Korean War Legacy Project

Darold Galloway


Darold Galloway was born on February 26, 1935 in Logan, Utah. After high school in Salt Lake City, he enlisted in the United States Navy in March 1952. He attended basic training in San Diego, California before being sent to Pearl Harbor and assigned to the USS Fletcher (DD-445) on which he served as an engine room throttleman. During his time on ship, he took part of several battles. After the war, he returned to the United States and today lives in Utah.

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Fighting on the USS Fletcher

Darold Galloway talks about the mission of the USS Fletcher. He describes the destroyer's mission as an escort of other ships to Korea and it's mission once it arrived in Wonsan, as a decoy and recovery vessel.

Tags: Wonsan,Front lines,Weapons

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Daily Life on the USS Fletcher

Darold Galloway talks about daily life on the USS Fletcher (DD-445). He describes the weapons systems and number of men on board. He also talks about food, living quarters, and the duty schedule.

Tags: Food,Living conditions,Weapons

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Mission of the USS Fletcher

Darold Galloway talks about the ongoing mission of the USS Fletcher during the ship's involvement in the Korean War. He describes drawing fire from enemy artillery and heading out to sea to rendezvous with naval ships that had greater artillery range.

Tags: Wonsan,Fear,Front lines,North Koreans,Weapons

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Video Transcript

[Beginning of Transcribed Material]


D:        My name is Darold Galloway.  And I was born February 26, 1935.  And that was up in Logan, Utah.

I:          Um hm.

D:        I have, well I did have five siblings.  Two of them have passed away already. And the one brother, I was born on his birthday.  And he was three years older than me.

I:          Um hm.



D:        And he passed away a little before we went to South Korea last year.  And he was looking forward to going to South Korea with us.  And I have another sister that is about 85 years old, and I have a brother that’s, he’s in his 80’s, and he’s in the Veterans’ Hospital or the Veterans’ Home right now out in Ivans.



I:          What veteran, Korean War veteran or World War II?
D:        World, well, it was Korea.  He spent some time up in Alaska during the Korean War.

I:          So, he is the Korean War era veteran, right?
D:        Yes.  And my one brother that passed away.

I:          Um hm.

D:        He spent many months over in Korea.

I:          What is your kid brother’s name?



D:        Wesley

I:          Um hm.

D:        Galloway.

I:          Um hm.  How about your younger brother who spent a month in Korea?
D:        Well, he spent more than a month.

I:          Yeah, right.  Months.

D:        He, I am three years younger than what he was.

I:          What’s his name?
D:        Gerald.
I:          Gerald.

D:        GERALD.

I:          Um hm.  So, there are three Korean War veterans in principle from your family.

D:        Yes.



I:          Ah.  I never heard of it before.  So, what school did you go through in Logan, Utah?
D:        Logan, from grade school up until the fifth grade.

I:          Uh huh.

D:        Then my mother and I moved to Salt Lake.  My father had passed away back in 1945.  And I lived with my mother until



I went in the Service in 1952.

I:          When did you graduate high school?
D:        I went to East High in Salt Lake City.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And then I gave up high school and went to a trade tech school.

I:          Trade tech?
D:        Trade, and I learned how to weld.  It was very interesting.  But as time went by, I figured it was hard on my eyes.

I:          Uh huh.



D:        So, right after I gave up that school, I decided to join the Navy.  And I was too young to go into the Service.  So, when I turned 17, I had to have permission from my mother.

I:          What year was it?  You were 17 in

D:        Nineteen fifty-two.

I:          Fifty-two.

D:        And

I:          You were 17.

D:        Seventeen.



I:          So, you got permission from your mom.

D:        Yes.

I:          So, did you enlist or were you drafted?

D:        I enlisted.

I:          Why?
D:        Well, some of my friends went into the Service when they were 18.

I:          Um.
D:        And I didn’t want to be the last one left at home.  So, I decided to join, and I had no idea where I was gonna go as soon as I was enlisted in the Navy.



I:          So, when the Korean War broke out June 25 of 1950, you were working as a welder, or were you in the trade tech school?
D:        Ah, let’s see.  Trade tech was up until early 1952 I believe.

I:          Uh huh, okay.  So, you were in the trade tech when the Korean War broke out.

D:        Oh, yes.



