arrivés en Corée ?

(So, when did you arrive in Korea?)

V:              En Corée, on est arrivé

(It was on the 15th of April)


le 15 avril… dans le bataillon. Parce qu’avant on avait été habillé au Japon. C’est les Américains qui nous donnaient tous les… Mais au bataillon, je rejoins c’était le 15 avril.

(that we joined the French battallion in Korea. Beforehand, we changed into new combat uniform in Japan. The American army gave us all of equipment: uniforms, kits, etc. And then we joined the battalion on the 15th of April.)

Int.:          4월 15일 일본을 거쳐서 도착했습니다.

(Through Japan they arrived in Korea on the 15th of April.)

V:              Je faisais partie du renfort, le 8e renfort.

(I belonged to the 8th reinforcement.)

Int.:          그래서 이제 테롤씨가 속한 그 부대는 여덟 번째

(So, the contingent to which Mr Terol belonged)


대체병이 되는 것이죠. (was the 8th reinforcement.)

I:               어디에 도착하셨나요?

(Where did you arrive?)

V:              Lorsque je suis arrivé là-bas le bataillon était encore au front.

(At the time of my arrival, the French battalion was near the frontline.)

Int.:            D’abord en Corée où est-ce que vous êtes arrivés ?

(Where did you arrive in Korea?)

V:              A Busan. On est parti du Sasébo au Japon, et on a traversé tout le Japon.

(It was Busan. Beforehand, we had travelled all around Japan to get to Sasébo. Then we left Sasebo for Busan)

Int.:          일본 다음에 이제 부산에 도착하셨고,

(Left Sasebo in Japan, he arrived in Busan.)

Int.:            Après Busan, vous êtes allés directement au front c’est ça?

(From Busan, did you go straight to the front, right?)

V:              On a rejoint directement le bataillon, pas très loin du front. (Yes, we joined straight the battalion which wasn’t far from the front.)


Int.:            Qui se trouvait où ?

(Where was it?)

V:              En fait il était… parce qu’il y avait un endroit si vous voulez qui était pour le bataillon c’était pour le repos quoi, organisé tout ça quoi. Et puis tous les jeunes recrus, et ils sont envoyés là où attendaient les unités qui étaient au front.

(The battalion had a location to rest. At that place, we organized the replacement forces. All the young recruits were gathered at that location and then sent to each unit on the front.)

Int.:          그래서 4월 15일날 한국에 도착한 다음에 곧바로 프랑스 대대가 있는 곳으로 갔다고 합니다. 프랑스 대대가 있는 곳인데,

(So, arrived in Korea on the 15th of April, he went to a location)


지금 휴식하고 있는 곳에 처음에는 갔다고 하시는데,

(where the French battalion had been resting.)

I:               가평.


Int.:            Peut-être vous êtes allé à Gapyeong où le bataillon français a été au repos.

(Perhaps it’s Gapyeong, the location where the French battalion had been taking a rest.)

V:              Oui. Oui. Oui. C’était là.

(Yes, yes, yes. That’s right.)

Int.:          그런 것 같습니다.

(Yes, I think so.)

V:              Je me souviens plus comment ça s’appelait.

(But I don’t remember how it was called.)

Int.:          자세히 기억은 안 납니다.

(But he doesn’t remember the name.)

V:              Au front par contre, c’est là-bas que j’ai fait mon bâtempe de feu quoi.

(On the contrary, it was the frontline where I had a close battle.)

Int.:            Vous vous rappelez le nom de bataille ?

(Do you remember the name of the battle you underwent?)


V:              Le nom de bataille ? Bon disons les batailles si voulez étaient antérieures à mon arrivée, certaines batailles voilà. Moi j’ai commencé, au moment où je suis arrivé, ça a commencé à devenir la guerre de position, il n’y a pas de mouvement. Les autres, j’en ai… L’année précédente, je n’y étais pas.

(The name of battles? Well, the major battles had been undergone prior to my arrival; certain battle I mean. When I arrived, it had got into the stage of positional warfare. So, there were no longer full-scale offensive and defensive battles. There were such battles the year before, but I wasn’t then.)

Int.:          그래서, 가평에서 이제 다른 프랑스 대대에 합류한 다음에 그 다음에

(So, in Gapyeong, he joined the French battalion, and then)


전장으로 갔는데,

(went to the front.)

V:              [말을 끊으며] Là, j’ai une photo. C’est là que le bataillon était au repos quoi.

(Over here I have a picture taken while our battalion was taking a rest.)

Int.:          지금 뒤에 지금 보시는 사진들은 그때 이제 프랑스 대대가 휴식 중이었던 기간에 찍은 사진이라고 하는데요. 이 때 52년 3월 이후에는 이동 전투가 없었다고 합니다. 치열한 전투가 더 이상 없었던 시절이라고 합니다.

(The pictures behind him were taken while the French battalion was resting. In the meantime, he has just said that since March ’52 there was no longer maneuver warfares. There were no longer such fierce battles.)


I:         그 아까 한국을 전혀 모르셨고, 어디에 있는지도 몰랐고 그러셨다 그랬는데, 부산에서 도착해 가지고 프랑스 대대가 있는 가평까지 오시면서 한국에 대한 첫 번째 인상, 어땠습니까? 정확하게 솔직하게 얘기해 주세요.

(As you said, you didn’t know Korea at all before. You didn’t even know where you were. Since you arrived in Busan, until you got to Gapyeong where the French battalion was located, what was the first impresson you’ve got of Korea? Please be exact and honest.)

Int.:       Vous ne connaissiez pas du tout la Corée enfin presque avant d’aller en Corée. Vous êtes arrivé enfin en Corée en avril 52. Alors en allant

(You knew Korea almost nothing before. And then you finally arrived in Korea in April ’52.)


rejoindre vos camarades, quelles étaient vos premières impressions vraiment ? (What was the first impression of Korea you could have in the course of joining your comrades?)

V:         Mes premières impressions ? En fait, lorsqu’on est arrivé, si vous voulez, au port on nous attendait avec la musique quoi. Les Américains avec la musique et tout. Et après, on a embarqué dans les camions et tout, et on a rejoint le bataillon. Et là il faisait, je me souviens qu’il faisait assez mauvais, assez mauvais temps.

(The first impressions? When we arrived in a port in Busan, a welcoming ceremony was waiting for us. Americans welcomed us with music and offered nice things. And then we got on the trucks and then joined the battalion. I remember that it was pretty bad, a pretty bad weather.)


V:         Donc on a pas apprécié, après tout voilà. Au départ, un peu… comment dire ça, j’étais surpris quoi parce que je connaissais pas du tout la Corée, et je l’ai découverte.

(So we didn’t like it. At first everything surprised me because I didn’t know Korea at all, so I had to discover it.)

Int.:       Surpris de quoi ?

(Surprised by what?)

V:         Eh bien…. puisque je voyais si vous voulez.

(Well, by what I saw.)

Int.:       Qu’est-ce que vous voyiez ?

(What did you see?)

V:         Là parce que c’est le fait que c’était pauvre,

(On the one hand, it was so much poor.)


si vous voulez d’une part, et d’autre part bon ben il n’y avait pas le beau temps si vous voulez. J’avais pas d’idées bien précises.

(On the other hand, the weather was pretty bad. Besides these, I had no specific ideas.)

Int.:    부산에 도착했을 때는 미군들이 이렇게 환영식도 해주고 그랬는데 인제 프랑스 대대로 향하는 중에 거기서 이제 테롤씨는 한국에 대해서는 전혀 몰랐으니까, 그 날씨가 굉장히 안 좋았대요. 그래서 그런 날씨와 그 다음에 그 사람들의 빈곤함 그런 것이 이제

(When they arrived in Busan, the U.S. soldiers gave them a welcoming ceremony, but on the way to join the French battalion, it was quite different. Since he didn’t know Korea at all before, he didn’t imagine the weather could be such bad. Firstly, he was very surprised at the weather,


좀 놀라웠다고 합니다. (and secondly at the poverty.)

I:         그 빈곤함은 뭐 땜에 빈곤하다고 얘기 하시는지. 뭘 보셨습니까? 어땠습니까? 정확하게 좀 더 자세하게 부탁드립니다.

(What do you mean by poverty? What did you see? How was it? Please describe it more precisely.)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous pouvez décrire la pauvreté que vous avez pu voir à ce moment-là vraiment en détail le plus possible ?

(Could you describe the poverty you saw at that time as precisely as possible you can?)

V:         Bah ! C’était montagneux déjà. C’était la montagne quoi. Il y avait pas grand-chose autour s’il vous voulez.

(Well, it was altogether mountainous. They were the mountains themselves. Besides them, there was nothing around us.)


Sinon, comment vous expliquer, je sais pas.

(I don’t know how else I can explain.)

Int.:       C’était pas sur la population ?

(Wasn’t it about the population?)

V:         La population au départ, j’ai pas vu beaucoup par où on est passé.

(In the early part I didn’t meet the population at any location we had been.)

Int.:    아. 빈곤이라고 제가 말씀드린 것은 처음에는 한국 사람들에 관한 말은 아니었고, 제가 갔던 지역에 대해서 말씀 드린 것입니다. 그 지역은 대부분 산으로 되어있었기 때문에 거기에는 아무것도 없었습니다.

(Ah! The poverty he mentinoned isn’t about the polulation, but about the area he passed by. It was almost mountainous, and there was nothing else.)


V:         Si vous voulez, c’était géographique un peu.

(It’s poverty in the geographic sense.)

Int.:    약간 지형적인 측면에서의 빈곤을 의미합니다.

(By poverty, he meant the geographic harshness of surroundings.)

V:         Maintenant quand on voit à la télé la Corée, ça ne correspond à rien. Si vous voyez, la route, le train. Mais à l’époque, là où on est passé, c’étaient des pistes qui étaient fait au bouldozeur. C’était très simple, le temps…Mais la population au départ, on n’a pas vu beaucoup.

(Korea that we see on TV corresponds to nothing at that time. There was nothing like what we see now in Korea, for instance, the road, train, etc. At the time, there were only trails which were grossly bulldozed. The surrouindings were everywhere monotonous, and the weather was so bad. At the start, we didn’t see the Korean people.)


Int.:    지금 텔레비전에서 한국 모습을 볼 수 있는데 그때 한국은 그것과는 정말 천차만별인 그런 상황이었죠. 산에는 아무 것도 없었고 정말 그 어떤 지역물도, 조형물도 없었습니다. 한국 주민을 본 것은 그 훨씬 이후라고 합니다.

(Korea in the 1950s was very different from what we see her on TV now. There was nothing on the mountain, and really no local objects. It was long after that he saw the Korean residents.)

I:         그래서, 한국 주민을 봤을 때 느낌이 어떠셨어요? 지금 뭐 다 지나가는 일이기 때문에 솔직하게 말씀하셔도 된다고 (말씀드려주세요). 무서울 게 뭐가 있어.

(So, what did you feel when you saw the Korean people for the first time? It’s all bygone, therefore you can be honest.)

Int.:       Quand vous avez vu


la population enfin, quels étaient vos sentiments ?

(What was your impression when you saw the Korean people for the first time?)

V:         C’est-à-dire on n’a pas vu beaucoup la population. Parce qu’au départ, avant d’aller dans les villes, à Séoul comme ça parce que, si vous voulez, la population a été menée à l’arrière des troupes et à une certaine distance du front qui fait que quand étaient souvent attaqués les américains, quand ils reculaient,

(As I said, we did not see the population that much because at the start before going to the big city like Seoul. All the residents were compelled to move far behind the frontline. Keeping a certain distance, they always had to be at the rear of the front. If they had not been moved as such, they could have been attacked by retreating American troops.)


Ils n’étaient pas embêtés par la population quoi. Quant à la population il n’y avait que les gens du coin, à certains nombres de kilomètres qui étaient autorisés à rester, sinon les autres étaient obligés de… Il n’y avait que militaires si vous voulez qui était dans le coin.

