Josephine D. Abreu
Josephine “Joyce” Abreu was born on September 6, 1932. She decided to enlist in the United States Air Force due to her ineligibility as too young to join the Navy at age eighteen. Because of her proficiency at typing, she was assigned as a typist/clerical worker at the Pentagon. She discusses meeting Presidents Truman and Eisenhower as well as their wives. She served as a secretary at very high profile meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President, and other high ranking officials. Upon marrying, she left the Air Force but continued serving her country as a military wife.
Video Clips
Basic Training and Initial Thoughts About the United States Air Force
Josephine Abreu recalls arriving at basic training in San Antonio, Texas. She shares how, due to a surgery when she arrived, she was the last person of her group to receive orders. She describes some of the rules in the barracks regarding dress and cleanliness and the consequence of missing dances if they violated the rules. She admits that she looked forward to dances when she was marching or going to school.
Working for the Pentagon and the Korean War
Josephine describes receiving orders for shipment to Japan, which she was happy about. She shares that her commander, however, decided to send her to the Pentagon to work for the Director of Intelligence as a typist. She recalls typing up intelligence reports as well as the papers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She discusses typing up histories of the war which, in turn, meant she had detailed knowledge of what was taking place.
The Pentagon During the Korean War
Josephine Abreu discusses the environment at the Pentagon during the Korean War. She describes her role in meetings of the "Watch Committee" which was a predecessor to the National Security Council. She explains how she would hand out agendas, pencils, and type the minutes after meetings. She admits that the meetings were always exciting. She notes her role required her to have a very high clearance level, and she recalls being told she could not discuss what she did there for ten years.