I:          How did you know the breakout of the Korean War?  Did you hear from radio or people talked about it?
D:        I think from the newspaper.

I:          Can you recall the moment that you learned?
D:        Well, now that was 60 some years ago.  And if you look at me real close, you can tell that my memory is starting to fade on me.

I:          Did you know anything about Korea around 1950’s?  Did you learn anything from high school or any school?


D:        No, not really.  So, I really did not know much about it until I was shipped overseas.

I:          What did you know about Asia?  What country did you know?

D:        Well, Russia and China.  And basically, that was about it.

I:          Hm.

D:        But I recall in high school,



We did not learn anything about Asia.  And it was more or less the local area of the United States, the geography of the United States.

I:          Um hm.  You said you enlisted to the Navy, right?
D:        Yes.

I:          Why Navy, not Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard?  There are many.  But why did you choose Navy?

D:        Well, I heard among the grapevine



that the Navy gets the gravy, and the Army gets the beans.  So, I decided to go after the gravy.  Well, I always liked water, like going out on the lake boating and water skiing.  And I figured maybe I’d have a chance to water ski behind a big ship.  But it didn’t turn out that way.

I:          You’re thinking about



water skiing in the military Navy, in the Korean War?

D:        No.

I:          Do you remember the month of 1952 when you enlisted?

D:        I think it was March.
I:          March.  So, please tell me about where did you go to receive the basic military training.

D:        San Diego.

I:          Um.

D:        And I spent,



I think it was about two weeks there.  Then we had orders to report to Pearl Harbor.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And I flew over there on an airplane.  And I boarded the ship.  And right from the ship, just days later, we went right to Korea because I think that we were needed over there at the time.



I:          So, you just have two weeks of basic military training, and then you were assigned to Korea right away?
D:        I was assigned to a destroyer that was in Pearl Harbor.  And then soon as we boarded the ship, then we went right to Korea.

I:          Tell me about what kind of training did you receive from San Diego?

D:        Well, basically it was,



We learned how to take orders. You learned how to march.  You learned how to shoot a rifle.  And you knew how to run and hide under bushes and things like that.

I:          That’s it.

D:        Basically, yes.

I:          How did they treat you there while you were in boot camp?
D:        Well, it was a little different than going to school.  You had to follow strict orders from your commanding officer.



And we had to say yes, sir or no, sir all the time.  And it was good training.  It sort of grows you up as you’re progressing in your years.

I:          About Korea, while you were receiving basic military training or were you on the way to Pearl Harbor and put into the destroyer, did you hear anything about what your mission would be about Korea?



D:        No. I had no idea that they were going to assign me to a ship.  I figured by going to Pearl Harbor, maybe I would have seniority.  I had no idea until we got aboard the ship.

I:          Tell me about that destroyer.  What was the name of the destroyer?

D:        USS Fletcher.

I:          USS

D:        Fletcher.

I:          Uh huh.

D:        It was the flagship of the destroyer fleet.



I:          Um hm.

D:        And the number was 445.  And the operation of that ship was out of Pearl Harbor.

I:          Could you tell me about the ship, how big and how many sailors were there, and what kind of facilities, where did you sleep, what kind of food did you eat and so on.  Please tell me about it because young kids really are curious about those things.


D:        Well, the Fletcher was sort of an old ship.  It was called a tin can.  And the ships that they have are so modernized.  And there was about approximately 200 sailors on the ship there.  And we had 5” gun mounts.

I:          Um hm.



D:        And several 3” guns.  And we had, I think they were called hedgehogs where they would have like a canister loaded with explosives that they would shoot up out into the water.

I:          Um hm.

D:        If there was any submarines, enemy submarines.  And we had two sets of torpedo



tubes.  And the food was not the best.  One time, we had some chicken that was packaged in 1941.

I:          Really?
D:        And from that time on, after I got out of the Service, many years later I have a hard time liking



chicken. And there were times when we about ran out of food.  We had to break open the emergency rations.  And they were not good.

I:          What was your favorite C-ration?  Remember?
D:        Potatoes, I guess.

I:          And tell me about your sleeping quarters.  How big was it, and how was it? Was it a hammock or what?