(Anyway, they weren’t bothered by the population. There were only a few locals who were allowed to stay at a certain kilometers near behind. The other populations generally were obliged to be moved far behind. Strictly speaking in the area there were only soldiers.)

Int.:    나중에 한국 주민을 봤다고 말씀드렸지만 그렇다고 그렇게 많이 본 것은 또 아니었습니다. 정말 그 이때는 주민들은 후방에 대체적으로 있었기 때문에,

(He saw the Korean people so much later. When he was on the front, he didn’t practically see anyone. At that time, all the residents were compelled to be moved far rear of the front.)


V:         [말을 자르며] Moi je parle pour ce que j’ai vu. La population je sais pas à l’époque, on disait jusqu’à 50 km c’était pratiquement contrôlés par…

(I’m speaking of what I really saw. I wasn’t able to meet the populations in the early part of my engagement. Within fifty kilometers from the front, all situations were practically controlled by the army.)

Int.:    그래서 그 프랑스 대대가 주둔했던 지역 주변 한 50km 내에선 이렇게 주민을 거의 볼 수가 없었습니다.

(I didn’t see the Korean populations within fifty kilometers from the front.)

V:         Disons là où on était il y avait que des camps militaires


même au repos tout ça.

(There were only military camps even while we were resting.)

Int.:    휴식할 때도, 그, 주민들을 만난 적은 거의 없었습니다.

(Even while they toke a rest, they didn’t meet the population.)

V:         Sur le front il n’y avait pas un civil.

(Near the front, there was no civilian.)

Int.:    민간인은 없었죠.

(Near the front, there was no civilian.)

V:         La première fois que j’étais sur le front, bon ben c’était des obus.

(What I saw at the front were only cannonshots.)

I:         한국 테레비를 보신다고 했는데 이 먼 곳에서도. (You said you are watching Korean TV here.)


여기서도 한국 테레비가 나오는지 그리고 여기서 보는 한국은 어떻다고 생각하시는지 그때 봤던 한국과 지금 테레비에서 보고 있는 한국이 어떻게 다른지 좀 더 자세하게 제발. 자세하게 좀 묘사를 해 주십시오.

(How does Korea appear on TV? What do you think about Korea appeared on TV? What’s the difference between Korea you actually experienced and Korea you see now? Please describe it in detail.)

Int.:       Il demande une description si c’est possible pour vous parce que vous avez dit que vous captiez en fait des émissions, des émissions coréennes.

(You said you are watching Korean TV at your home.)


Alors vous pouvez nous décrire la différence par rapport à ce que vous avez vu dans les années ’52 et ’53 quand vous étiez en Corée et maintenant.

(What do you feel as regarding the difference between Korea you actually saw in the 1950s and Korea you see now on TV? Please  describe it as precisely as you can.)

V:         Ah une différence énorme. Énorme. Moi je compare Séoul à un village, à une petite ville où j’étais. Je ne suis pas sûr si vous en avez entendu parler près de Béziers. On allait là-bas.

(Ah, there is a huge difference. H-u-g-e. I dare to compare the change of Seoul with that of a small town where I had been a long time ago. I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard Béziers. We dropped in the town lately.)


Mais on voyait rien. Maintenant, ce n’est pas comparable.

(But we were able to recognize nothing. Now it was incomparable.)

비교할 수 조차 없습니다.

V:         C’est pas comparable. C’était trop… si vous voulez pour employer des termes, c’était ordinaire.

(Likewise, Seoul of that time and Seoul today are not comparable with each other. It’s a common event.)

Int.:    비교할 수 조차 없는 것이, 여기 이 근처에서 더 들어간 Béziers 라는 조그만 마을 있는데 당시 서울은 그 Béziers 정도의 어떤 느낌이랄까.

(It is incomparable. Lately, he dropped in a city called Béziers where he had been a long time ago. He wasn’t able to recognize anything he remembers. He has the similar feeling in regard of Seoul.)


그 정도 밖에 되지 않고, 그렇기 때문에 지금의 서울과 비교한다는 것은, 비교할 수조차 없습니다.

(It’s impossible to compare Seoul at that time with Seoul today.)

I:         그럼 어떻게 생각하세요. 그렇게 변할 거라고 생각하셨나요?

Int.:       Est-ce que à l’époque vous avez imaginé, vous avez pu imaginer que la Corée deviendrait la Corée d’aujourd’hui?

(Had you imagined then that Korea would become like today)

V:         Non.


Int.:    아닙니다.


V:         Non, parce que à l’époque que ce soit colonial machin comma ça, les pays qui étaient dominés par les occidentaux, ils était pauvres tous.

(Not at all. Korea was then a colony or not far from that. She had been dominated for a long time by the imperialist, and the populations were altogether poor.)


J’ai même pas posé la question. A l’heure actuelle, souvent je me pose la question. Je dis par exemple, j’ai fait la guerre d’Algérie, j’ai participé pendant 36 mois là-bas… et eux, la guerre étant terminée, ils sont toujours aussi pauvres. On a laissé le pétrol. Je fais toujours la différence entre vous et… Parce que on reproche beaucoup

(I couldn’t even conceive the idea to ask such a question. Nowadays, I often ask myself a like question. For example, I fought either in the Algerian war. I participated in that war for thirty-six months. Even if the war came to an end a long time ago, and even if they are rich in resources, viz. oils, the Algerian people are still suffering poverty. I always make the difference between you and them.)


la France s’il vous voulez sa colonisation, et surtout en Algérie on reproche, c’était en guerre. Et eux ils n’ont pas évolué, alors que vous… Quand je vois les jeunes à la télé tout ça, même les journaux, disons tout ceux qui font partie du peuple coréen quoi.

(They blamed France for their colonization, and especially in Algeria they blamed France so violently that at last they brought about the war against us. But they saw no development since then, whereas Korea did carry our. I witness the growth of your country whenever I watch the young Koreans on TV or in newspaper. For me, they represent the entire Korean people.)


V:         Algérie tout çà, ça n’a rien à voir avec. C’est pour ça que je regarde, j’aime bien regarder les jeunes.

(Algeria has nothing to be compared with that. That’s why I like to watch the Korean youngsters on TV.)

Int.:    프랑스가 당시 이제 식민지, 북아프리카에 식민지가 있었는데, 특별히 알제리 전을 보자면은, 알제리 전 7년을 겼었습니다. 근데 알제리 전 후에 알제리 모습은 여전히 석유가 있음에도 불구하고 여전히 가난합니다. 그렇지만 한국은 그렇지 않기 때문에 가끔 알제리 전과, 알제리 전에도 참전 하셨거든요,

(France had many colonies in North Africa at that time. Algeria fought against France for seven years. After the war, however, Algeria still remained to be one of the poorest countries in spite of its natural resources. Korea was not the same. Since I participated in the Algerian War as well,)


알제리 전과 지금 한국전을 이렇게 비교하기도 합니다. 그래서 한국 텔레비전에서 한국 청소년들 모습을 보는 것을 좋아하는데, 그 이유는 바로 이렇게 한국의 변한 모습을 느끼실 수 있기 때문입니다.

(Therefore I’m able to compare between Algeria and Korea with confidence. I like to watch Korean youths on TV because it makes me feel the changes occurred in Korea.)

I:         알제리는 석유가 있음에도 불구하고 천연자원이 풍부했음에도 불구하고 그렇게 됐고, 한국은 아무것도 없거든요, 우리는 기름 한 방울도 없는데 뭐가 한국을 이렇게 변하게 했다고 생각하세요?

(While Algeria remained stagnant in spite of its natural wealth such as oil, Korea has developed from nothing, without a drop of oil. According to you, what makes Korea so much special?)


Int.:       Vous avez pris l’exemple de l’Algérie. L’Algérie a de l’essence, enfin, du pétrole. La Corée il n’y a rien comme ressources naturelles. Alors qu’est-ce qui fait que Algérie reste toujours…

(You made a comparison with Algeria. Algeria is one of the countries naturally wealthy, whereas Korea is a country poor in natural resources. So what makes Algeria remaining stagnant, whereas Korea develops remarkably?)

V:         Ben… C’est l’esprit, l’esprit musulman quoi. C’est la religion. Religion.

(Well, it’s about the mind, the Muslim spirit. It’s a matter of religion.)

Int.:       정신, 또는 종교. 알제리의 그 어떤 무슬림, 종교


때문이라고 생각합니다.

(It’s because of their religion, the Muslim religion.)

V:         De toute façon, les musulmans sont depuis des temps toujours en bagarre contre les chrétiens et occidentaux.

(Anyway, Muslims have always been fighting against Christians and westerners since long time.)

Int.:    무슬림은 옛날부터 항상 또 기독교인들이랑 전쟁을 해왔던 사람들이기 때문에…

(Muslims have always been fighting against Christians since ancient times.)

V:         Alors bon, il faut dire qu’ils étaient occupés pendant 150 ans et donc ça… Votre histoire n’est pas la leur.

(And also, it must be said that they were colonized for 150 years. The history of Korea is different from theirs.)

Int.:    한국의 역사는


이들의 역사와 전혀 다릅니다.

(The history of Korea is completely different from theirs.)

I:         그래서, 그, 한국에서 떠나신 다음에 그 후에 한국을 가 보신 적 있나요?

(So, have you ever been to Korea after you left?)

Int.:       Après avoir quitté la Corée, après la guerre de Corée, est-ce que vous êtes retourné en Corée ?

(Since you left Korea, have you ever come back there again?)

V:         Non.


Int.:    없습니다.


I:         어. 그래요? 왜 한번도 안 가보셨어요? 그, 한국 정부에서 계속 초청을 하는데…

(Uh, really? Why haven’t you? The Korean government must have kept inviting you.)

V:         Je me suis quand même toujours intéressé, j’ai toujours, ça m’est resté

(I was always interested in this coutry.)


dans la tête si vous voulez… la preuve. Finalement j’étais en Corée pour les Coréens. Les volontaires ont amené la liberté, si vous voulez, mais moi avant je fais partie de ces volontaires, et en plus ça m’a amené une famille. Parce qu’au retour en France, ça a été, le soldat de Corée était plus ou moins mal vu. Vous voyez?

(I still keep in my mind a truth if you like; that the sole reason I was there in Korea was to help the Korean people. The volunteers brought them freedom. While as one of the volunteers I contribute to their freedom, Korea in turn brought me a family. When we returned to France, people frowned at us. Can you believe it?)


Pas exagérément mais enfin… Même sur le plan gouvernemental on est oublié un petit peu quoi. Et là, j’ai connu ma femme grâce à un copain, qui était militaire aussi m’avait invité à une noce, à son mariage quoi. Là, j’ai eu le coup de foudre avec ma femme.

(It’s not an exaggeration but a real fact. Even the government abandoned us for a political reason. In midst of such ignoring, I got to know my wife; a friend, who was also a soldier, had invited me to his wedding. There, I fell in love with my wife.)

Int.:    한국에 대해서 계속 관심이 있긴 했었지만은, 어쨌든 한국전에

(I was always interested in Korea. I decided to go to Korea)


참전 한 것은 그, 한국 국민을 그 고통으로부터 해방시키기 위해서 참전했던 것이었기 때문에, 갔던 것이었고. 그리고 말을 바꿔서 그 한국전이 또 지금의 나의 가족을 만들었던 것이라고 할 수도 있습니다. 왜냐하면 한국전 후에 돌아와 가지고 결혼을 했기 때문이죠.

(because I decided to fight for freeing the Korean people from the pain. But in turn the Korean War brought me my current family; I got married just after I came back from the Korean War.)

V:         Depuis, sept enfants. Treize petits enfants. Dix arrières petits. [RIRE]

(From there, a large family brought forth: seven children, thirteen grand-children and ten great-grand-children.) [LAUGHS]


Int.:       Sept et dix,

(Seven children and ten great-grand-children?)

V:         Dix arrières petits.

