October 12-15, 2017
Hilton Tuscany Resort, Orlando, Florida
Hosted by The Korean War Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Join educators and Asia scholars to learn more about the Korean War and its legacy. Participants will hear from top experts and develop inquiry-based instructional materials on related topics.
Conference Info
View schedule, hotel maps, speaker bios, and other useful information:
- LEARN about the Korean War and its legacy, North Korea, the comfort women issue, and Korea’s economic miracle.
- UNDERSTAND how inquiry can be implemented in your classroom.
- CREATE a resource on Korea or the Korean War you can use in your classroom.
Thank you for your interest in our Fall conference. Unfortunately registration is now full.
Note: All attendees must provide a $75 deposit to hold your room. Your check will be returned to you at the end of the conference. See the registration page for more details.