D:        It



was a stiffened hammock.  And there was about three layers.  When I first got aboard the ship, I was on the bottom bunk.  That’s what it’s called.  And then there was one above me.  And then there was one up on top.  And when we were in Korea, we had a rotation of four hours duty and four hours off.



When we were on duty, we were in our war, our helmets and our fighting gear in case we ran into trouble.  And when you’re four hours off duty, you’d be trying to sleep in your bunk.



And one thing that brings to my mind when you’re trying to sleep when you’re really tired, when it’s time for the new shift to take over, and if the person in the middle or the top bunk, when they get out of their bunk, they would hit my bunk and jar me, and that makes you mad.  There were times that I saw some bloody fights.

I:          Um hm.



D:        And it wasn’t very fun.

I:          Um hm.

D:        This one other time, one guy was sleeping on the top bunk, and there was a little fan going, and he got his toe caught in the fan.

I:          Do you remember when you left for Korea?  It must be around May.

D:        Around April or May, along in there somewhere.

I:          Um hm.  You went to Korea, right?
D:        Yes, right to Korea.



I:          Up to that point, did you hear anything about Korea, what you are supposed to do, any background information about Korea?
D:        No, nothing at all.  I didn’t even know what ship I was going to be on until I arrived over there.  And when they picked us up at the airport, there was several, I guess you’d call them Staff Sergeants.  They would say okay.  You go over there.



And you go over there.  And that’s the first time that I found out I was gonna be assigned to a ship.

I:          Hm.

D:        And when I got to the ship, it was big.

I:          The Fletcher, right?
D:        The Fletcher.

I:          Yeah.  Hm.

D:        And I spent two years on The Fletcher.  And I recall we went to Japan first to replenish our supplies.



The fuel oil and ammunition and food.  And right after that, we went right to Korea because we were needed there.  And when we arrived in Korea, I think all of us aboard the ship were very nervous cause we had no idea what was gonna take place.

I:          But you knew that you were headed to Korea.



D:        Soon as we got on the ship, yes.

I:          What did they tell you about it?

D:        Well, you might see some sad things.  And you might not come back.  And that made me nervous.  So as soon as we got into Korea, I started smoking because I think that relaxed myself at the time.  But after the War, I stopped smoking.



When we got to Korea, well as we were going, my ship escorted a battleship, the USS Missouri.  And also, we escorted a cruiser, a heavy cruiser and an aircraft carrier.

I:          Um hm.

D:        Now, I forget the names of the carriers and the cruisers.  But the battleship was the New Jersey.



And we ran a screen for them, side by side, so if there was any enemy submarines in the area, we would pick them up, then we would take care of them.  And we did not have any of those problems at all until after the Korean War.  And I can tell you a little story about the submarine.

I:          What sea did you go? West?



Was it West?

D:        East.

I:          East Sea.

D:        The East Sea.  I’ve been to the Wonsan Harbor area.  Are you familiar with that area?
I:          Sure.

D:        And when we got there, we traded off with our sister ships. When we first got there that we went partially into Wonsan Harbor to draw fire from the enemy.



I:          Um hm.

D:        And as soon as they started shooting back at us, we would shoot towards them.  And we hurried out and got behind the battleship New Jersey.  And then they opened fire with their 16” guns.  And I think they were able to shoot 37 miles.  And with those 16” guns, each shell weighed I think about a ton.



Then behind the shell would have powder bags that would propel the shell.  And as you can see on the picture, one of the pictures that I have, the fire that comes out of one of the guns, it actually moved the battleship sideways.  And you could see that in the water.  And it was very awesome.  And we


got word that the North Koreans were moving down the Coast into South Korea.  And the Chinese joined them.  And to this day, I have regrets of helping to kill other people.

I:          How fat was it from the Coastline where the Fletcher was?

D:        We were very close.

I:          How?
D:        I would say probably a couple of hundred yards or so.

I:          So that became the target of North Korean bombing.

D:        Yes.  Now with the aircraft carriers, they flew reconnaissance planes over to get the bearings of the troops moving South.  And as we were around the aircraft carrier,



I forget the name of it, some of the pilots could not pick up enough air speed, and they would wind up in the ocean.  And there was two times that we picked up two different pilots from the planes.

I:          That just couple hundred yards from North Korean artillery must have been very dangerous to all the crew men there.



D:        Oh, yes.