(Ten great-grand-children.)

Int.:       Dix arrières. Et?

(And also?)

V:         J’espère les envoyer tous en voyage en Corée. [RIRE]

(I dream to have a group tour with all of them to Korea. [LAUGHS])

Int.:    그래서 결혼 후에 지금 자녀 7명을 두셨고, 그 다음에 지금 10명의 증손자까지 두셨습니다.

(From their union, a large family brought forth. He has seven children, thirteen grand-children, and ten great-grand-children.)

I:         한국 정부에서 계속 초청을 했는데 계속 안 가신 특별한 이유가 있나요?

(The government of Korea must have invited you many times, but you have never accepted that. Do you have any special reason for the refusal?)

Int.:       Et le gouvernement coréen vous a invité plusieurs fois, mais pourquoi vous voulez pas y aller ?

(The government of Korea has invited you many times, but why didn’t you accept the invitations?)

V:         Ben disons que


dans l’association dont je fais partie depuis, depuis, peut-être une vingtaine année vous voyez. A l’époque, bon ben, je n’y étais pas encore. J’ai pas eu l’occasion. Mais après bon voilà je sais pas j’ai pas d’abord… C’est maintenant j’aurais envie d’y aller, mais je peux pas parce que je suis handicapé.

(I hold membership of the French association of the Korean War veterans for nearly twenty years. Before joining the accosiation, I had no chance to come back. But even after joining, I don’t know why, but I had no desire to do. Now I feel inclined to make a visit, but I cannot because I’m handicapped.)


Int.:    이전에는 그렇게 커다란, 그, 어떤, 그, 한국에 가고 싶은 마음이 이렇게 많이 크게 동하지는 않았습니다, 참전협회에 속한지가 한 20년 되셨는데 이전에 그런 얘기가 있다는 건 들으셨지만은, 별로 이제 가고 싶은 마음은 없었고, 최근에, 최근 수년 간은 그런 마음이 있지만 지금은 몸이 불편해서 가지 못합니다.

(For last twenty years during which I hold membership of the French association of the Korean War verterans, I hadn’t much desire to make a visit to Korea. Even when I heard people having made a visit to Korea, I thought I have nothing to do with it. These days I feel inclined to go to Korea, but I can’t because I’m physically handicapped now.)

I:         못 가시는 것은 이제 몸이 불편하셔서 이해가 되는데, 테레비로 보시는 것과 가서 보시면 완전히 다르다고 (이야기해 주세요). 1950년도와 지금을

(I understand you. But if you witness Korea with your own eyes, you must be surprised at how different it was from what you have seen it on TV before. So much as you look differently Korea today from Korea in the 1950s, Korea seen with your own eyes will be completely different from Korea appeared in TV.)


다르게 보시듯이 테레비와 현실은 다르다고 (이야기해 주세요).

Int.:       Bien sûr vous regardez la télévision, vous voyez la différence entre…

(Even watching TV you may recognize how much Korea did change.)

V:         Je regarde pas, si vous voulez, la télévision de Corée. Je regarde de temps en temps pour voir surtout les jeunes.

(Frankly, I don’t watch Korean TV as anybody watches TV. I just appreciate from time to time the young Korean people appeared in it.)

Int.:       D’après M. HAN, c’est, regarder les images de la Corée d’aujourd’hui et de les voir sur place, c’est aussi très différent c’est pas exactement la même chose


comme la différence entre dans les années 50.

(According to Dr HAN, witnessing Korea with your own eyes will be completely different from finding it in images. It would be so much different as you don’t regard Korea today same as Korea in the 1950s.)

V:         J’ai pas compris votre question.

(I don’t understand your question.)

Int.:       Non. Non. D’aller voir sur place la Corée, ce serait pas tout à fait pareil que de regarder les images, les images à la télévision.

(No, it’s not a question. Discovering Korea with your own eyes isn’t the same with finding it on TV.)

V:         Oui. Oui. Parce que vous croyez qui présente simplement ce qui est présentable à la télé. Un petit peu…

(Yes, yes. Because you may believe that on TV we only receive what is presentable. A little bit…)

Int.:       C’est autre chose. C’est autre chose.

(It is not the same thing.)

V:         Là je peux pas répondre à ça.

(I’m afraid I cannot answer that.)

I:         손녀 딸들이, 지금 여기


사위가 앉아 계신데, 사위의 딸, 그러니까 저 외손녀 둘이.

(Your two grand-daughters and son-in-law are sitting in company with you.)

Int.:    손녀랑 손자 한 명이래요.

(A grand-son and a grand-daughter.)

I:         그래요 아들. 한국을 갔다고 들었거든요? 보훈처에서 초대하는 피스캠프의 일원으로 갔는데. 돌아와서 뭐라고 하던가요?

(Yes, grand-son. I heard that they have been to Korea as a member of the Peace Camp organized by MPVA (Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affaires). What did they say when came back?)

Int.:       Et donc, les enfants, de votre gendre, de votre fille, sont allés en Corée et ils ont participé


à un séminaire, à un séjour organisé par le MPVA.

(Your grand-children have been to Korea on the occasion of a seminar organized by MPVA.)

V:         Par la… l’organisme de la paix, déjà, en Corée.

(Yes, the Peace Camp in Korea)

Int.:       Tout à fait.


V:         Ils en sont venus enchantés.

(They came back enchanted.)

Int.:       Ils étaient contents ?

(Were they pleased?)

V:         Contents.

(Yes, pleased.)

Int.:    굉장히 아주 기뻐했다고 합니다.

(The visite really pleased them.)

V:         [INDIQUANT SON GENDRE] Surtout la première qui était, c’est sa fille. Quand elle était venue…, vraiment, parce qu’ils ont découvert… et puis il faut renconnaître qu’ils ont été bien reçus.

[INDICATING HIS SON-IN-LAW] (It was his daughter who went first. When she came back, she seemed to have made an important discovery. She said to have been cordially received.)

Int.:    첫 번째로 간 사람은 외손녀인데,


손녀가 너무너무 아주 기뻐했다고요. 처음으로 여러 가지 것들을 봐서요.

(His grand-daughter made a visite to Korea first. She was very pleased because it was a kind of discovery for her.)

I:         제가 사위를 (이 자리에) 지금 초청을 하려고 그러는데 괜찮습니까?

(May I invite your son-in-law next to you?)

Int.:       Est-ce qu’on peut inviter à vos côtés votre gendre ?

(May I invite your son-in-law next to you?)

V:         Mais bien sûr bien sûr. [RIRE] Heureusement qu’il est… parce que ça me travaillait quoi. Parce que comme… j’étais handicapé…

(Of course. [LAUGH] How glad he was! After handicapped, moving became a hard job.)

Son-in-law of veteran : Why me? (Why do you invite me?)


I:          Because you are here. (Because you are here.)

Son-in-law of veteran: Of course. (That’s for sure.)

I:          Because you are here. Would you please introduce yourself?

(Because you are here. Would you please introduce yourself?)

Son-in-law of veteran: Je me présente?

(I introduce myself?)

Int.:       Oui.


Son-in-law of veteran : Je suis Didier Mehl. Je suis le gendre de Robert Terol.

(My name is Didier Mehl, the son-in-law of Mr Robert Terol.)

Int.:    디디에 멜 이라고 하고요. 이름은요. 테롤 씨의 사위입니다.

(His name is Didier Mehl. He is the son-in-law of Mr Robert Terol.)

I:         지금 대화를 들어서 아시겠지만, 당신의,


그, 자녀들이 한국을 피스캠프 프로그램으로 다녀왔는데, 지금 장인께서 얘기하시는 한국의 상황, 가난했고 정말 아무것도 없었던 거 하고, 그 다음에 자녀분들이 가서 한국을 보고 한 얘기하고, 설명을 좀 해 주세요. 어떻게 얘기를 하던가요?

(On the one hand, you have heard your father-in-law’s saying about the situation of Korea at the time: they were poor and there was really nothing. On the other, you must have heard of Korea today from your children came back from the Peace Camp in Korea. What did they talk to you about it?)

Int.:       Votre beau-père a parlé justement de la Corée


qu’il a connue dans les années 50. Et puis maintenant vous enfants sont allés en Corée et vous ont raconté ce qu’ils ont vécu et vu. Alors comment vous voyez la différence?

(You must have heard your father-in-law’s saying about the Korea he experienced in the 1950s. And then now your children have been to there lately. What did they talk to you about what they saw and how they were as guest? How do you understand the difference?)

Son-in-law of veteran : Entre ce qu’il a raconté mon beau-père et ce qu’ont vu mes enfants. Alors depuis que je connais mon beau-père ça fait bientôt 40 ans un peu plus, on a toujours entendu parler de la Corée.

(You ask me to compare between what my father-in-law said and what my children saw. Since I’ve known my father-in-law for almost 40 years, I’ve always heard about Korea.)


Avec les photos qu’on voit derrière nous, la Corée était toujours omniprésente donc je m’en faisais certaines images, mais sans plus. Et le fait que mes enfants aient pu se rendre compte de la réalité de ce pays qui avait évidemment évolué avec dans la modernité dans une économie prospère, il y avait un très net décalage entre


ce que j’avais perçu de ce que disait mon beau-père et de ce que disaient mes enfants. (As you may guess by the photos behind us, Korea was omnipresent among us. Personally I had some images of her, but that’s all. On the contrary, my children were able to experience the current Korea: she has obviously modernized with the economic prosperity. There was a clear gap between what I had imagined from my father-in-law’s saying and what my children were saying.)

Int.:    벌써 한 40년 넘게, 지금 떼롤 씨를 알고 있는데요. 그때부터 지금 사진이나 여러 가지 이야기를 통해서 한국에 대해서 많이 들었습니다. 그래서 한국에 대한 어떤 이미지를 가지고 있었는데, 지금, 자녀분들이 한국에 갔다 와서 이렇게 말해 주는 것을 보고, 본인이 갖고 있던 그 이미지와 실제 한국의 현실은 커다란 차이가 있구나라는 생각이

(He has known Mr Terrol for over fourty years. All the while he has heard a lot about Korea, various stories with photos taken at that time. He cannot help to have a certain image of Korea. But now, through what was described by his children who have been to Korea, he realized that there is a huge big difference between what he imagined and where Korea really was.)


들었습니다. 그 변화 상황이, 경제적인 측면에서 라든지, 여러 가지 상황이 본인이 이렇게 가지고 있었던, 이야기를 통해서 들었던 그 이미지와, 만든 이미지와, 자녀분들의 이야기 속에서 좀 이렇게 차이가 있었다고 할 수 있습니다.

(There must have been huge changes in the whole dimensions based upon the economic prosperity. There was a huge difference between the image of Korea he made from the saying of his father-in-law, and the reality of Korea described by his children.)

I:         당신의 자녀들이 학교에서 지금 대학생이라고 제가 알고 있는데, 중, 고등학교 때까지 그 역사시간에, 세계역사 시간에 한국 전쟁이나 이런 거에 대해서 많이 배웠다고 하던가요?

(I heard that your children are now in the university. Have you ever heard saying that they learned about the Korean War or the like in their history class when they were in middle school or high school?)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous avez entendu dire


que vos enfants, quand ils étaient avant d’aller à l’université, quand ils étaient au collège ou bien au lycée, est-ce qu’ils ont déjà entendu parler de la guerre de Corée ?

(Have you ever heard that your children learned about the Korean War or the like in their history class in middle school or in high school?)

Son-in-law of veteran : Dans, dans leur enseignement jamais. Après, l’histoire de la famille fait qu’on en a entendu parler très tôt.

(In the regular school education, they have never learnt about the Korean War. On the contrary, very early on, they heard about it because of the family history.)

Int.:    학교 교육 시간에서는 전혀 안 배운 것으로 알고 있습니다. 그렇지만 이제 가족에서, 가족 사이에서 이렇게 얘기가 회자되고 있었습니다.

