Korean War Legacy Project

Ibrahim Gulek


Ibrahim Gulek served in the Turkish army as an infantryman during the Korean War, specializing as a sniper. He was one of eight children born in Edine, Turkey. He enlisted in the Turkish military in 1952 and left for Korea in 1953. In Korea, he was one of few Turkish soldiers who could read and write. He became a teacher for other Turkish soldiers to help them learn Turkish. During the Korean War, he served along the Nevada Complex and at Sandbag Castle.

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Desperation of the South Koreans

Ibrahim Gulek described the people of South Korea. South Korea was war-torn. The people were desperate. He described South Koreans as having no clothes and constantly begging for food. The conditions were heartbreaking. He and his fellow soldiers gave food to the people in need.

Tags: Incheon,Seoul,Civilians,Cold winters,Food,Living conditions,Poverty,South Koreans

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Sandbag Castle

Ibrahim Gulek described the conditions at Sandbag Castle. War had stopped briefly due to a ceasefire, while negotiations were occurring. However, the enemy attacked without warning. There was about two months of constant warfare in close combat. He was a sniper and told to fire at a certain location where the enemy was located. He claimed soldiers were told to consume alcohol as a ploy to not fear death.

Tags: Panmunjeom,Communists,Fear,Front lines,Physical destruction

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Down Time

Ibrahim Gulek described what soldiers did when the Armistice was signed. Many Turkish soldiers could not read or write. He was one of the few who could and taught other soldiers basic literacy. He also participated in theater style plays. Finally, he described a tug-or-war competition with American soldiers which they won despite being smaller than the Americans.

Tags: Panmunjeom,Living conditions,Pride,Rest and Relaxation (R&R)

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