I:          Please tell me about the typical day of your battle and the moment that you were really in danger.

D:        Well, the big ships were out of range at the time.
I:          Right.

D:        And I think the reason for that, they didn’t want to be shot at at first.  So, they sent our ship in to draw fire.


And to find out where their gun implements were so we could fire at them.  Then the big ships, the cruisers and the battleships pick up their bearings.  And then they would cut loose.

I:          Were there any dangerous, meaning North Korean bombing was so near to you so that you had to do something or, tell me about those.



D:        Oh yes.  They would fire at us, and that’s when we turned around and went farther out to sea to get behind the battleship because they had all the big armament.  And their range was so much greater than our guns could shoot.  But they were shooting at us after they saw us going into the Harbor.


And I think they set us up as guinea pigs to draw the fire to find out where their gun implements were.  And it wasn’t very happy.

I:          Must be.  Anybody wounded or killed during the action?
D:        No, not on my ship.  They did not hit us at all.

I:          Not at all.
D:        And I don’t think our other task force were shot at at all.



Now I remember that out at sea farther there was a ship, the hospital ship. I think it was the Repose.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And of course, they took a lot of wounded service people from South Korea to help them out.



I:          Um hm.  Were you wounded in any way during your service?
D:        No.  I think just my mind was wounded.  Well, I knew what was going on in World War II.  But Korea, I had no idea really what’s going on. I didn’t even know where Korea was located.  And there we got into Japan to refuel,



And we spent I think a couple weeks in Korea.  And then we had to leave, and our three other sister ships took over.  And our ship went back to Japan to reload our ammunition and refuel and the food supply.

I:          And then come back.
D:        Yes.  And we went back again.  And night and day just with our guns,


We were shooting at different areas of North Korea cause they were launching the planes from the carriers to find out where they were marching.  We knew that they were marching south in South Korea.  And I think if it wasn’t for the American military and some of the other foreign countries,



That the Communists would have ran the South Koreans right out to sea.  It was a shame that that War had to take place and be in basically the same nation, North and South. I can’t figure out to this day why they can’t get along.  We knew that we were able to go up to the DMZ, the demilitarized zone.



And I told my children where we were going, and they told me dad, don’t get brave.  Don’t, don’t’ act up.  Because in a way, I wanted to go and meet the North Korean President and give him a piece of my mind after what went on in Korea.  But I wasn’t allowed.  I had to keep my mouth shut when we



stepped foot into North Korea.

I:          If you were given a chance to meet with him, what were you intending to talk about?
D:        Tell him war is not gonna gain you anything.  It will only gain you destruction and a lot of casualties and a lot of death.  Now, if I recall during the Korean War, there was, I guess, over a million



North Koreans and Chines lost their lives there.  And I don’t remember how many South Koreans lost their lives.  And my understanding is there at the cemetery in South Korea that there is not one American body buried there.  And there was just literally thousands of graves.



And it was sad to see that large cemetery with so many people.

I:          Yeah.  Two million Korean people were wounded and killed.

D:        Two million.

I:          Yeah.  Fifty-six thousand American soldiers were killed, missing and still missing in action, wounded and were POWs.  So, it’s uncomfortable.



D:        Yes.
I:          This War after the World War.  So, let’s go a little bit more about your service.  Did you see any enemy aircraft?
D:        No.

I:          I just want to confirm.  I know that there were not real airports in North Korea at the time.  You mentioned about submarines, right?

D:        Yes.  That was after the Korean War.  Do you want me to

I:          Yeah.



D:        Okay.  Right after the War, my ship was assigned to the Kwajalein Islands.  That was in the South Pacific.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And the reason why we went there is to patrol the area because they were going to have atomic testing down there.  And besides the one atomic bomb that they detonated, they set off the hydrogen bomb.

I:          Um hm.


And we were all concerned after we saw the atomic bomb, what it would do.

I:          You saw it?

D:        Yes. I witnessed both blasts.  And my ship was approximately 20 miles away from.