(As I know, they didn’t learn anything about it in their school education. But the stories of the Korean War have been well known among the family from their early years.)

I:         도대체 왜 우리가


그걸 안 가르칠까요? 그거 정말, 이게 정말 얘기할만한 스토리가 되는 거 아닙니까? 그렇게 가난했고, 아무도 몰랐던 나라에 가서, 프랑스의 시민이 가서 싸우고, 그 나라가 이제는 경제 11대 대국이 되었는데도 불구하고, 왜 우리는 그거에 대해서 얘기하기를 싫어할까요?

(Why don’t we teach it in school? Isn’t this really a story worth talking? There was once a country whose populations were so much poor. And then, the French veterans went to that country in order to fight for their freedom. And that country is now the 11th largest economy in the world. Why do we hate talking about these stories?)

Int.:       Pourquoi la France n’enseigne pas cette belle histoire, de cette belle histoire de enfin grâce au sacrifice des vétérans français


la Corée est devenue une onzième puissance mondiale c’est une très belle histoire, mais pourquoi vous pensez que on n’enseigne pas cette histoire à l’école ?

(We don’t understand why France doesn’t teach the story of the Koreas War for all the worth. Thanks to the sacrifice of French veterans, one of the poorest countries in the 1950s has become now the 11th largest economy in the world. It’s a very beautiful story. Why don’t we teach this story in school?)

Son-in-law of veteran : J’ai pas, j’ai pas de réponse précise là-dessus.

(I don’t have an answer. I don’t have a specific answer to that.)

V:         Moi j’en ai une.

(I have one.)

Son-in-law of veteran: Je peux vous donner la mienne.

(Do you? I will give you mine.)

V:         C’est parce que en France on est très chauvin. Ce qui ne vient pas de la décision de notre gouvernement, ça n’existe pas, ça ignore. Au départ,

(It’s because in France we are very chauvinistic in that any decision, no matter what it may be, which does not come from the government, is the same like non-existent; sonner or latter, it comes to be ignored.)


au départ la France ne voulait pas envoyer, comme elle avait la guerre d’Indochine tout ça, elle ne voulait pas envoyer les militaires là-bas. Ils ont envoyé je sais pas bateau, hôpital, enfin vaguement j’ai entendu parler de ça. Mais les Américains n’ont pas été contents parce que eux ils ont pris tout de suite en charge de tout. Alors les Français en vitesse ils ont formé un bataillon. C’est pour ça que ce bataillon est un peu exemplaire si vous voulez

(At the outset, France did not want to enter the Korean War because she had put all the forces into the Indochina War. France wanted to stand out of that war; she cannot afford it. Well, though it isn’t for sure, the original intention of France was to send supplies only: boats, hospitals, etc. However, the U.S. wasn’t happy for this because they should have taken charge of everything. So, France hurriedly organized a battalion. That’s why this battalion remains a bit exemplary in the military history of France;)


dans l’histoire, c’est parce que ils ont demandé les volontaires, mais il y en avait un pagaille. Ce bataillon si vous voulez était formé de de volontaires qui venaient du civil, d’autres qui venaient comme moi qui étaient déjà miliaires. Avec tout ça je suis. J’avais 19 ans à l’époque.

(we recruited civil volunteers; so they were much less disciplined than career soldiers. Anyway the battalion was altogether made up volunteers, even though part of which were those who had already joined the army like me, but part of which was sheerly civilian. Each constituent was volunteer as I was. I was nineteen at the time.)

Int.:    Je veux résumer. 사위 분은 그 질문에 대한 답변이 없습니다.


근데 이제 테롤 씨는 프랑스 사람들이 약간 좀, 뭐라 할까요, 국수주의자들이기 때문에… 왜냐하면 처음에 프랑스는 한국전에 프랑스 군대를 보내기를, 보내는 것을 원치 않았습니다. 이미 인도차이나 전에 많은 병력을 소비하고 있었기 때문에 여력이 없어서. 그래서 자진해서 한 일이 아니기 때문에 아마 그런게 아닌가라는 그런 의심을 하고 계십니다.

(The son-in-law has no answer to that question, whereas Mr Terol has one. According to Mr Terol, it’s because the French people are a little bit nationalists. At the ourset, France did not want to send the troops to the Korean War because she was already drained a lot of its military strength in Indochina. She couldn’t afford it. In sum, according to Mr Terol, it’s probably because France didn’t voluntarily engage to the Korean War that she doesn’t want to remind it.)

I:         그, 사위 분께 다시 여쭤 보겠는데요. 지금 이렇게 한국,


장인이 가서 본 한국과 지금 한국을 우리 사위께서 아시는데 그거에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요?

(I ask again to the son-in-law. You know a gap between Korea your father-in-law has experienced and Korea your own children did. What do you think about it?)

  1. : Le gouvernement à l’heure actuelle a pris en compte maintenant il y aura un monument à Paris avec le nom des morts, morts pour la France, c’est pas morts pour la Corée, c’est morts pour la France.

(The French government has started to recognize the fallen soldiers in the Korean War. Soon or late, we will see in Paris a monument engraved the entire name of the soldiers fallen in Korea. But they are still considered to have died for France, not for Korea. If they died, at any rate, they should have died for France, not for Korea.)


c’est pas comme ceux qui meurent actuellement au Mali ou autres, morts pour la France. C’est ça c’est la reconnaissance de la France vis-à-vis de ces soldat-là.

(As a matter of fact, they didn’t die for France like a soldier, who is in an external operation like in Mali, died there for France. This shows how France acknowledges the veterans of the Korean War.)

Int.:    프랑스 정부는 최근에서야 이제 이렇게 첨단 장병들을 조금씩 인정하기 시작했습니다. 파리에 가면 이렇게 전몰 장병들을 위한 어떤 그런 조각들이 있듯이, 최근에야 이제 좀 인정하기 시작했습니다.

(Recently, the French government has started to recognize the soldiers of the Korean War. In Paris, there will be soon or late a momument dedicated to the soldiers fallen in Korea.)

I:         그래서 아까 말씀 드렸듯이, 저희가 이런 인터뷰를 교육자료로 제작해서 선생님들에게 배포해서


더 가르치도록 하려고 하고 있습니다.

(As I said earlier, we will make the educational materials based upon these interviews, and distribute them to teachers in history class so that they can teach the students more about the Korea War.)

Int.:       C’est pourquoi comme on vous a dit tout à l’heure le but, l’un des buts de ce travail, de cette rencontre aujourd’hui, c’est préparer un document, document scolaire pour donner aux professeurs en histoire pour qu’ils enseignent cette belle histoire aux jeunes.

(As we told you earlier, one of the goals of this interview is to prepare educational materials for a history teacher in order to transfer such a beautiful story like yours to the younger generation.)

I:         사위 분께 다시 한번, 한 가지만 더 질문을 드리겠는데요,


지금 40년 동안 알아 오셨고 오늘 인터뷰 하는 걸 옆에서 지켜보고 계셨는데, 그, 장인이 얘기했던 50년대 한국과 지금 당신도 한국을 알고 계실 텐데, 그런 얘기를 들으면서 어떤 기분이 드세요?

(I still want to hear the answer from Mr Son-in-law. You’ve known the veteran for about fourty years, and you have been attending this interview together with us. Therefore, on the one hand, you know the situation of Korea in the 1950s. On the other hand you know Korea of today as well. What do you feel about the change occured in Korea during a span?)

Int.:       Alors, donc, vous avez dit tout à l’heure que depuis plus de 40 ans vous le connaissez. Alors, donc, vous avez raconté tout à l’heure un petit peu, mais la Corée dans les années 50 et puis la Corée pour que vous connaissiez


enfin par vos enfants ou bien par d’autres intermédiaires, alors, comment vous voyez cette différence ?

(You said earlier that you have known him for more than fourty years. Therefore, you must have been told from him how Korea was in the 1950s. And you finally got to know from your children how far Korea was developed today. What do you feel from this change?)

Son-in-law of veteran : Alors, de ce que j’ai perçu dans les années 50, un pays relativement pauvre avec une peut-être pas d’industrie ou avec une agriculture ouvirère, je m’en réfère à la photo que je vois derrière moi où on voit un habitat


qui est relativement pauvre. Maintenant de ce que m’a raconté, nous raconté nos enfants, évidemment c’est un pays très moderne énormément de technologie avec…on sait bien la Corée par la téléphonie, par le multimédia, etc. Donc, je pense qu’il n’y a absolument aucun comparatif possible entre cette Corée des années 50 et cette 11e


puissance mondiale actuelle.

(Having heard saying of her from my father-in-law, I imagined Korea in the 1950s as a country which is relatively poor, perhaps having no industry, and being in labor-intensive agricultural state. It wouldn’t be so far from a country we can see in the photo behind us, where we see the relatively poor habitat. In the story that my children have told me, Korea of today is obviously a very modern, technologically advanced country. Korea is well known to the whole world by its high technology in such fields as mobile phone, multimedia, etc. So I think there could be no comparison between Korea in the 1950s and the current Korea, who is the 11th largest economy in the world.)

Int.:    그래서 이제, 50년대 한국은 당연히 이제, 사진을 통해서 본 50년대 한국은 굉장히 농업 중심이었고, 산업시설은 거의 없었고, 굉장히 아주 빈곤한, 뭐 주거시설을 보더라도 그랬는데, 지금 현대 한국은 첨단 기술과, 아주 굉장히 현대식이고, 하다못해 전화만 보더라도 알 수 있고, 이제 멀티미디어 여러 가지 기계들만 보더라도, 그걸 통해서도 볼 수 있는데, 전혀 비교할 수 없는 그런


한국이 되었죠.

(In the 1950s, Korea was an agricultural country as seen in the photos behind us. There was practically no industry. That they lived poor is easily inferable from the mode of their habitat at that time seen in the photos. On the contrary, Korea is now modernized, and has the advanced technologies in such fields as mobile phone and multimedia. It’s impossible to compare this with that in the 1950s.)

I:         감사합니다.

(Thank you.)

Int.:       Merci beaucoup.

(Thank you.)

——————–Changement de scène 00:54:34———-

I:         현재 한국 경제가 전 세계에서 몇 위에 속하는지 알고 계세요?

(Do you know how high South Korea ranks in the world in the economic power now?)

Int.:       Vous connaissez le niveau de l’économie de la Corée actuelle ? La puissance économique?

(Do you know how high South Korea ranks in the world in the economic power now?)

V:         D’après le DVD que j’ai reçu de Corée, c’est la 7e puissance je crois, économie.

(According to a DVD I received from Korea, it’s probably the 7th largest economy.)

Int.:    C’est vrai ? DVD를 하나 얻었는데,


거기서는 7위라고 나왔던 거 같다고 말씀하시네요.

(He received a DVD from Korea. According to it, Korea is known as the 7th largest economy.) [LAUGHS]

I:         그건 좀 부풀려 졌고, 현재 경제 11대 국입니다.

(That’s a little exaggerated. South Korea is the 11th economically most powerful country in the world.)

Int.:       C’est un petit peu exagéré tout à l’heure le 7e, mais bon on dit grosso modo 11, la 11puissance mondiale.

(That’s a little exaggerated. South Korea is the 11th most powerful country in the economy.)

I:         그런데, 2030년이 되면 프랑스를 앞서서


경제 7대 대국이 될 수도 있다는 그런 예측이 있는데 어떻게 생각하세요?

(Furthermore, some people surmise that in 2030 Korea would outstrip France in terms of the economy, and then become the 7th largest economy in the world. What do you think?)

V:         Mais certains disent actuellement que dans les années 2030, la Corée devancerait la France en termes d’économie, et puis deviendrait la 7epuissance économie mondiale. Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez? (Furthermore, some people surmise that in 2030 Korea would outstrip France in terms of economy, and then become the 7th largest economy in the world. What do you think?)

