Korean War Legacy Project

Aristiois Zaxarioudakis


Aristiois Zaxarioudakis enlisted in the Greek Army in 1950. He grew up in Crete during the German occupation and remembers it as a challenging time for his family. When a commanding officer asked for volunteers to serve in Korea, he immediately volunteered because he knew the children of Korea would suffer during the war. He spent a year serving on the front lines near the 38th Parallel directing mortar fire to wherever he was ordered to do so. He was fortunate to be able to return to Korea in 2008 and see the progress the country has made since his service there.

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Volunteering to Save Korean Children

Aristiois Zaxarioudakis recalls the challenges of growing up during the German occupation of Crete during World War II. He shares that these memories drove him to volunteer to go to Korea where he knew the children would suffer during the war.

Tags: Civilians,Front lines,South Koreans

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Firing Mortars on the Front Line

Aristiois Zaxarioudakis shares that he arrived in Seoul in May 1952. After twenty days of preparation, his unit was sent to the 38th Parallel. Although he cannot recall the exact location, he explains that they were stationed near two hills and details his job as a mortar specialist in the Greek Army.

Tags: Seoul,Front lines,Weapons

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The Most Difficult Time

Aristiois Zaxarioudakis details the severe cold and snow as the most difficult part of his service in Korea. He explains at times it was so cold they needed to use dynamite to make holes in the ground.

Tags: Cold winters,Front lines

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Could Not Believe His Eyes

Aristiois Zaxarioudakis shares the amazement he experienced when he returned to Korea in 2008. He could not believe the progress the country had made since he left in 1953. He recalls hardly recognizing Seoul with all of its high buildings. He appears very humble about the role he played in the country's progress.

Tags: Modern Korea

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