I:          Just 20 miles?
D:        From dead center.  Well, approximately.  And right before the detonation, they had us



close our eyes, turn our back, and shield our eyes after the initial blast.  Then we were able to turn around and witness it.  And

I:          Tell me about it.  How was it?
D:        It was awesome.  And I can just imagine when they dropped an atomic bomb in Japan what they went through. But to see this mushroom



cloud going hundreds of miles an hour up into the stratosphere, it was awesome.  And right after the blast, you saw the flash.  Then many seconds later you felt the blast itself.  And it naturally rocked the ship.  And they had other ships in the area that were



at ground zero that they were testing to see what would happen to the ships.  Nobody was on those ships.  And the one ship floated over to this one island, and we pulled Liberty on that island.  And I actually went aboard that ship.  It was all burned out.  But it was a memory



of what a blast could do.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And I hope and pray that there will not be another atomic war.  And that’s what I’m concerned about North Korea.

I:          Um hm.
D:        And I think the North Korean President needs to be talked to.  There was a lot of disruption in 1950 – 1953.  And we hate to see



that happen again.  And all it would take for the military of North Korea Is to pull the trigger.  And my understanding is they have an atomic bomb.  And it’s that area, they’re very improvised, very sad.  And I don’t know why, the military, can’t understand.  Look what South Korea has done.


When Sunni Lee sent us over there, I was very amazed how that country has grown up.  Even though I did not see Korea during the War at all.  But I could just imagine from pictures that I saw.  And it’s a beautiful, beautiful area.

I:          When did you finish your service in Korea?

D:        Okay.  That was 1953


that we were behind the battleship New Jersey, and we saw the last shell being lobbed.  And after that, the truce took place.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And after that, we went into, I think, Yokosuka, Japan.  And then I transferred after my two years on the destroyer,



and I was transferred to a landing craft utility down in Sasebo, Japan.  And the rest of the two years, I spent down there on the landing craft utility ship.  We would go out and unload the big ships that came into Japan from Korea.  And I spent time on that.  Then



I transferred over to a tugboat.  And that was good duty.

I:          Um.  Why?

D:        Why?  We didn’t have to work so hard.

I:          After three years of service in Korea.

D:        Yeah.

I:          Yeah, you deserved it.

D:        And I did not go to the United States at all in the four years during the service.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And a funny part after I was discharged out of the Navy



I:          When?
D:        Nineteen fifty-six.

I:          Um hm.

D:        That was in March.

I:          Yeah.

D:        And after my discharge, I called my older brother that lived up in the Los Angeles area and told him that I’ll be waiting for him at the gate and come pick me up to take me to his home.

I:          Um hm.

D:        Los Ángeles.



I waited on sitting on my sea bag at the main gate four or five hours.

I:          Um hm.

D:        And he had forgotten to pick me up.  And to this day, I don’t have real close ties to my older brother.

I:          Wesley?
D:        Wesley.  But we go out and visit him.  He’s at the Veterans’ home there in Ivans.

I:          So,



that’s another demonstration of American people and citizens at the time really didn’t pay any attention to Korean War.

D:        That’s right. After I got home, I don’t remember if anybody congratulated me or they were glad to see me at home.   Some of those people, I think they were happy to get rid of me.  So, don’t laugh.  I think it’s true.



I:          What was the fort name that you were waiting for four and five hours?

D:        San Diego.

I:          Isn’t it amazing during the War American system guaranteed this mail exchange system between soldier and the family and friends and especially the ship.

D:        Well, we did receive mail occasionally, not too often because we were out at sea so long.



The only time we really received any mail is when we either went back to Pearl Harbor or back to Japan to refuel.

I:          Oh, so no letter or nothing delivered onto the ship in the sea.

D:        No.  Some of those big ships had shore duty aboard the ships.  They had Marines that took care of the higher officers.



And they had movies every night.  And they had more freedom.

I:          Tell me about those recreational activities that you had if you had any in the Fletcher.  What were you doing?
D:        Well,

I:          While you’re not firing?

D:        Feeling sorry for ourselves I think.  And occasionally we, for myself,



I wrote a letter to my mother.  And I don’t think I wrote any letters to my siblings at all cause I had no idea where they were living.

I:          What did you write about to your mom?
D:        Of the situation, being over in Korea.  Now when we went to Aniweta, our mail was censored because they,



If a foreign enemy got ahold of our mail, they could find out what was gonna take place.  And I forgot to mention when we were in Aniweta that our ship picked up an enemy submarine.  And we chased him out of the area.  We did not launch any of our, I think they’re called Hedgehogs that shoots up into the air and down into the ocean.