V:         Ah. J’en pense que c’est pas comparable parce que là-bas le raisonnement


est asiatique, si vous voulez, ici le raisonnement est français. Français c’est bordelique. C’est, mais… comment dire ça…ça part dans tous les sens. On peut pas, la France on ne peut pas dire aujourd’hui, demain va être comme ça, demain…ça c’est. Je pense qu’il y aura toujours un équilibre.

(Well, I think it isn’t comparable because you keep your Asian way of thinking there, whereas we keep our French way of thinking here. As a matter of fact, France is currently in troublous times. However, I believe that we shouldn’t be prompt in decicing our country based upon the current state. We shouldn’t say that tomorrow France would be this or that in view of the today’s fact. I think we will have a recovery.)

Int.:    그것에 대해서 뭐라고 특별히 말씀드릴 수가 없는 게, 프랑스 사람들은 프랑스 사람들 나름대로 사고방식이 있고, 한국 사람들은 또 그렇기 때문에


양측간에 어떤 균형이 있지 않을까 이렇게 생각합니다.

(He thinks it’s incomparable because we keep your Asian way of thinking, whereas they keep the French way of thinking. He thinks they will have a recovery.)

I:         너무 정치적으로 이야기 하시는 거 같은데.

(He seems to accept my question too politically.)

V:         La France, c’est un pays qui bouge, si vous voulez. Intellectuellement, il y a beaucoup de choses inventées par la France. C’est seulement le pouvoir qui marche pas. Dès qu’il y a deux Français ensemble, ils s’entendent pas. Chaque…

(France is a country on the move. Speaking of the mentality, there are a lot of things invented by the French. It’s only politics that doesn’t work well in this country. When a Frenchman meets another, they’re always hostile to each.)

Int.:    프랑스에서 잘 기능 하지 않는 것은 정치라고 합니다.

(It’s only politics that doesn’t work well.)

V:         C’est comme ça je perçois.

(I think it’s like that.)

Int.:    그렇게 본인은 생각합니다.

(He thinks it’s like that.)

I:         그래서 손녀와


손자가 한국을 가서 보고 와서 얘기를 할 때 기분이 어떠셨어요?

(What did you feel when your grandchildren told you the story they’ve experienced in Korea?)

Int.:       Quand vos petits-enfants sont venus, et revenus de Corée après leur séjour en Corée, et puis ils vous ont raconté en fait ce qui s’était passé. Alors quels étaient vos sentiments? Comment vous…

(When your grandchildren, who came back after having experienced the current Korea, told you what happened there, what did you feel?)

V:         J’en suis fier quoi. C’est pour ça j’ai tout fait pour que Monsieur Quintard.

(I was proud of giving them such a chance. That’s why I did everything in cooperating with Mr Quintard. [Note: Mr Roger Quintard is the then secretary general of the French association of the Korean War veterans.]


Vous connaissez bien Monsieur Quintard pour qu’il les envoie. Pas de problème.

(You know Mr Quintard. He managed the trip for them. There wasn’t any problem.)

Int.:    굉장히 기뻤고 자부심이 있었습니다.

(He was pleased and very proud of giving them such a chance.)

V:         Si vous voulez, moi mon intervention en Corée, pour moi c’est sentimental. Ca reste dans, d’une part parce que j’ai connu mon épouse après, dans le cas contraire, j’aurais pas connu, j’aurais pas cette grande famille, peut-être plus grande j’en sais rien. [RIRE] D’autre part,


j’ai toujours… je peux pas expliquer ça, mais je suis toujours resté attaché si vous voulez les Coréens, la population, sont gentilles quoi.

(Whenever I look back on my stay in Korea, it always goes with a deep emotion. Firstly, somehow or other, I got to know my wife because of the Korean War. If I hadn’t got to know her, I wouldn’t have had a big family as actual. Maybe bigger, I don’t know. [LAUGHS] Secondly, though I cannot explain why, I felt always to be conncected with the Korean people who were gentle.)

Int.:    한국은 본인에게 굉장히 어떤 이렇게 감정적 측면이 큽니다. 그래서, 또, 한국 전쟁이 없었으면 결혼을 못 할 수도 있었습니다. 한국전쟁을 통해서 결혼도 했고, 이렇게 아름다운 대가족까지,


이뤘고, 그 다음에 지금까지도 한국은 항상 이렇게 애착이 가는 그런 국가라고 할 수 있습니다.

(Whenever he looks back on his past in Korea, it always goes with a deep emotion. He got to know the wife because of the Korean War. And if he hadn’t got to know her, he wouldn’t have had a big family as actual. This makes his conncetion with Korea so strongly.)

V:         Et puis ce qui a frappé beaucoup mes petits-enfants donc surtout sa fille [INDIQUANT SON-OF-LAW]. C’est que, j’étais connu si vous voulez en Corée là, tous les Coréens qu’elle voyait lui disaient, dire merci à votre grands-père.

(My grandchildren, especially [INDICATING SON-OF-LAW] her daughter was impressed by a fact that I was held so much in respect by the Korean people. All the Korean she met there asks her, “Please tell your grandfather we thank him.”)

I:         특히 이제 손녀가 한국에 가서 돌아온 다음에, (Especially, his granddaughter, came back from Korea,)

V:       C’est cette reconnaissance vous voyez


qui est profond, profond qu’on perçoit rentre dans…

(This recognition, I received it in my heart most profoundly.)

Int.:    얘기해 준 것 중 하나가, 한국에서 한국 사람들이 프랑스 돌아가면은 할아버지한테 정말 감사하다고 말씀을 전해드려라 그런 말을 수도 없이 했다고 합니다. 그 말을 이제 손녀딸에게서 전해들었을 때, 너무 기뻤다고요. 인정, 한국사람들의 감사하는 마음이

(His granddaughter told him that there were so many Koreans who asked her to convey their thanks to her grandfather. He was really pleased by such recognition from the Korean people.)


느껴져서 좋았다고요.

I:         그러면 이제 다시 그 전투, 참전했던 걸로 돌아가서 질문을 드리겠는데요, 그 당시에 소속과 계급을 좀 말해 주십시오.

(To return to your war experience, please tell us what your unit and grade was.)

Int.:       On revient peut-être sur le début et vous vous souvenez de votre section, de votre unité quand vous étiez ? Vous pouvez nous dire?

(To return to your war experience, please tell us what your unit, and what your grade was.)

V:         3e compagnie.

(It’s the 3rd company.)

Int.:       3e compagnie?

(3rd company?)

V:         Oui. Du bataillon français de l’ONU.

(Yes, the 3rd company of the Franch battallion of the U.N.)

Int.:    UN 프랑스 대대의


제 3중대 랍니다.

(It was the 3rd company of the French battallion of the U.N.)

I:       그리고 계급은?

(What was your grade?)

Int.:       Votre grade?

(What was your grade?)

V:         Là-bas. Caporal. [RIRE]


Int.:    상병입니다.

(He was corporal.)

I:         특기가 무엇이었나요? 지금 제가 보니까 기관총 사진이 있는데, 기관총 사수셨나요?

(What was your specialty? I’ve seen in this house a photo you hold a machine gun. Were you machine gun shooter?)

Int.:       Vous étiez, en fait, vous maniez la mitrailleuse ? (Were you a machine gunner?)

V:         Comment? (Excuse-me?)

Int.:       Mitrailleuse ? On voit une photo derrière vous. Quellel était


votre spécialité ?

(Were you a machine gunner? We see a photo behind you in which you hold a machine gun. What was your specialty?)

V:         Mon poste de combat.

(The picture was taken in my trench.)

Int.:    저게 본인이 지키고 있던 참호.

(It was taken in his trench.)

V:         Devant il y a eu No Mans Land qui nous séparait des Chinois.

(In front of that trench there was No Man’s Land which separated us from the Chinese.)

Int.:    바로 앞에는 이제 중국군들이 있었다고 합니다.

(In front of him there were the Chinese.)

Int.:       Vos spécialités, dans l’armée, c’était quoi?

(What was your specialty?)

V:         Ah bah moi j’étais dans la là-bas en Corée dans la section de combat.

(I was a combatant.)

Int.:    그냥 전투부대라고 말씀하십니다.

(He was a combatant.)

V:         Si vous voulez, j’ai participé à toutes les montées


du bataillon quoi.

(I joined all the battles we had been.)

Int.:    모든 전투에 참가하는 전투부대 소속입니다. 전투병.

(Such combatants as he participated in all kinds of battle.)

V:         Je faisais partie dans une section, on faisait de patrouille tout ça quoi.

(I belonged to a platoon which scouted much.)

Int.:    정찰임무가 굉장히 많았고요. (He belonged to a platoon which scouted much.)

V:         Si on a été bombardé souvent parce que là j’ai pas fait la guerre de mouvement j’ai fait la guerre de position. Par là, il y a des mouvements marquants, si vous voulez, comme le 6 octobre en 52 il y a une très grosse bataille si vous avez entendu parler et…

(We were horribly bombarded because tactically speaking we had been doing the positional warfare rather than the maneuver warfare. Of course, even in such a periode, there were significant maneuver like a battle held on October 6 in ’52. You may have heard about it.)


mais moi j’ai j’étais présent, si vous voulez, sur le front je n’ai jamais été au contact. C’est le hasard que ça s’est passé à droit, passé à gauche. Au contact, les ovus quoi.

(While I was on the frontline, we had never been in a full contact with the enemy troops. It was a mere chance whether we would engage with the enemy on the right side or on the left side. By the way, we were always in contact with the enemy’s artillery attacks.)

Int.:    그 폭탄 투하라든지 그런,…. 상황은 많이 겪었지만, 직접 적군과 교전하는 그런 경우는 거의 없었습니다.

(Although there were many artillery attacks, he rarely engaged with the enemy troops.)


I:         그러면, 그, 한국에서 참전 하실 때, 근무하실 때, 가장 어려운 거 뭐 어려운 점이 여러 개가 있었겠지만, 가장 어려운 거 하나를 들으라고 한다면 뭘 말씀해 주시겠어요?

(You must have undergone all sorts of hardships during the war. What was the most difficult one?)

Int.:       Durant votre séjour en Corée qu’est-ce qui était le plus difficile pour vous dans tous les sens, qu’est-ce qui était le plus difficile ?

(During your participation in the Korean War, what was the most difficult thing you have ever experienced? What was the most difficult thing?)

V:         Plus difficile…Lorsqu’on a grosse bataille le 6 octobre 52.


Nous, on était au milieu du dispositif face à No Man’s Land. Et quand les Chinois venaient nous attaquer on avait déjà des renseignements. On savait qu’ils allaient attaquer. Mais on ne savait pas quand. On était arrivé depuis quelques jours et puis le matin de très bonne heure, ça a commencé, on a commencé à bombarder.

(The most difficult one was…the battle on the 6th October 1952. We were in the middle of the disposal in front of No Man’s Land. We already had information that the Chinese might have attacked us. We knew they were about to attack us, but we didn’t know exactly when. We had been prepared since some days, and then, in an early morning, it started: they began to bombard.)


C’est là qu’on s’est dit qu’ils vont arriver quoi. Mais ils ont attaqué sur toutes les ailes. On avait d’autres compagnies sur la gauche, il y avait la première compagnie renforcée d’Américains puis de Coréens, peut-être je sais pas, mais sur la droite j’avais une compagnie à nous. Et ensuite quand ils ont attaqué tout le front sur…

(Things seemed to go on as we had thought of. But they attacked our two flanks at once. On the frontline, there were many companies: in left flank, there were the 1st company of the U.S. and another company which may have been the Korean. In right flank, there were our company and another Korean company. The enemy attempted to attack the entire frontline all at once.

01:03 :30

Ça fait sur la droite, il y avait les Coréens, les unités coréennes. Chinois attaquait les ailes, eux et nous. Nous on était au milieu. Et…le bombardement l’a suivi, comme tous les mois, beaucoup de… qu’est-ce que je veux dire. Alors là on a été envoyé en patrouille de reconnaissance sous un tir américain c’est un tir de barrage.


