Korean War Legacy Project

Felix DelGiudice


Felix DelGiudice volunteered for the US Marine Corps  in 1947 as a machine gunner.  As a Sergeant in the Korean War, he participated in the Inchon Landing, Seoul takeover, and the Chosin Reservoir.  During Felix DelGiudice’s time as a Marine, he earned the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and Silver Star.  While in Korea he developed strong bonds with his fellow Marines. He explains how important Tootsie Rolls became especially in the freezing cold winters. He remembers getting injured shortly after the Inchon Landing and the struggles of the Chosin Reservoir. He and his peers are proud of their service and thankful for their friendships.

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Tootsie Rolls

Felix DelGiudice and his peers recall how important Tootsie Rolls were to them during the war. They explained how they were able to warm them up inside the soldiers' coat since they would often freeze in the weather. The Tootsie Rolls were not only a treat, but they were used for other purposes as well.

Tags: 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 11/27-12/13,Cold winters,Food,Front lines,Living conditions

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Freezing Cold Weather

Felix DelGiudice explains how cold it really got to be in Korea, with one night being 42 degrees below zero. This impacted their guns, the machinery, and even their bodily functions. While he says that its not something people like to talk about, it was the reality of their living conditions.

Tags: 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 11/27-12/13,Cold winters,Front lines,Living conditions

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Inchon Landing and Seoul Recapture

Felix DelGiudice participated in the Inchon Landing on September 15th and then fought the North Koreans during the Seoul recapture along with his 1st Marines Battalion. He remembers getting injured shortly after arriving in Korea. He also explains that Seoul was covered with sandbags, blown railroad tracks, and exploded glass domes from the railroad station.

Tags: 1950 Incheon Landing, 9/15-9/19,1950 Seoul Recapture, 9/22-9/25,Incheon,Seoul,Front lines,North Koreans,Physical destruction

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Battle at the Chosin Reservoir

Felix DelGiudice and his battalion describes how their battalion was ambushed and fourteen people were killed. He explains how the units were divided and argues that the General was in too much of a hurry. He remembers how much of a struggle the units had during that time.

Tags: 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 11/27-12/13,Chinese,Cold winters,Front lines,Physical destruction

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