I:          What was your rank?
D:        I was a Petty Officer Third Class, Engineman.  My duty was down in the engine room where it was hot, almost, at least eight hours a day.  And I operated the throttles.  And the engine that I was operating was on the starboard side.  And there was another engine room



on, above us that handled the port side.

I:          How much were you paid?  Remember?
D:        Very little.  Now that brings up another deal.  When I was stationed in Japan, there were many of the soldiers during payday, they would go ashore and spend all their money.  And I saw a way



to, I could make some money here.  I loaned money out to these other people, and they paid me a dollar for every five, two dollars for every ten.  And I made enough money from that that after I got out of the Navy, I was able to buy a fairly new car.  It was two years old.

I:          What a businessman



you are.
D:        Yeah.  But they made a law that you couldn’t do that after I got out of the Navy.

I:          After, right?

D:        Otherwise, my face would be in the Post Office.

I:          So, you don’t remember how much you were paid, about $89, $100?

D:        I don’t remember the pay. It was very little.  I would assume it was one hundred and something dollars a month.

I:          Any other story that you want to add



to this interview about your service, especially the battle activities and dangerous moments that you had to go through and so on?

D:        Well, basically the only regret I really have of being over there is how many people that we annihilated.  And I hope that when I meet our maker, that He will have mercy on



me for killing people, even though I did not see the people that were killed.
I:          What do you think about the legacy of the Korean War and Korean War veterans?

D:        That’s really hard to answer that question.  I think there was about 200 of us veterans that Sunni



had us go with her.  And we got to know several of those veterans.  Just to listen to their experience that they had.  And a lot of them were hand-to-hand battles.  They actually met the enemy fact-to-face.  And I did not go through that at all.  And I thank God that I didn’t have that opportunity.


And my heart feels very low to the ones that had that trauma.  This was not my dress uniform.  We mostly wore a uniform like this during the day.  But if we went on liberty or we had important people coming to meet us, we were in more of a dress uniform.


And after I served on the ship, then I was able to put this insignia on.  And right towards the close of my Navy career, I was able to have a red stripe across here representing four years of my service.  Now, I was awarded, I think, four, the Peace Medal.



Now was that the three medals?
Female Voice:  That has one big one and then one small one for

D:        Okay.

Female Voice:  In the case.

D:        Okay.  Plus, I received three other big medals.  And as you can see on the display in the other room, that I do have a lot of ribbons and a lot of medals.  And each



ribbon and each medal, I cherish it.  And most of those medals came from the service in Korea.

I:          How do you like the book?
D:        It’s very interesting.

I:          Why?
D:        Well, it tells you about Korea.  And the pictures are beautiful.  And I think everybody should look at this.

I:          So, now you’re holding a book about the country you never knew



65 years ago, and now you’ve become the arduous supporter of Korea.
D:        Right.  They gave us the, well, we are the patriot ambassadors of Korea because we went over there.  Now, that doesn’t mean that I can go over there now and dictate, you know, like some ambassadors do.



But it gives me a good feeling that we participated in the growth of Korea.  And what is life about unless you get along with your neighbors, and that’s very important.  And you love your people.  In all, we have 17 grandkids and I think two or


three great, four great-grandkids.  And I hope that they can see this interview, so they have more knowledge of what took place in my younger years.

Female Voice #2:  Well, I’m Bonnie Galloway.

I:          Um hm.

Female Voice #2:  Married to this man for, it will be 66 years this June, next month.



I:          Wow.

Female Voice #2:  So, we have had a lot of experiences.  And you know this Korean War, for many, many years through our marriage, he has never mentioned.

I:          Why?  Why didn’t you mention?

Female Voice #2:  His experiences.  It’s just been, I know when our youngest was in high school, she had to do a paper on a veteran.  And so, she said dad, you were a veteran, weren’t you?  And so, she videotaped him with his



Korean War experiences.  And that’s really the first time the family ever asked anything about his War experiences.  And so, I think this is the way with a lot of these older veterans.  And so, I think this is such a wonderful, wonderful thing that you’re doing to let these veterans tell their experiences and let their posterity know what they have accomplished because seeing South Korea,


which is a beautiful, vibrant nation now.  And what it was before the Korean War, is just amazing.  It’s unbelievable.  And thanks to the, you know, to the Korean government, South Korean government after the War, they had flourished.  But thanks to our, the United Nations with the fighting, they were able to win over the War



and have the Armistice.  So, thank you for your service, dear.