Là, c’est explosé partout.

(They attacked first in right flank, that is to say, the Korean company and us; out of them, we were rather in the middle. The bombardements were followed as had been usual since several months, but this time so much more. Amid the explosion, we sent scouts units under the U.S. troops’ covering fire. The explosion held everywhere.)

Int.:    52년 10월 6일 전투를 지금 말씀하시는데요. 중공군 공격이 임박하다는 그런 정보를 이미 받았다고 합니다. 그래서 이제, 그, 전투가 있을 걸 기다리고 있는데, 아주 이른 새벽부터 아주 공격이 시작됐는데, 그때 프랑스군은 중간에, 그 다음에 한국군은 오른쪽에 미군을 왼쪽에

(For him, the most difficult one was the battle of the 6th October 1952. They already had information that the Chinese were about to attack them, so they had been prepared since some days. The enemy began to bombard in an early morning. On the front line, the 1st company of the U.S. occupied the left flank, and the Korean company the right flank. The French company was at the middle of the front.)


이렇게 배치하고 있었는데, 중공군이 이렇게 양 옆에서, 옆구리에서 이제 공격을 하기 시작했답니다. 그래서 굉장히 많이 포탄이 쏟아지고, 그때 이제 정찰을 해야 되는 상황이었는데, 그때도 아주 많은 포탄 속에서 이렇게 정찰한 것을 기억합니다.

(The Chinese attacked two flanks at once. Furthernore, the bombardements were much fiercer than they had been since several months. Being under such heavy fires, the French battalion had to scout the enemy’s movements under the American troops’ covering.)

V:         On était envoyé en patrouille sous le tir pour voir si c’est le chinois. Mais parce qu’il y avait un grand No Mans Land devant nous, les Chinois ils ont attaqué une autre unité


qui était sur notre droite. C’était la première compagnie et là ils ont fait 44 morts.

(We sent scouts to verify whether or not it was the Chinese. Because No Man’s Land was in front of us, the Chinese should have sought another target; they attacked the units in left flank. They made a dash at the 1st company of the U.S. The fourty-four American soldiers were killed there.)

Int.:    이 때 44명의 전사자가 있었던 것으로 기억합니다. 그래서 이 정찰했던 것은 바로 앞이 노맨스랜드였기 때문에 그래서 이제 정찰을 하는 거였는데 중공군은 옆구리 쪽에서 이렇게 치고 들어가서 이제 공격을 한 것이죠.

(In that battle, the fourty-four soldiers attached to the 1st company of the U.S. were killed. Because No Mans Land was in front of the French company, they could perform scouting. Instead, the Chinese attempted to attack other units which were in flank.)

V:         Puis nous, dans la patrouille


dont je faisais partie, on est, normalement on aurait pas dû sortir parce que les Américains semaient des tirs de barrage à l’époque. Ça explosait partout. Nous, on s’est trouvé au-dessous. Mais personne n’est blessé rien du tout, pour voir que les Chinois sont arrivés, mais n’ont pas vu de ce côté-là.

(Rushing scout to which I myself belonged, our company were not able to come out recklessly because the U.S. troops were doing coverfing fire and explosion held everywhere. Therefore, we were all in hiding below. Fortunately nobody was killed or wouded in our company. We saw the Chinese rushing upon us. But those who were in flank were not able to see this.)

Int.:    그래서 그때 이제, 정찰 할 때 미군 이제 경호사격 같은 것들도 이제 하고 그랬었는데, 그래서 이제, 그,


충분히 이제 부상을 당할 수 있는 그런 상황이었음에도 불구하고 다행히 부상을 당하지 않았다고요.

(The French company toke charge of the scout mission under the U.S. troops’ coverfing fire. Fortunately, in his company, nobody was killed or wouded contrary to the other companies in flank.)

V:         Pendant ce temps-là les autres ont été attaqués par les Chinois.

(While we were scouting, the other companies, in flank, were under attack.)

Int.:    그렇지만, 옆구리 쪽에서 공격을 받은 다른 그 부대들은 또 이렇게 사상자를 이렇게 많이 냈습니다.

(The other companies which were in flank saw many deads and injuries.)

I:         그게, Heart-Break Ridge 전투였나요?

(Was that the battle of Heartbreak Ridge?)

Int.:    에…그…

(The name of the battle you are describing is…)

I:         전투 이름이… (What’s the name of the battle?)

Int.:       Le…


La bataille dont vous parlez là tout de suite que c’était en octobre, 6 octobre 52. Est-ce que c’est la bataille Crève-cœur?

(The battle you are describing was held on October 6 1952. Is this the battle of Heartbreak Ridge?)

V:         Non. Non.

(No, it isn’t.)

Int.:       C’est pas ça?


V:         Crève-cœur, c’est bien avant.

(The battle of Heartbreak Ridge was held way ahead.)

Int.:       Oui. Alors, le nom de cette bataille?

(So, what is the name of the battle?)

V:         Regardez ma mémoire. Là, c’est marqué…Là, c’est là qui est marqué.

(Let’s look at my memoir over there. That is written in it.)


—————-changement de scène——–01:07:10

I:         그래서 역사 시간에도 배운 적도 없었고, 그냥 할아버지를 통해서 알았는데, 한국을 가 보고 난 다음에 할아버지가 싸운 전쟁에 대한 생각이 바뀌었나요? 바뀌었다면 어떻게 바뀌었는지?

(You must have got some ideas about Korea and the Korean War from your grandfather, even if you have never been taught about Korea in your school. So, once you came back from Korea, did you find any ideas to modify?)

Int.:       Donc une fois, une fois après avoir visité la Corée,


est-ce que votre image sur la Corée a changé par rapport à l’image que vous aviez à travers les histoires racontée par votre grand-père ?

(Having experienced Korea personally, isn’t there any ideas to be revised among those which you conceived under the influence of your grandfather’s story?)

Granddaughter of Veteran: Bah… j’ai plus découvert la Corée donc j’en suis plus donc oui elle a un peu changé.

(Well, I was able to discover Korea for the first time in my life. So, some ideas have changed in me.)

Int.:       Quel est ce changement? Plus concrètement?

(What did change concretely?)

Granddaughter of Veteran: Bah. Déjà, je, j’ai découvert que quand même la Corée était plus riche que ce que je pouvais


penser. Parce que c’est vrai qu’on la compare un peu avec la Chine et un peu avec les pays qui sont autour. Je pensais peut-être ce pays n’est pas aussi riche, aussi développé. En fait on se rend compte qu’en tout cas Séoul est extrêmement développé, beaucoup plus riche, pays bien développé.

(Well, I discovered that Korea is a country wealthier than I imagined. We used to compare it with China or the other countries around her. I had thought that Korea wouldn’t be developed that high and rich that much. I realized with surprise Seoul is a city extremely developed and much richer than I imagined. Koreas was really one of the well developed country.)

Int.:    가기 전에 생각했던 것보다 한국이, 물론 이제 뭐 굉장히 경제적으로 발전했다고


알고 있었지만은, 이 정도로, 이제 서울 같은 경우는 이 정도를 발전했을, 부유할 거라는 생각은 하지 못했답니다. 근데 일단 와서 보니까 굉장히 많이 발전하고 아주 부유한 곳이라는 것을, 지역이라는 것을 알 수 있었습니다.

(She has thought that Korea would be a moderately developed country comparable to the nearby countries such as China. However, she didn’t think that Korea was really a country which is that rich and developed that far. She realized that Korea is a really wealthy country whose cities are very highly developed.)

I:         그래서 할아버지에 대한 생각이 좀 바뀌었나요?

(Did some idea on your own grandfather change as well?)

Int.:       Est-ce qu’il y a un changement enfin je sais pas est-ce qu’on peut dire votre pensée, votre sentiment par rapport à votre grand-père ?

(Is there any change on your view or impression regarding your grandfather?)


C’est un peu bizarre ? 질문이 조금…

(The question is a little misleading. So…)

I:         할아버지에 대한 생각이 바뀐 게 있나요? 그 한국을 가 보고 나서 한국을 보기 전에 알았던 할아버지와, 한국을 가서 보고 난 다음에 할아버지 가졌던 생각에 변화가 있었나요?

(Does anything occur to your point of view toward your grandfather? After you have experienced Korea, is there anything changed in your point of view toward your own grandfather?)

Int.:       Si j’ai bien compris sa question, est-ce que votre pensée vis-à-vis de votre grand-père a changé une fois,


une fois après avoir…

(If I understood well. After you have experienced Korea, is there anything changed in your thinking toward your own grandfather?)

Granddaughter of Veteran: Qu’est ce que je pense sur mon grand-père après avoir vu la Corée ?

(What do I think about my grandfather after coming back from Korea?)

Int.:       Oui.


Granddaughter of veteran: Pas spécialement. Si c’est quand même un petit peu, j’ai pu voir un petit peu j’ai pu voir ce qu’il avait fait là-bas comment ça s’était passé j’ai pu apprendre plus que c’était la guerre de Corée et donc plus qu’il ont vécu qu’ils avaient vécu là-bas.

(Not especially. If any, it’s just minor. I knew a little bit more about what he had done and how it came to happen. I could learn more about what it really was like the Korean War, and these made me better understand than before what they had experienced there.)

Int.:    할아버지가 그 한국전에서 어떻게 하셨을까라는 것을


좀 더 상상할 수 있었다는 차원에서, 예, 좀 달려진 면이 있다고 할 수 있겠습니다.

(She came to know more about what he had done there and how it happened. These things make her better understand what he would have been experienced there.)

I:         그래서, 저, 선생님한테 손녀딸이 얘기하는 거를 너무 이쁘게 보고 계신데 기분이 어떠세요, 이렇게 얘기를, 본인이 싸운 한국 전쟁과 한국에 대해서 얘기하는 손녀딸을 보면서 느끼는 기분이 어떠세요?

(So now Mr Terol, you are listening to your granddaughter’s story about Korea, and the Korena War you joined. What about your feeling?)

Int.:       Alors maintenant M. Tetol, vous écoutez votre petite-fille raconter son vécu par rapport à la Corée, alors qu’est-ce que vous en pensez ?

(So now Mr Terol, you are listening to your granddaughter’s story about Korea, and the Korena War you joined. What about your feeling?)


V:         J’en pense que du bien. Pour elle, ça a été une découverte, si vous voulez. Elle connaît votre pays à partir du moment où… votre pays à la base. Donc, je leur donne l’état d’esprit de découverte dans le monde quoi. Elle vit ce monde-là.

(I think it’s great. For her, it was one of the discoveries, if you like. My chilredn know your country from the bottom. I turned them over an adventurous mind to prepare for a discovery of the world they’re living.)


Dont vous faite partie également…

(Of course, you’re living in it as well.)

Int.:    젊은이로서, 지금 현재를 살고 있는 젊은이로서 지금의 한국을 이렇게 경험하게 하는 게 참 기쁘다고 생각하십니다.

(He is pleased with giving them an opportunity to discover a reality of the world in which we’re altogether living.)

I:         당신이 그 때 그 나라를 지켜 주고 싸워서 지금 당신의 손녀가 한국을 아주 인조이하고 있다고 말씀해 주세요.

(It’s thanks to you, who fought in the Korean War, that your grandchildren have fun with their stay in Korea.)

Int.:       Puisque vous avez participé à la guerre de Corée, vos petits-enfants


peuvent aujourd’hui visiter, s’amuser de leur séjour en Corée, grâce à vous.

(It’s thanks to you, who fought in the Korean War, that your grandchildren have fun with their stay in Korea.)

V:         Voilà. C’est ça.

(That’s right.)

I:         우리 페비안 씨는…



Int.:       Non, non. Allez-y.

V:         [RIRE] Ah…moi, comme j’ai un sentiment très fort par rapport à mon séjour en Corée pour les Coréens, depuis longtemps si vous voulez, depuis mes enfants maintenant ils arrivent


les arrières petits iront aussi si la Corée continue à faire de même.

