Somdee Musikawan
Somdee Musikawan served as part of the forces from Thailand during the Korean War. He joined the military while in his twenties and left for Korea as part of the second rotation in 1951. He arrived in Korea via Busan in 1951. He consistently shares the connection between the Korean people and the Thai soldiers serving during the war. He notes the connection as closer than that of foreign soldiers in large part because they were viewed as more similar to them than other foreign soldiers in the war.
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Arrival in Busan
Somdee Musikawan arrived in Korea as part of the second rotation in 1951. He shares his fear at the time of not knowing when he would die. He notes the special connection between the Korean people and the Thai soldiers. He offers details of the living conditions in Busan when he arrived.
English translations occur at 3:51, 8:00, and 11:45
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Relations Between the Korean People and Thai Soldiers
Somdee Musikawan describes the war as very severe. He ponders on how people who are like family could go to war with each other. In sharing his battle experiences, he explains the close relationship the Korean people had with Thai soldiers who they viewed as the "same" as them.
English translations begin at 18:38 and 21:14
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Suffering in Korea
Somdee Musikawan shares examples of the strong connections between the Korean people and the Thai soldiers. He recalls the living conditions and suffering that went on across the country as the war dragged on. He recounts sharing his own food with the children who came to him crying because they were hungry. He concludes by sharing his recollections of witnessing deaths among the Korean population.
English translations begin at 23:18 and 24:58
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