D:        Thank you for being my wife.

I:          All the friends are here were listening.  Would you please introduce your name?

Male Voice #1:  Yeah.  My name is Bill Grainey.  We’ve known the Galloways for several years now.  We are very disappointed that they have their home up for sale because we’re hoping they don’t move out of our area.  And we miss them very much.  I mean, we love them very much,



and we appreciate what Darold has done for your country.

Female Voice #3:  I’m Dee Patterson.  And we’ve been friends for quite a while.  And it’s been really interesting to hear this story.  So, I’m glad you’re doing this.

I:          And?

Male Voice #2:  And I’m Jim Patterson. I belong to her.  And we very much treasure the friendship with the Galloways.  And as a veteran myself, I appreciate all that he has said here today.



I:          You told me you are a Viet Nam War veteran.

Male Voice #2:  I was drafted in 1961 and served for six years.

I:          Did Darold talk about his service to you before?
Male Voice #2:  Not very much.

Female Voice #4:  My name is Linda Short.  We’ve known the Galloways for several years also.  And Darold has taught me the difference between a boat and a ship.  I have not known a lot of the stuff about Darold.  So, this was so interesting and heart-warming.

Male Voice #3:  I’m Barry, Linda’s husband.



And again, everything these guys have said has been the truth.  However, I know a lot more about Darold than these guys do.  So, we won’t tell you about that.

I:          Please?

Female Voice #5:  My name is Lynn Brainy.  And I am Bill Grainey’s wife.  And I found this interview extremely emotional for me.  My father was a veteran of the Second World War in the Navy.



And because of that, he did not return.  And that’s a long story.  And so, listening to Darold was very emotional because I know that he possibly could not have returned.

Male Voice #4:  My name is Jerry Crawford.  And I’m an immediate neighbor of the Galloways.  Darold and I hit it off very early because I graduated in 1964 and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force.



And so, we had a lot in common, different wars but the same love of our country and the loyalty that we felt needed to be served by young adults.  The thing I’ve learned about Mr. Galloway is his love of his country.  And it’s a tender item cause he’s shown me some of his things, and I’m inquisitive. I’m his favorite real estate broker of choice.  And so I get to go through the house a little differently than most other neighbors.



And he’s explained to me a number of things.  But it was difficult to get him to open up and to talk.

I:          Um hm.
Male Voice #4:  You could say that it was a tender moment, and that these were very cherished memories.  But I could see in his eyes as he’s expressed the sorrow for the number of lives that had to be sacrificed under the guise of freedom.  And he’s such a wonderful guy with such a big heart,



the kind of men that served our country.  My father served in World War II in the Army, and he did come back alive.  He will not talk or share any stories.  I discovered his trunk on one occasion in the garage when I was about 12.  And I wanted those items as a memento.  But my sweet mother decided to scrap that chapter in their history, and she threw all of that stuff away.  Little did she know that



I had stolen his military hat.  And so, that’s one of my prized possessions.

I:          So, this is your ship?

D:        Yes.

I:          Where are you?
D:        I think that’s me right there.  That’s the battleship New Jersey.

I:          Um.  Oh, that’s the battleship New Jersey?  So, you were behind them after you



D:        Yes.  We ran a screen on the side.  I did not operate with this one.  It was the New Jersey.  And it was identical.

I:          Um.  This one?
D:        That’s original.

I:          What?
D:        Fletcher.

I:          That’s the Fletcher, the ship you were in, right?

D:        Yes.  This mint



only made certain ships.  And that was all.

I:          Um hm.  And is this you?
D:        Yes.

I:          How old were you?

D:        I was about 19 there I believe.

I:          And this is you again?

D:        Yes.



I:          And is this the actual picture?



D:        That’s, uh,


we’re getting off the train to go to San Diego.  We took the train from Salt Lake to Los Angeles.

I:          What’s her name?
D:        Brittany.

I:          What’s she doing now?

D:        She’s going to school right now, the University, Brigham Young



I:          Encourage her to join the convention in Washington, D.C. okay?
D:        Yes.

I:          Thank you.