(Uh… since for a long time I have in mind an intense feeling that starting from my stay in Korea I came into close tie with the Korean people. I am so grateful that this tie could be linked together to my children as well.)

Int.:    한국에서, 한국과 가졌던 그런 감정적인 어떤 그런 경험이. [TELEPHONE RINGS] 이렇게 손자들한테까지 전해 줄 수 있어서 굉장히 기쁩니다.

(He is so grateful that the tie he has formed with Korea for a long time could be linked together up to his children as well.)

I:         마지막으로, 한국을 방문했던 것에 대해서 더 하고 싶은 얘기가 있으세요?

(Fabienne, do you still have any story of your visit in Korea?)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous avez des choses à ajouter par rapport à


votre visite?

(Fabienne, do you still have anything to tell about your visit in Korea?)

Granddaughter of veteran: Oui. Moi ce qui m’a vraiment le plus plu d’aller là-bas c’est de voir tous les pays réunis devant le message de paix que ça, ça amenait et de vraiment découvrir des gens de tous les pays et ça c’était vraiment super. Et j’ai… je suis restée en contact avec des Coréens qui étaient super gentils et on se parle toujours maintenant. Et d’ailleurs ils sont venus me voir en France.

(Yes. What really pleased me was to have met the people from all over the world who have come together under the flag of peace. This occasion brought me to get acquainted with many people from all over the world, and it was a really great experience. I still keep in touch with a number of Koreans who were then really nice to me. What is more, they have been to France to see me.)

Int.:       C’est vrai?


Granddaughter of veteran : Oui. Ils ont dormi chez moi et tout c’était très sympa.

(Yes. They stayed at our home, and everything was very nice.)

Int.:    그, 평화캠프 중에서 아주 좋았던 것 중에 하나가, 그…


방문 동안 세계 여러 나라의 청년들은 같이 만날 수 있었다는 것이 너무 너무 좋았고, 그 다음에 다 같이 이제 평화의 메시지를 같이 만들 수 있다는 것에 대해서 좋았고, 그때 한국 친구들 많이 알고 있었는데 그때 너무 친해져서, 그 친구들이 여기 와서 집에, 프랑스에 와서 자기 집에서 자기도 했답니다.

(Above all, she was really pleased to have been able to meet the people from all over the world who gathered under the flag of peace. She kept in touch with a number of Korean friends whom she got acquainted with then. What is more, they came to see her in France, and stayed at her home.)

I:                          Very good. Thank you very much.

Granddaughter of veteran: You’re welcome.

—————-changement de scene———————-

Int.:       Votre nom et puis épelez votre nom et puis votre rapport?

(What is your name? And what is your relationship with Mr Terol.)

Daughter Christine:          Je m’appelle Christine Mehl.

(My name is Christine Mehl.)


M.E.H.L. Et mon nom de jeune fille, c’est Terol parce que je suis la fille de Monsieur Terol Robert.

(M E H L. Before the marriage, I had been called Terol because he is my father.)

I:         따님이시고. 아버님으로부터 한국 전쟁에 대해서 얘기를 들어보신 적이 있나요? 들어보신 적이 있다면 어떤 얘기를 하시던가요?

(You are daughter of the veteran. Have you ever heard of the Korean War from your father? If any, what story was it?)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous avez déjà entendu parler de la guerre de Corée?

(Have you ever heard of the Korean War from your father?)

Daughter Christine:          Ah oui. [RIRE]

(Of course, yes.)

Int.:       De quoi il vous a parlé ?

(Of what has he talked to?)


Plus concrètement.

(To put it concretely?)

Daughter Christine:          De tout ce dont il vous a parlé tout à l’heure. La permission au Japon aussi, le voyage en bateau, la façon dont il était vécu la guerre de Corée en France, son retour en France où les anciens du bataillon étaient considérés comme des têtes brûlées. Donc…


personne n’en voulait.

(It’s about everything he has told us previously today: the leave to Japan; the trip by ship; and how he was treated in France. To speak of the latter, people considered each veteran came back from the Korean War no more than an enthusiast for wars. So, nobody wanted them.)

Int.:    모든 얘기를 들었습니다. 예를 들어서, 지금까지 인터뷰 내내 나왔던 얘기뿐만 아니라, 뭐 아버지의 그 일본 휴가라든지 한국전 중에. 그 다음에 이제 그 마르세유에서 한국 전에 참전하러 갈 때 선박에 승선했던 내용이라든지 그 다음에 당시에 한국전에 참전한 병사들을 굉장히 안 좋게


여기 프랑스 내에서 평가가 있었는데, 이제 그런 얘기라던지, 나중에 한국전 끝나고 어떻게 프랑스에 오셨는지 그런 모든 얘기를 들었습니다.

(She heard of everything we have heard today: the leave to Japan, the trip by ship, and the dealing of the veterans in France. Returned to France, people considered the Korean War veterans no more than an enthusiast for wars. So, nobody wanted them.)

I:         한국에 대해서 혹시 학교에서 공부 하실 때 배우신 적이 있나요?

(Have you learnt about Korea in your school days?)

Int.:       Quand vous étiez élève vous-même, est-ce que vous avez appris sur la Corée ?

(Have you learnt about Korea in your school days?)

Daughter Christine:          Ah oui. Je me souviens que en terminale on avait quand on étudiait l’histoire du monde on avait parlé de la guerre de Corée. Mais pas tellement de l’implication


française qui finalement n’était pas très très importante. Mais la guerre de Corée oui, parce que dans l’équilibre des blocs communistes et occidentaux. C’était. On en avait parlé.

(Well, yes. I remember we had talked about the Korean War when I toke a lesson in world history in my final year. But it wasn’t so much in detail to touch on the matter like the involvement of French army. It was considered to be not so important. With regard to the Korean War itself, yes, I’ve learnt of it when we’ve spoken of the balance of the Western bloc and of the opposing communist bloc. We had talked about it.)

Int.:    고 3 때, 세계의 역사, 세계사를 배우는 시간 때 한국전에 대해서 간단하게 이제 배웠지만, 그렇지만 프랑스대대의 어떤 그 참전에 대해서 아직, 깊게


듣지는 못했습니다.

(She remembers that she had talked about the Korean War when she toke a lesson in world history in her high school. But it wasn’t so much in detail to touch on such a subject like the involvement of French army in that war.)

I:         그래서, 아, 지금 저기 조카도 한국에 갔다 와서, 아빠가 싸운 그 전쟁의 결과로 한국이 발전한 것을 알게 됐는데, 그 한국 전쟁에 대해서 어떻게 생각하세요?

(Your niece went to Korea as we’ve talked about it earlier. She knew that it’s thanks to your father’s sacrifice that Korea was able to obtain such a development. In that context, what do you think about the Korean War?)

Int.:       Donc même votre nièce est allée en Corée comme on avait parlé tout à l’heure, alors qu’est-ce que vous en pensez, du changement du pays enfin depuis l’époque de la guerre Corée


et la Corée aujourd’hui ?

(As we’ve just talked about it, your niece saw the current Korea. What do you think about the change above mentioned?)

Daughter Christine:          Ce serait pas moi de le dire. Je pense que c’est plus aux Coréens de dire si, si, vraiment… Quand on voit l’état de la Corée du Nord, on se dit quand même que c’était bien qu’il y ait eu une intervention pour la Corée du Sud puisqu’elle continue à exister. Et peut-être que votre pays va se réunir aussi.

(I don’t think it is a question given to me, but I think rather the Korean people have to answer their own question. Whenever you compare yourself with North Korea, you would say that it was so much lucky to have had aids without which it couldn’t have lasted. And some day you two countries will come together.)

Int.:    아. 한국인 스스로 더 이제, 그 변화된 상황을 얘기할 수 있을 것 같은데요,


북한의 현실을 보더라도 북한과 지금 남한의 차이가 얼마나 큰 지 볼 수 있기 때문에, 그 사실로 만도 어떤 그 차이점을 알 수 있을 것 같습니다.

(She thinks that it would be rather the Korean people who have to answer their own question: what all these changes mean? For it’s obviously a change that South Korea could lead while North Korea wasn’t.)

I:         지금 병원에서 일하고 계시는 걸로 제가 들었는데, 아버님이 전쟁후에 한 번도 한국에 가 보신 적이 없어요. 같이 모시고 갈 의향이 있으세요?

(We heard that you work at the hospital. Your father has never been to Korea since than. Why don’t you take him back to Korea in company with you?)

Int.:       On a entendu dire que vous faites partie du


corps médical…[Je suis infirmière, pas médicale] votre père n’est jamais retourné encore est-ce que vous auriez envie de l’emmener en Corée ?

(We heard that you work at the hospital. [I’m a nurse, not a doctor.] Your father hasn’t been to Korea as yet from that time on. Why don’t you take him back to Korea in company with you?)

Daughter Christine:          Nous lui avons proposé. Il dit que c’est trop loin. Ça fait déjà 5,6 ans que nous en avions parlé déjà à l’époque.

(We’ve already proposed to him, but his answer was that it’s too far. It has been already five or six years that we talked about it.)

Int.:    이미 5년 6년 전부터 이렇게 동행 하겠다고 말씀드렸지만, 너무 멀어서


당신이 좀 힘들어 하십니다.

(It has been five or six years that we propose him a trip to Korea in company with us. However, he always refused by saying it’s too far.)

I:         알겠습니다. 혹시 또 다른, 아버지가 싸운 전쟁에 대해서 하실 말씀이 있으신가요?

(Do you have anything to add regarding the Korean War?)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous avez des choses à ajouter par rapport à la guerre de Corée à laquelle votre père a participé ?

(Do you have anything to add about the Korean War in which your father toke part?)

Daughter of veteran:        Non, non. C’est surtout… il nous parlait aussi de comment était vécue la guerre de Corée en France. Il y avait beaucoup d’opposants qui étaient


contre. Voilà, le fait qu’il a été changé de régiment parce que ce régiment ne voulait pas d’anciens coréens et c’est là que tu t’es retrouvé dans le régiment de ton, de la personne que tu as connue qui s’est marié et à ce mariage il a connu maman.

(No, no particularly. But I want to notice one little detail. My father used to tell us how the Korean War was, mostly illy, evaluated in France. There were so many opponents against it. That’s why he was subjected to a regiment change so frequently. The regiment to which he was attached after the war didn’t welcome him, so he got transferred to this or that regiment. And it was in a wedding ceremony of his colleague soldier he had newly acquainted with that my father met my mother.)

Int.:       Ah, d’accord.

(Oh, really?)

Daughter Christine:          Comme ça que la guerre de Corée était à l’origine de ce…

(So it was that the Korean War became the origin of our whole family.)

Int.:    좀전에, 그, 어떻게 사모님을 만나게 됐나,


어머님을 만나게 됐나 그 얘기가 직결 될 수 있는데, 아버님께서 그 프랑스 내에서 한국전 참전 그 부대 용사들에게 좀 안 좋은 시선을 많이 줬대요. 군대 내에서 조차도 이들을 따돌리는 차별대우를 한 것으로 들었답니다. 근데 그런 과정에서, 그래서 아버님이 한 연대에 속해야 되는데 그 연대를 바꿔주는 과정에서 지금의 어머니를 만나시게


됐다고 그렇게 얘기를 하네요.

(She has told a story how his father met his mother. At that time, the veterans of the Koran War had to endure a very bad reputation even among the army. They were subjected to a frequent regiment changing, because the reorganized regiment didn’t want to live under the same roof with the old veterans from the Korean War. Therefore, they got transferred to another regiment frequently. But it was in a wedding ceremony of his colleague soldier he newly acquainted with that my father met my mother.)

V:         Tu m’as dit un jour que tu étais fiere que j’ai été…

(She said one day to be proud of my engagement in the Korean War.)

Daughter Christine:          Ah mais oui. Pour défendre une idée de la liberté.

