Korean War Legacy Project

Ray Green


Ray Green was deployed to fight in the Korean War in 1952.  He was able to visit his wife, Dody Green, while on leave.  He worked with the Republic of Korea (ROK), South Korean soldiers while fighting in Korea.  Notable men he worked with while serving in Korea were Hock Yong Kim and Kim Woo Ki.  He worked his way up to colonel during the war, and returned from Korea in 1953.


Ray Green with His Wife, Dody in 1953

Ray Green was deployed to fight in the Korean War in 1952. This photo was taken of Ray Green and his wife, Dody Green, during his weekend pass in 1953.

Ray Green with His Wife, Dody in 1953

Colonel Ray Green

Ray Green was part of the 9th Infantry Division and the 60th Infantry Regiment. He was deployed to fight in the Korean War in 1952.  He was a colonel in the United States Army.

Colonel Ray Green

Ray Green with the ROK Soldiers

Ray Green fought with Republic of Korea (ROK) soldiers during the Korean War. He was deployed to fight in the Korean War in 1952.  Notable men he worked with while serving in Korea were Hock Yong Kim and Kim Woo Ki.

Ray Green with the ROK Soldiers

A picture of Koji Island in May or June of 1953.

A picture of Koji Island in May or June of 1953.

"Through these portals pass the best damn mortarmen in Korea." Taken in the 160th Regiment- H Company Area after the cease fire in 1953.

Celebrating Ray's promotion to becoming Sergeant. Taken in November of 1953.

Celebrating Ray's promotion to becoming Sergeant. Taken in November of 1953.

From L to R: Hock Yong Kim, Ray Green, Kim Woo Ki.

From L to R: Hock Yong Kim, Ray Green, Kim Woo Ki.

A KATUSA smiling in his military uniform.

A KATUSA smiling in his military uniform.

Soldiers cleaning up after Christmas dinner in 1953.

Soldiers cleaning up after Christmas dinner in 1953.

The 160th Infantry Regiment- H Company in rotation- return to DMZ after ceasefire. Taken in 1953-1954.

The 160th Infantry Regiment- H Company in rotation- return to DMZ after ceasefire. Taken in 1953-1954.