(Yes, of course. I’m proud of your devotion to fight for the freedom.)

V:         Elle était fière que je sois allé en Corée.

(She is proud of my engagement in the Korean War.)

Int.:    아 그리고 언젠가 따님께서 아버지한테 말씀하기를, 아빠가, 아버지가, 그, 한국전에 참전해서 굉장히 자랑스럽다, 그렇게 얘기를 했답니다.

(One day, she said to be so proud of his father’s engagement in the Korean War to fight for the freedom.)


I:         감사합니다. 이번에는 가족분 전부 뒤로 이렇게 서가지고, 사진 한 장 찍고, 한마디씩만 하고 끝내겠습니다.

Int.:       On va terminer peut-être avec une photo de famille.

(We will close this interview by taking a picture with all the family members gathered today.)

——————changement de scène—————-01:20:16

I:         이쪽 뒷분부터 성함을 말씀해 주시고 관계를 말씀해 주십시오.

Int.:       Est-ce que vous pouvez me présenter votre nom et puis votre rapport avec M. Terol ?

(In clockwise order, please let us know what your name is, and then how you are related to Mr Terol?)

Son-in-law Pascal:           D’accord. En français ?

(OK. In French?)


Int.:       En Français.

(Yes, in French.)

Son-in-law Pascal:           Moi, je suis Pascal, mari de Michelle, le père de Fabienne le gendre de Robert et le père d’Emmanuel également.

(My name is Pascal Couvin, the husband of Michelle, the father of Fabienne and Emmanuel, and finally the son-in-law of Robert Terol.)

I:         이분하고 관계가 어떻게 되신다고요?

(How are you related to Mr Terol?)

Int.:    사위.

(He is one of his son-in-laws.)

I:         사위세요? 어. 그 다음에?

(Ah, his son-in-law. And then.)

Daughter Michelle:          Moi je m’appelle Michelle, Michelle Couvin dont je suis la fille de mon papa donc je suis la dernière. On était sept.

(My name is Michelle, Michelle Couvin, the youngest daughter of my father.)


Int.:    칠남매 중에서 막내 딸입니다.

(She is the youngest out of seven sons and daughters of Mr Terol.)

I:          Fabienne, you are the daughter of those parents.

(Fabienne, you are the daughter of Pascal and Michelle Couvin. And next?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       Moi, c’est Emmanuel, suis son frère. Donc du coup bah le fils de ces deux personnes et le petit fils de Robert.

(My name is Emmanuel, Fabienne’s brother, the son of these two and the grandson of Robert.)

I:          And ? Obviously.

(And? Obviously.)

Son-in-law Didier:           Didier Mehl, je suis le mari de Christine et je suis le beau-fils de Robert.

(My name is Didier Mehl, the husband of Christine, the son-in-law of Robert.)

I:          And daughter. So. It is great to


have the whole familly get together, not whole family but it’s still few family for your grandfather and father. Could you tell me about, do you have any message to him about the Korean War, and do you have any message about Korea?

(It is great to have the whole familly get together; even though it’s not the entire family but still a small portion of it for Mr Terol, your grandfather and father. Do you have any message to leave regarding the Korean War or Korea?)

Int.:       Est-ce que vous avez quelque chose à dire…

(Do you have any message to leave?)

Son-in-law Pascal:           [Speech in Engligh] Yes. I understood. No. Everything sorry. I’d prepared nothing.

(Me? I’m sorry but I’m not prepared.)

I:          [LAUGHS] Please say some.



Son-in-law Pascal:           [Speech in English] If I had a big surprise… I don’t know.

(I’m not sure whether I had a big surprise for you.)

I:         따님은?

(What about you Michelle?)

Int.:       Et vous? Vous avez quelque chose à dire sur la Corée ou bien sur la Guerre de Corée enfin, sur votre père ?

(What about you Michelle? Do you have something to add about Korea or the Korean War, or about your father?)

Daughter Michelle:          Moi, je surtout je suis fière que mon père ait participé à cette guerre et puis surtout je suis fière que votre pays ait bien voulu que ses petits-enfants


puissent aller au camp de la paix.

(I am proud that my father took part in this war. And I appreciate your country to have kindly welcomed his grandchildren to the peace camp.)

Int.:    두 가지를 말씀드리겠는데, 아버지께서 한국전에 참전하신 걸 굉장히 자랑스럽게 생각하고, 한국이 후손들을 평화캠프에 초청한 것에 대해서 너무 감사드립니다.

(She is proud that her father took part in the Korean War, and furthermore, appreciates Korea to have welcomed his niece to the peace camp.)

I:         한국에 대해서 뭐 다른 거 알고 계신거 있나요? 한국 것, 음식이나, 한국 노래나 이런거 좋아하시는거 있으세요?

(Do you know anything else about Korea, for instance the Korea food, the Korean pupular song, or things like those?)

Int.:       Vous connaissez via vos enfants la musique


enfin la culture coréenne quelque chose, vous connaissez un petit peu ?

(You must have known already the Korean pupular song in virtue of your children, no?)

V:         Mm… Parler jeune, si vous voulez, à la télé des fois, je…soir….

(In regard of the youth of Korea, I’ve seen on TV one night…)

I:         따님에게 물었는데…

(I asked to your daughter…)

Int.:       Il a posé la question à votre fille, pas…

(Sorry, but he asked to your daughter, not you.)


Daughter Michelle:          Je connais un petit peu, oui, par mes enfants surtout au niveau musique.

(I know a little bit the Korean popular music through my children.)

Granddaughter Fabienne:  Elle a dit BTS.

(She has mentioned BTS.)

I:          BTS.


Daughter Michelle:          Voilà.

(That’ right.)


I:          You like BTS?

(You like BTS?)

Daughter Michelle:          [LAUGHS] Je suis un peu trop vieille pour ça.

(I’m too old to go crazy like teenagers.)

Int.:    BTS를 좋아하기에는 너무 늙었습니다.

(She says to be too old to go crazy like teenagers.)

Daughter Michelle:          Plus pour les jeunes.

(It’s only for the young people.)

I:          I don’t know why people like BTS. [ALL LAUGH] You like BTS right?

(I don’t know why people like BTS. Fabienne, you like BTS, right?)

Granddaughter Fabienne:  Parce que, no.


I:          What about you?

(What about you?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       Not really.

(No no particularly.)

I:          Not really? You are exceptional. Do you have message for your grandfather? (Not particularly? You are exceptional. Do you have message for your grandfather?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       I’ve got anything (maybe nothing) to say. Sorry.

(I have nothing to say. Sorry.)


I:          So. Are you going to Korea next year?

(So. Are you going to Korea next year?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       Yes I’ll go.

(Yes I’ll go.)

I:          Are you excited?

(Are you excited?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       Yes it does.

(Yes I am.)

I:          Are you styuding a little bit about Korea?

(Are you styuding a little bit about Korea?)

Grandson Emmanuel:       I don’t think so.

(I think that I’m not.)

Granddaughter Fabienne: Il a dit non.

(He said he isn’t styuding Korea.)

I:          This is great. Anything you want to add to this interview?

(Okay. Anything you want to add to this interview?)

Son-in-law Didier:           Et ben, moi je vous remercie d’avoir prêté attention


à mon beau-père parce que revenir sur cette histoire ça fait partie d’une partie de sa vie. Vous qui avez l’obligence de venir en France pour le rencontrer, ça fait aussi partie de votre histoire et son intervention vous a permis à vous de construire évidemment votre pays de prospérer comme il est actuellement.

(Well, I thank you for paying attention to my father-in-law because looking back upon the stories we’ve heard today from him does form an inseparable part of his life. You would be likewise; that you’ve obliged to come to France to meet him will probably form a part of your own history of life, a certain part of which must have been benefited from the participation of people like my father-in-law who allowed the Korean people to rebuild and to prosper their country like today.)


Donc j’apprécie cette démarche, d’autant plus que Robert va évidemment son esprit aventurier vous a permis d’en arriver là.

(Therefore I so appreciate your interview that Robert’s adventurous spirit has in the long run allowed you to be here.)

Int.:    여기까지, 그, 테롤씨를 만나기 위해서 이렇게 여기까지 오시는 것에 대해서 굉장히 감사를 드리도요, 이런, 그, 테롤 씨의 모험정신이 아마 우리의 이런 모험 정신까지 연결시켜 준 것이 아닌가 싶습니다. 그리고 이제 모험정신으로


한국이 계속 이렇게 발전에 나가기를 희망합니다.

(He thanks you very much for coming from far to meet his father-in-law, Mr Terol. It’s probably his adventurous spirit that allowed you and them to be tied up each other. He hopes that, with the same spirit of adventure, Korea will keep advancing as she could so far.)

I:         감사합니다. 아. 선생님께 굉장히 어려운 책무를 드리겠습니다. 이 모든 인터뷰를 선생님이 마치셔야 합니다. 뭐라고 하시겠습니까?

(Thank you. Lastly I ask you a very difficult task. All of the interviews must be closed by the veteran’s own closing words. What would be yours?)

Int.:       Alors maintenant, vous avez une grande responsabilité pour conclure cette interview. Alors quel est votre dernier mot de cette interview?

(So now you have a great responsibility to conclude this interview with your own last words. What would be your last word at the end of his interview?)

V:         Ben. Mon dernier mot,


le dernier mot, c’est…disons je perçois ça comme un quelque chose, si vous voulez, comme une continuation de ma présence en Corée parce que jamais j’aurais pensé que 50 ans après ou plus, disons que j’étais là-bas pour être, si vous voulez, une aiguille parmi d’autres. Et finalement


ça a fondé ma vie, la vie de ma famille parce que je leur parle souvent. Ma fois, je vous remercie d’être venu et d’avoir laissé un souvenir supplémentaire si vous voulez à votre, à votre pays à vous.

(Well, my last word is this. All the while this interview goes on, I have been feeling as if my presence in Korea is revived. When I was in Korea as one needle among many, I never thought that I would recall that time so much as I used to do for over fifty years. As I’ve spoken earlier, it laid a foundation for my life and for my family. Thank you for coming and letting me have another good memory of your country.)

Int.:    오늘의 이 자리가 마치 그 한 거의 70년 전체, 지금 50년이라고 말씀하셨지만, 그 전에


한국에서의 생활을 다시 계속 연장시키는 거 같은 느낌을 받았습니다. 그래서 이렇게 그때의 그 감정을 이렇게 되돌이킬 수 있게끔 이렇게 이런 기회를 허락해 주신 것에 대해서 감사를 드립니다.

(All the while this interview goes, he has been feeling as if his presence in Korea was livelily restored. When he was in Korea as one needle among many, he never thought that he would recall that time so much as he used to do for over fifty years. He thanks you for coming and letting him have another good memory of Korea.)

I:         저희가 오히려 더 감사를 드리겠습니다. 한국 국민들을 대표해서 오래 전에 알지도 못하는 나라에 오셔서 싸워 주셔서 기회가 생겨서 우리가 나라를 크게 세웠는데, 우리 한국 사람들은 그 때의 그 고마움을


아직도 간직할 거고 잊지 않을 겁니다. 감사합니다.

(We thank you instead. On behalf of the Korean people, we thank you for having fought for a country you had known before. We sincerely thank you for having given to us an opportunity to rebuild our country. The Korean people will never forget the gratitude for your sacrifice. Thank you.)

Int.:       C’est nous qui vous remercions plutôt parce que vous êtes venu dans un pays que vous connaissez même pas juste pour, justement vous avez parlé de certains humanismes tout à l’heure. Donc, Corée telle qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Donc c’est nous qui vous remercions d’être venu.

(We thank you instead, because you decided to fight for a country you had known before from a humanistic motive as you’ve told previously. Therefore, it’s we, the Korean people, who should thank you for having fought for us, and given to us an opportunity to rebuild our country. Thank you.)


I:          Bye-bye.


Familly: Bye-bye.



[End of Recorded Material]